Interactive Base item? Devs WHY?!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Imaginos, Jun 8, 2021.

  1. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    Why, WHY! Why don't we have a starling or lust imp that we can click on and Kick around our base?! <boot...pchoooo!> Why can't we bounce those lil fellers off our ceilings and walls and watch them ricochet around better than Plas ever could.

    Ok once I was in the Oan Science cells and a starling became invulnerable but we could kick him around the cell and spent a good 5 minutes just booting him back and forth and watching him ricochet off the walls and ceilings and carom off the corners of the doorways. It was a blast! And booting the imps who cry out Don't Kick the Imp! is hilarious. SIGH, I wanna punt one of those suckers in my large, very empty, atlantean giganto room.
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    I wish we could pet Krypto and other pets. They are just there in the base all day, never getting love. It's kinda sad lol

    But yeah, a Imp in the base would be cool if It's kickable.
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  3. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    I agree, wish we could just pet our pets. Kitty runs up to me and I can do nothing...
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