I'm just tired of this .......

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by xoCiaraxo, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. SuperMia New Player

    Zomg, I totally agree and can confirm that reporting the perverts and harrassers does absolutely nothing.

    I've reported in-game and through the official website probably about 50+ people for sexual harrassment...Hero-side...

    But my bf tells me that he stills sees them signed on...

    The only thing I can do is put them on ignore...but I'm totally afraid for the day that my ignore list reaches its limit...

    Several people including myself asked for a buffed and unlimited ignored list.

    I really don't want those that I put on ignore to even see me log on, see my public chat, or even be able to ever queue into a group with me...and the fact that they can still do these things makes my skin crawl...

    Even on these forums, some sick pervert kept sexually harrassing me on almost every post I made, and kept sending me tells about how he wanted to r a pe me...and I must've reported him a dozen times but he just kept making new accounts and resending those tells.

    Please buff the ignore list for both the game and the forums!
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  2. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Omg! It's Mia!!!!
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  3. SuperMia New Player

    ZOMG! It's Carlynn! XD
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  4. Solar wing New Player

  5. Script New Player

    Hey, SOE dudes, unless this is the culture you're trying to develop, might be time to take action to make your customers feel safer?
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  6. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    :D Yay! Mia! Where have you been?
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  7. Treat New Player

    It's funny they want to improve the community and they punish people with silly deserter when the real issue has been and is the harassments in game. They put off people from playing and when it gets to be too much they end up quitting altogether. D:
    We need a better reporting system or something
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  8. SuperMia New Player

    (HUG!) XP

    Zomg...switched to full-time work and enrolled for unplanned summer classes...ToT

    But I used a tooon of replays on a few free weekends to get full T5!...which everyone already had like weeks ago. Derp. XD
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  9. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    LOL!!! Nice! That didn't take you long at all. :)
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  10. GalaxySoul1 New Player

    she shouldnt have to resolve to this
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  11. Script New Player

    Exactly this.

    "I think the problem MIGHT be that you're making it obvious that you're a girl."

    In no acceptable world is that a problem. Framing it as one is ludicrous.
  12. H2 Pwn Well-Known Player

    If you know you are not any of those things, You are not, so there's no sense in letting people over the internet tell you who you are when they have never seen your face.
  13. MercPony Devoted Player

    Though sadly the world of the internet most women have to blend in the best they can because of there "are no womens on the interwebs". Blame 4chan for the immaturity there.
  14. GalaxySoul1 New Player

    Im in Ciara's league she is none of those things ppl just hate because she is fun to play shes always willing to help except yesterday when she was too busy for me.... just playing.
  15. Fourth New Player

    Haha, I remember when this happened.
  16. Alan Scott New Player

    I'm sorry to read this. But you have to understand that the very fact of starting this thread and complaining that these insults are taking their toll on you makes them want to do that to you even more; because some of them will read this thread. These people have a mentality the size of a nut, and they think their anonymity protects them from all reprisal - internet bullying. It happens a lot in all types of social networks, from Facebook to even online games.

    I strongly suggest you ignore all of the petty little comments, and I also suggest to find some sort of satisfaction in /ignore all of those players. After all, it's not like you could /ignore the bullies in real life ; you have better recourse to deal with bullying on the internet. In addition to this, please never give personal information that may disclose your identity.

    Stay strong, and remember, bullies are often victims too. Don't start to bully other people.
  17. Script New Player

    If this is as widely acknowledged as an issue as it appears to be then it's Sony's responsibility to take a harder line to harassment or accept that they allow it by inaction.
  18. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    No No she doesn't NEED to learn that. I have been playing MMOs for going on 8 years now and I have always tried to conduct myself in the same manner on line as I would in real life in a room filled with people. I belong to a League here that actually prohibits curse in league chat, or in team Chat when they form teams for events, because they have younger members and do not wish to set a bad example. That's a direct quote from the message they display every day when I log on. And they are very vocal about enforcing that rule and will remind any member that accidentally uses ANY curse word in chat.

    Now in some instances that may be a bit over the top since the game is rated T for teen and has some "MILD" language included. Now this is where it gets funny because I am betting if I try to add a few direct quotes from the game here the profanity filter will censor them....

    Numerous citizens outside the Hospital in Little Bohemia "I hope the Heroes kick you ***"

    Steel during his briefing about the downed helicopter at Stryker's Island "Don't let the prisoners get their damn hand on it" (referring to the black box)

    WOW it actually let me say those. The game is rated for 14 year olds and up and lets face it ... by age 14 most teen aged boys swear almost as bad as a Marine Corp Drill Instructor so we are not really "teaching" them anything but as SO_CALLED responsible adults maybe we can teach them something by using a little restraint and common decency.

    Now Kent sadly I know a good bit of what you said in your post is true but the reality is this game is supposed to be for people 14 years old and UP...... The fact that a horde of 10 years olds are even on here means they have parents NOT paying any attention to what their kids are doing on line. But 10 year olds are decidedly NOT the whole problem. For every little teenager, or less, getting a thrill out of saying nasty things on line and getting away with it there is some 40-50 year old doing exactly the same thing because "Its the internet and no one knows who I am so I can act anyway I feel like acting. what can they do about it?"

    I had a female friend on City of heroes that actually deleted a character and changed her Global name because some idiot decided he liked the character she'd created and during a mission began describing.. IN DETAIL .. what he'd like to do with her. No clue how old this pervert was but the reality of the situation was he was getting turned on by a bunch of pixels arranged to look like a cute female character. And because it WAS THE INTERNET didn't see anything wrong with what he was telling her. Translate that to the real word.. Same guy decides he likes some woman in his office and starts hitting on her and telling all sorts of disgusting things he'd like to do with her. At best he'd wind up down in HRO being reprimanded and probably sent to a sexual harassment course and at worst he'd be out of a job. Depending on the comments and the number of times he may have tried this he could even have legal action taken against him and have a restraining warrant issued telling him if he gets within X number of feet of the woman he can be sent to jail.

    I realize this game includes a sizable amount of PvP and I know that entails a certain amount of trash talk and I see no problem with that. Players have been using that in sporting events of all sorts for years to try and enrage an opponent to where they are not thinking clearly .. its strategy But standing around in the Watchtower shout out racist remarks or repeatedly using profanity over and over in all capital letters is not bating an opponent .. its see just how big of a JACK A_** you can be for no other reason that you know you can get away with it. Players like that NEED to be reported and banned .. resorting to using the same sort of profanity back at them isn't solving anything its adding to the problem and "getting a thicker skin and ignoring it does the exact same thing"

    REPORT THEM and try to get them banned. Sadly that doesn't mean they cant just create a new account an d be back the same day but if they lose a few 90+ CR characters and have to start all over again at level 1 maybe they will learn to shut up and be a little less obnoxious
  19. Villain Smasher New Player

    Oh boy. Get some thick skin or quit the game. Its really that simple.
  20. akira 28 New Player

    i guess technically you're right about not NEEDING to learn that the internet is a breeding ground for anonymous cowards who will insult you for fun..people are free to be naive if they choose