Still not fixed from the last time it was posted on the old forums, as far as I can tell. I've tried logging in and out, switching phases, approaching from different angles, trying from different distances, and I still have not gotten this one investigation on any of my characters.
If its part of the investigation around Metro University it definitely needs looking into. At times my character will start investigating and stop after 40 seconds only to be frozen in place. Then there are other times when they would go half-way and stop.
That's good to know... the last post I saw from a green name on this matter was DevDirt's post last July.
This was driving me nuts for a time and would still be most irritating if I didn't find a way to get it. It was months ago and it's really depressing that an issue so irritating and so commonly experienced can persist that long. I managed to get it by going there in PVP phase.