
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by light FX, Apr 9, 2017.

  1. light FX Steadfast Player

    Not really sure why the stat revamp is being brought up in a thread about inventory space. Or time capsules. Or revive and roll glitches. And i personally dont think the inventory issue is a quality of life enhancement either. With the way this is going there is going to come a time where inventory space is going to be an issue. Its already become and issue for some people now.
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  2. Kuno Loyal Player

    At least we should be able to sell base items in the vendor.
    I dont decorate or collect or give a damn about base items, only sell some rare ones in the broker.
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  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    999 stacks & being able to pass base items between toons. that would make me happy. ish.
  4. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    You know what I mean, you crazy conspiracy nut.
  5. stärnbock Devoted Player

    looking at MP soda cola, i think it would be possible... you may ask why they never made all other colas stack the same...
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  6. Elusian Crowd Control

    I'm currently at limit when it comes to materials and other things. I would have to consider start deleting pets eventually if this becomes the norm. Exobytes, Materials and other stacks that are limited to 16 should have been lifted long time ago. On top the horrible Trade UI that doesnt let you trade ALL materials for a single mod in exchange to make this whole thing more safe when interacting with "strangers" is also an issue. Other games have seperated R&D materials in its own inventory without being bound to space limitations so it doesnt cluster your normal inventory with all those "junk".

    If you would plan on crafting the Starro op mask you would have to save up 24 inventory slots cause thats how many slots that single crafting item blocks!
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  7. smoove76 Committed Player

    Uuuum Duuuh of course they are throwing all this stuff at us all at once how else are they going to force us to buy inventory slots for 3 to 5 dollars a pop oops sorry it's 300 to 500 MCs a pop.
  8. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    I'd say do both, stack items to 999 and up the inventory slots. its win win. We have less room getting filled by useless crap but more room important stuff as it should be.
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  9. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I figure it's intentional. For every person struggling with max inventory space, there's a bunch purchasing the max.
  10. Proxystar #Perception

    If They stacked everything to 999 how would the sell additional slots?

    Hey dolla dolla ching ching bling bling
  11. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    if this is an issue with legendary members, imagine how it is with premium and f2p players :p. as a premium player for years who have 3 sets of gears (used to be 4 with role pvp gears), this is much worse. won't complain tho, i kn what i'm suppose to get with my premium benefit, but i still think these starro event materials are just too much.
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  12. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I would agree, but I maxed out and it's still not enough. They're leaving money on the table.

    But if it's the "slot for sale" reason, they don't have to make it stack to 999. As others mentioned, let it stack to 32 or 64 etc; but it needs to be adjusted because even the people who bought everything are getting choked out. I personally don't like having to create dummy characters to act as clone banks.
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  13. light FX Steadfast Player

    Well i didnt even realize the space it took to craft the new OP items with all the r/d stuff cause ive been selling mine. But elusians post says 24 spaces and thats crazy.

    I should of said in my OP i have maxed my shared bank space also and i have 2 bank toons. When thats going on imo the situation calls for a change. People should not need to create toons for space. Not when we have spent $ to max out our space. And i dont want them to offer more space if we have to buy it. The base space should be expanded or all items should stack to 999. We all know the items stacking to 999 can be done too. If one item can do it then all can. Its just a matter of making it happen.

    Today i ran my low HL and low ice toon through the event stuff. These are toons i rarely play. Very rarely play. And both of them had full inventories today where i had to delete stuff. They had to of known this would become an issue at some point. If it isnt addressed soon it will only become a bigger issue down the road.
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I'm in complete agreement...because I too am maxed out on all purchasable spaces (except Broker slots, don't need the max since my stuff sells quickly).We need more than just 7-14 more slots (although I'll gladly take it at this point). Someone in an older thread suggested maybe making a tab with the same amount of space (or at least purchasable to that max).

    Yeah, I get it...we're not meant to be pack rats/hoarders...but these things can't be helped. We need more space. I've had to delete several old trinkets and other assorted items simply because I ran out of space. I am more than willing to pay for more space, you can even look at my purchasing record to see that as soon as more space is added, i'm there with credit card in hand to buy it. I know the systems team is hard at work on the revamp, but maybe they can squeeze in something to alleviate this issue.
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  15. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i say yes to both ideas.

    i am extremely ocd with how i organize things.

    i would love something to keep things neater.

    on the bright side keep in mind that once you actually craft the item you're hoarding things for they disappear from your inventory space forever. i just made the op belt and it made me laugh seeing how much space it freed up.
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  16. light FX Steadfast Player

    Im at that point too, about to start deleting old trinkets from events or ones that are gifts. And i wonder why did i get these then? Like i said above about bank toons, if we have spent real $ to max out space but then need to use character slots too for bank toons it shows me there is an issue that needs to be addressed soon.
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  17. light FX Steadfast Player

    Bumping this in hopes that a green name will chime in on this topic.
  18. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Yes it is. It is a quality of life to store 3 sets of gear, especially if the game is heavily leaning towards just one role. It is a quality of life to be able to store stuff until it becomes currently unavailable and sell it then for more profit. Overtrashing the inventory makes the quality of life of premium and F2P players worse, it is part of the "punishing for not being subscribed" approach

    But anyway, the quality of life thing might be the road to solve your problem differently (while I'm totally for stacking furniture AND increasing ALL stack sizes to 999): they could improve the value of armories and store the armor sets inside the armories, not the bank or inventory any longer. This makes a lot of space available again in your inventory. And it's how armories should work to deserve the name anyway - storing the gear itself and not a collection of pointers to where the gear actually.... "resides" ;)
  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    yup that sounds right

    8 for complex/simples, 10 for new materials, 3 spaces for byte stacks, 3 for stacks with 4 bytes in each stack

    so by my count we need 24 spots for all these materials.
  20. Catnip New Player

    They could take a page from the old EQ games and implement some kind of bag system, even if a bag had to be restricted to a certain item type: e.g. R&D materials, gear, base items.

    Another feature which could save space would be to have each gear 'set' stored virtually, instead of in inventory.

    I also agree with what others posted about letting all items stack to 999. It'd be tedious in development, but could start with exobytes/bits, since there's a small number of those types relative to other items and that one change would probably have the biggest impact right away.

    Alternately, a new tab could be added to the character window and R&D components could be stored and treated similar to Currency.
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