Interesting Question

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by CHUD, Nov 18, 2016.

  1. CHUD Loyal Player

    I've been finding myself being on the test server more than anything. But there is one thing that kinda sticks out in my mind. Considering that the content is pretty much easy to access,.....then why not have the ability to have a character of one mentor (i.e. - Superman) be able to access the other mentor based content (i.e. - Superman mentored characters doing Wonder Woman and Batman mentored missions). I know,...there comes that moment where one says "Why go into lowered tier content??" My answer is the following "Well,.....catch up on all the other briefings and investigations." The same would apply for other instances (i.e - Smallville, Bludhaven, Area 51, Gorilla Island) that even though low leveled, having the feats, investigations, briefings, collections could be there.

    I know.....why go through low level content and having to wait for something to que is a hassle. But still,.....wouldn't be a bad idea to have that ability to do so at least on the test server side of things.