In Game Family

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Charmed Legacy, Sep 3, 2017.

  1. Wallachia Devoted Player

    HUEHUEHUEHUE I found someone else to annoy with this!

    I'm derailing your thread, sorry :v
  2. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Celestial is life! Remember that! :p
  3. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Well, my healer used to be celestial. At least before water came. I was going to make a celestial healer villain, but the purple is ugly, I like da gold.
  4. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Celestial is the sexiest powerset in the game, and don't you forget it mister! lol
  5. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Celestial is cool, but it suffers from a very hard problem.

  6. Tilz Loyal Player

    water is life.. i mean... ye really... :D
  7. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Celest doesn't need a fweeeem to be sexy ;)
  8. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Nahhhh lol Celest is EVERYTHING! I don't care what you say :p
  9. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Neither do I, yet I have the fweeem within me.

    I am Celestial irl? :eek:
  10. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    LOL! You should go Cele and play a real combo power :p
  11. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I did that for months, but as a hero healer. I admit it was pretty fun, but levelling on hero side is bad. I only do it because of the story.
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  12. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Cele healing is my passion, my heart, my world! <3
  13. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Well, I liked the powerset, but then again I am the best healer of the multiverse.
  14. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Fixed it for ya ;)
  15. Wallachia Devoted Player


    I'll be forced to make a villain healer exclusively to compete with you, mortal.
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  16. Charmed Legacy Dedicated Player

    Bring it! :p
  17. Wallachia Devoted Player

    It seems that my destiny lies on villain side :v
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  18. High Troller Loyal Player

    I've went through many what here in this thread would call family. I had one when I joined my first villain league which kept getting split, merged, etc. Large enough where we had multiple teams (three to four). I had my own PvP team that wrecked other teams including our other PvP team. PvP was very exciting the first 3 years of this game. I have some very gun PvP videos from back then.

    At one point I rebelled from the villain side and eventually joined Key. We were competitive and had fun. Who else could pull off an 8 man all Robin premade in legends? (I have proof of this)

    But it's really my current league that I have embraced most. We are a small, private, outspoken league that.... Well, we have many common bonds. Two of them left the game for elder scrolls online but we stayed in touch and they would watch my live streams when I was cheesing Mental and Sorcery. They cane back for revamp fortunately.

    We are going on at least since the summer before atomic came out. Two of them and I may have a chance to meet in real life next year. We three live in different states.

    Here's to many more years in or out of the game!
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  19. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    Extra info no one asked for:
    The first league I ever was a part of was "EPIC LORDS" or "TEAM EPIC" or something like that, in 2011.
    Had a lot of invites as time went on and I got better at playing the game.
    I eventually made my own league "The Completionists" and for a while had a small group going.

    My play schedule and laid back attitude however does not mesh well with most player types in this game. I typically have over 20 characters too, so just because I'm on doesn't mean I want to run content. Hence ending up just rolling solo, that and I dislike most league names ha.

    I still have a shred of hope in finding that one relaxed, into comics, cool with RP, understanding of my schedule, understanding of my search for styles, mature yet with a sense of humor, casual yet hardcore enough to get **** done, interested in running "old" content, not super focused on PvP, not super focused on speeding through content type league. Though in my time here I've yet to find that group
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  20. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Join Digital Hellstorm. They have me.
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