Since it was FIXED for about 5 days and 3 people in the group were all getting a FE6,but now GU37 or not,hotfix that lasted for a mere week or not I have purchased without a single reset so by doing duos,solo,inonic annoyances and alert weapon,two rings,backpiece,mask and gloves and still no freaking FE6,the last one I dropped was more than 2 weeks ago when I completed the troller set,then got nothing since Are we back in your loop new dlc with shiny things launchs,first two weeks base items,plans a gogo then we ninjanerf droprates to the ground?
That's not an issue with the drop rate, you're just having a case of bad luck, I've gotten FE6 every time I've run the alert this week.
couldn't understand much of your post so i'll just say, i get more now then i used to. Probably averages out to 1 in every 3-5 runs. took me weeks to get my first one after the dlc dropped, before the increase.
I got them out of each duo on Saturday... so I thought maybe this was a permanent deal. Nope. Just lucky, I guess.
Ok so DLC popped for legendaries,for a week or so FE6 droprate was somehow null but I was getting plans left and right GU37 was on test server and by them Spring Event was on there it was a small hotfix which increased the droprate of FE6 basically everytime I did the alert with resets too 3 people in that instance were getting FE6,but after a week the droprate was back to null or "it's always the other guy that gets the FE6 and not me" On May 30 I completed my T6 for controller role,on that day I had already collected mask and necklace for the dps role and while resetting I dropped enough FE6 to mod the controller armor plus another one which got used for the dps ring.But I was not getting any FE6 since 3 or 4 days prior May 30 9th day of June still have to see any FE6 dropping for me. Duos and solos pretty much the same,ain't getting a plan since 15 days nor even for the other guy in group with me (checked logs) Didn't even dropped a single plan from iconic solos,despite doing them everyday and even so I dropped more plans on T5 solos by doing them only 48 times. FE6 from salvaging gear,well believe it or not by salvaging T4 content gear I got at least 6 FE5 and I do T4 content once per week,no matter how much people begs for my help,but I still have to see any FE6 popping up from salvaging T5 & T6 content gear and I do that pretty much everyday after doing duos and alerts. Bad luck is doing challenges and getting only plans from weekly boxes Bad luck is doing T3 challenges and completing the Heartshard set for healer as a troller and still having to see Talon Lord helm and legs dropping from them for the controller role Bad luck is doing the Vault and deleting for the second time the Sharpshooter back while I still need the legs Bad luck is doing the Vault and deleting for the 5th time in two months the Journeyman boots and getting the Bat's gloves on the first run with a alt during spring event (didn't run vault with alt since) Bad luck or broken droprate is doing BiA since March and not seeing the Time Traveler back dropping for anyone in that instance Bad luck is doing FoS2 since ever and is always the noobs who gets Jor El gloves while on FoS1 is at least the 10th time that I salvage Broodmother's elm Somehow good luck is doing T3 courthouse since March and collecting legs and chest of that ugly jumpsuit that gives you no feat nor advantages That's it.
i dont know about you but since they increased the droprate im getting a FE6 every 3rd run ! i had already enough fe6 to mod my entire first roles for pve and pvp... now the second roles remain ... btw i barely reseted t6 alerts.
much more clear ty. Honestly, i dont know Anyone who's ever got an fe6 from salvaging, or the duo's or solo's for that matter. So in that way, No i don't think it's increased because honestly, im not sure it's even possible. Don't agree with it but, maybe it was always intended for them to only be obtainable in the alert. And so far as the alert, they have increased for me, slightly.
FE6 are dropping enough. They aren't as common as FE5 but i like that they won't be worthless once i modded out my gear. There is no bug I'm aware of, hence this thread is pointless in Arkham section.
I've gotten more than I used to but still sometimes go without one for a couple days but it takes a minute to get a piece of gear to actually mod so they just sit in my bank. Sometimes I sell me and at leas keep one for when I get a new piece of 92 gear.
Never had 1 drop from the pre-release till now. Everyone I have is bought through the broker. I am not going to buy a bunch of replay badges and run everything for 1 chance to see it drop. But don't worry about me I can buy a 7 access to escrow and raise the funds to buy them off the broker.
I mod my pve gear with FeVs(experts) , they seem to be more than enough. I use the VIs for pvp gear..haha!
Nope? The correct droprate was when 2 or more people were getting it at the end but right now in the last 4 days I have seen it dropping only once. I'm not resetting the alert way before May 30 and since the dlc was released I have only dropped 11 FE6,sure after they will release the other dlc maybe the droprate will raise a little bit,for sure at that time I'll be not running TD anymore as I purchased plans instead of waiting them for drop and the only thing I need from here are FE6 FE5 well I'm running BiA everyday even if the Time Traveler back doesn't drop anymore,FE5 do drop from any bosses 'cept for the one at Central City but they DO drop at last,wish it was the same for TD...