Is anyone testing stat clamp in old raids?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GalaxySniper, Aug 15, 2021.

  1. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I can careless about open wolds. I want to see what stat clamp look like in Duo four player and raids in test server.
    I would love to see some one do a video on it
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The stat clamp only applies to past On Duty content and open worlds, so yes it's being tested in old raids.
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  3. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Feedback being given in the Early End Game thread of Testing Feedback is about the Old Content. It might be more posts about their thoughts on dismissing Stat Clamping but there are posts given details on the feedback of Content from both Clamped and Upscaled toons during their testing
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  4. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    ty, didn't know u still play this game, u still upload videos?
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    What I'd find most interesting is hearing how a 'quickplay' entered group does in the clamped raids, but I was never able to get into one using that option(I have not gone back this week). Most if not all the posted raid results are from 'made' groups, which...according to the goal of the not who is supposed to be benefiting most from the change.

    Supposedly making all this old content available and relevant to people who cannot build an 8 man group, or have never run the content is the goal...and will be the true test when it hits live. Made groups are always better, especially when pulled from the limited players who play on test vs the whole PS4/PC community.
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  6. inferno Loyal Player

    It's kinda hard to get into queues of alerts and raids in the test. There are times with only 30 people on; so that's barely 3 raid groups. Most of the players are more interested testing the upscaled versions in Save the Universe. I don't know how to do video but I did make some posts in the end game section of test with some duos and alerts.

    My main experience in alerts: easily run by 3 DPS and a support. Probably even possible to do 4 DPS with proper shield, soder use and good knowledge of content and mechanics.

    I went into Oan Science Cells and LoA. Both are really easy to do. All four players were experienced with mechanics. I healed as a Boosted player and the other player's health barely dipped below 75%. The only challenge came for me when I asked them to NOT avoid Vice's AoE in Oan. That caused a rapid decline in health and definitely woke me up. I'd say bring support, follow the mechanics and everything should be fine even getting feats. To be honest (as a Clamped player) the solos, duos and alerts I have tested was barely a challenge, 85% of them didn't require drinking soders or even using shields.

    There are certain instances I want to try because I expect them to be outside of the norm of difficulty: DWFE, Bombshells, US and USE; most Elite versions and etc.
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  7. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    For me personally, being killed in 2-3 big weapon attacks by stray enemies is the primary challenge in most raids. I’ve been doing Atlantis elites inb4 the clamp so I have least have my Seahorse while the dust settles, and let me tell you, taking alert levels of damage from enemies made a HUGE difference in difficulty.

    We five manned Murk, which would have been unthinkable in normal at level. I didn’t once get blind sided by his charge, or the Sea Beast’s charge for that matter because I didn’t have to worry about something suddenly dropping aggro and murdering me. But I also couldn’t have soloed the raids. I’m hoping this is what a post clamp world will look like.
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  8. inferno Loyal Player

    I believe what you experienced is what's intended. If experienced players (by this I mean knowing and dodging kill mechanics) enter any of these clamped instances, it will not be the same "original" experience that we have experienced. This is the main reason why I had to adjust my judgment on difficulty levels on these while I was testing, IF I hadn't I would have rated most of them a "3" out of 10.

    This is why I am trying to convey: If you're DPS, you can't survive a group of 10 ads on your own, in an alert or raid. You can't Stand in Vice's AoE and have a party; If you're know the damage mechanics of a content and respect them and have support; you're golden.

    Now, If you really want a challenge in Old Content, the way it used to be. Look for those in the "Save the Universe" elite versions.
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  9. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Im mostly on Twitch nowadays streaming. Youtube I barely have time to edit. Im here and there. New Job and now a promotion takes a lot of my time away lol
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  10. Proxystar #Perception

    Haha, why are you getting killed by stray enemies? What's your tank doing? And why are you positioned anywhere near potential stray enemies :D
  11. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I was addicted to DWF and Bombshell when I was playing. Question, what are the raid setup now these days. How many DPS, Tanks, healers, and trolls should be in a successful raid?
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There's a few exceptions but the typical setup is 5-1-1-1 now.
  13. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    So pretty much the same in T7 days. Hows trolling. is it even closer to non existent or did the game make it more beneficial in raids
  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Controlling has two viable builds: power healing (traditional) and group buff (Claw of Aelkhund build). There are a few people on here that say controllers are not needed in raids and people are building groups without one but this isn't true.
  15. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    They’re not actually killing me most of the time, but they’re certainly trying hard enough to keep my attention on them and off of other things, like room mechanics. As for why, who knows? Sometimes there seems to be a significant gap between the enemies spawning and the tank taunting them, other times there’s so many enemies or they’re so far apart that the taunts don’t seem to hit them all.

    Point is, being tough enough that it took 5-6 enemies to pose an immediate threat to me rather than the 1-2 it usually requires made the instances feel much more manageable. Nothing was being soloed or oneshotted, mechanics were still popping and killing the unwary, but it was still a very different experience to being at level. If this is how the clamping turns out, then I’m not against it.
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  16. Wildcat Committed Player

    Devs are gonna change it back/turn off after it hits live.. trust me xD

    If not... we are probably will see a population drop

    Players hate being stats clamped
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Haha, sounds like your tank probably wants to pull a little quicker :D, but good stuff.
  18. Roocck Committed Player

    Very good point, this is why in my though it should be optional clamp or no clamp. Make your own group and want a challenge than to clamp.
  19. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Your clamped playing experienced is going to be strongly influenced by Stat Points, Artifact Levels, and other buffs. If you have everything leveled up/active, you are going to receive a substantial stat boost with the current PCTest clamping rules. If you are going in with just base stats, expect the content to be more difficult.

    I had the chance to play through some clamped raid content on PCTest over the weekend with a fully-equipped proper downscaled raiding team. I found anything that was set at "Normal" level to be fairly boring. We completed Sunstone Matrix in less than 5 minutes with 2 minutes of that being dedicated to cutscenes. Everything died very quickly and there was no chance of being KOed. That has been my experience with almost all of the "Normal" difficulty downscaled clamped content over the last few days.

    As for the Elite raids, the experience felt like I was trying to play it at level while slightly undergeared. The team had to perform the mechanics and be mindful of skull attacks. Completing clamped Elite content took slightly longer than it would have on Live when the content was originally released. I expect "New" players are going to have a rough time with the current Elite tuning.

    In terms of soloing clamped raid content, it is possible. You have to use a self-survivability build and make sure you not to fight too many adds at one time. I tried that in a couple of raids and I could only describe the experience as being "tedious." Could I complete the raid? Sure. Did I want to spend 2 hours doing it? No way.
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