I know the collections have only been out for a week. But we have had 100s of players looking for the location of this last collection. I have never seen it on the broker. I have never seen anyone selling it in Trade Chat. Some players have offered 1 billion dollars for the collection or the location, but no one took the money. I am know wondering if the drop rate is bugged, much like the gentleman ghost accessory was when it was first released. Can someone look into this and let us know if the drop rate is bugged and will be fixed? Or even "No its fine, three players have gotten the collection after running the mission 20 times. Keep looking." Thank you
We need someone to double check the drop rate, because of the lack of info we cannot even be sure we are looking in the right place. Just a pretty frustrating experience overall. The last time we had a collection like this, it's locations were confirmed in 2 days. This time it's almost 4 times that. Some players were saying the new alert had it and some said the STAR Labs satellite duo. I ran the alert 10 times and the duo 28 times and nothing. :/
Not sure how to get the attention of a Dev that can look into the drop rate. If it is the duo, it is really bugged. Some people have run it 40 times and haven't seen it drop to them or their partner. If it is the alert, then it is really bugged. 100s have run it without seeing it drop. Something is wrong.
What if it is in the speculated duo or alert, but only in one of the faction specific versions? Meaning for example, it only drops in the villain version because someone forgot to update the loot table of the other side.
One person is claiming they have it but not providing proof so far, allegedly it’s the star labs satellite duo…
Eve has a friend that got it from STAR Labs Satellite duo. Iconic has had "several" (three?) people tell him it dropped there. One guy ran it with an alt and the both got it? But the duo has been run 24x one toon, Iconic is at 30?, I am at 16, and probably 100s have run it that do not post. Its never been in the broker, no one is shouting to sell it for 1 Billion, no one has post a screenshot of it. So either it really is the duo and the drop rate is really, really bugged. Or somehow 100s of players have not bound the real mission it drops from. Last time it took us 2-3 days to find everything, it been 8 days on this one. Something is really, really wrong.
This was partly because the collection names had really obvious clues for the most part, either sharing a name with where it dropped, or a location in the content that hasn't been anywhere else. Only Resurrection and Great Darkness were somewhat vague and could have been interpreted a bunch of ways (my gut was Resurrection had something to do with the Black Adam/Isis story arc, but it could have been LOA alert or Black Lantern related). This time around the majority of collections (besides Justice) are vague and could have been from anything. I wouldn't have guessed BOP episode content or The Machine.
The collection is about Robots throughout time. So the collection is about a robot and the clue is the collection. VMF had Amazo for the robot and Lois and Jimmy investigating Luthor. The Machine has a total of four Hive Bee-Bots and its about the Colony, or Hive. The do make sense, sort of. (I mean four little Bee-bots vs 200 Hive people?)
It's only been a week but the other 10 were found and confirmed during that week. I feel like I missed out on most of the double mark event and part of the seasonal on a wild goose chase. Not a fan!
At this point i really think that they messed up something and wont clearly admits that to dont embarras themself and out of sudden it will start droping after some update or hotfix. We still talking about game that couldnt fix lag for weeks, couldnt fix Wing Armor adds spawn rate for weeks, and some feats, like Lightbringer feat, arent fixed for years.
I did not even know there was a new scavenger hunt. I still have yet to get one collection item from the previous episode's hunt.