In celebration of The 75th Batman Anniversary.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ace1, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    I'm streaming 2v2 legends gameplay on
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  2. Radium Devoted Player


    "In honor of Batman, I'm going to kill swarms and swarms of opponents."
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  3. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    As Batman :)
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  4. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    If anyone on USPS wants to use any batman characters please Queue batcave 2v2 legends.
  5. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Just ran into a batman and catwoman setup #75
  6. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    Nice idea, I may bring out Future Batman or Catwoman tomorrow.
  7. ShadowCyborg92 Loyal Player

    I wish i was home cuz i would