I'm happy pvp turned into just block breaking & WM

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Nerf Everything, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Where are you getting ranged WM from?
  2. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    i think Legends take far more skill to win when compared to arenas there may be a few cheese players or players that take less skill but right now ... no one is really unbalanced in Legends ...
  3. ThunderlesStorm New Player

    Against pugs, the air (btw, in reference to an older post, it is not difficult to locate and interrupt fliers on PS). Against premades, whoever ever is not being focused is usually just spamming ranged WM from the side. I have to either have someone constantly on interrupt duty, or I will do it myself. Either way, one must always be mindful of rangers in 5v5's.
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  4. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    Lol u killed it XD

    Serious not Two face, Luthor, Hal Jordan, Atroctus do more destuctions by spamming powerful DOTS ... personally i feel they we're designed for those who do not like to lose and or fight
  5. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    Where have you been? DoTs haven't been viable as a primary offense in legends for a LONG time :p
  6. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Wait, what's going on with stat reduction in arenas? How do the stats your boosted too if you don't have gear compare to the stats of full Gotham Knight (don't know the villain name)?
  7. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    Lol i've been running Legends religously but i do not play w/ those guys because of my feeling of them.... but on another not i haven't been seeing Atrocitus nearly as much
  8. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Are you saying he's OP or UP? Sorry, haven't played as him in forever lol.
  9. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    He's got a move that can easily deal over 1000 damage while providing 75% damage mitigation for 4 seconds giving him the greatest 2v1 potential in the game. You tell me :p

    Yea... they nerfed all DoT's a while ago.
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  10. PawnofDCUO New Player

    Some would argue these items were earned in the SAME GAME as the one we are PVPing in, therefore we should be allowed to access and use what we have earned... If we cannot use the items in the game where we earned them, then where exactly are we supposed to use them? All players have had the option to build their war chest, those that did, are the only ones to receive punishment...

    Why shouldn't a player, who has spent considerable amounts of time playing the FULL game be a able to access and use all of their available options?

    Gear is bad enough, now no one can have any toys to play with at all... :(
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  11. Joykiller Dedicated Player

    PVP elitists don't want to hear this. They want bare bones, all things equal, skill based combat. They don't care that taking away gear, trinkets, etc. ruins the immersion and limits strategy, nor do they care if you've invested more money than them. They also don't care that skill is something that requires practice, which requires time, which is not something everyone has in abundance (however, they do not mind that when it comes to money, not having enough of it is reason to take away the usefulness of an entire DLC). They also do not care that Skill Points are an achieved advantage - in the same way gear is - as I've yet to see any lobbying to have them removed from Arenas.

    tl ; dr - Stick to Legends.
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  12. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    PvP is not about who can PvE more. It's as plain and simple as that.

    The items you "earned" are just about all PvE items. So go use them in PvE.
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  13. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    This type of post shows how very little people actually listen to the developers. They stated at SOE live they are starting from a blank slate this season to clean up the mess of the last season and then might add things back in more. Which actually many PvP players are fine with, myself included, so long as the items are earned through playing PvP.

    Yet having time to grind for those 170 SP doesn't take any time right? Also show me where HT mods were advertised as specific DLC content. Also I get the feeling you've never played a game with competitive PvP have you?

    Right, I forgot, because luck based drops that grant styles are clearly achieved.

    PvP is not about who has played PvE more. Get over it already.
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  14. PawnofDCUO New Player

    I earned them in DCUO and I wish to use them in DCUO. I realize that isn't a popular opinion, but I am still entitled to it.
  15. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    That's the entitlement argument people keep bringing up that was thankfully smacked down as a whole when this update went live.
  16. PawnofDCUO New Player

    I look at PVP as if I ordered a drink at the bar.... the more they water it down by taking stuff out of it, the worse it gets.
  17. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

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  18. PawnofDCUO New Player

    Its not entitlement when an individual has earned the items at his disposal. I played various aspects of the game, and achieved success in those en devours, and I should be allowed to carry those en devours on as I progress through other areas of the game, not have them sit in my bank and collect dust.

    What if skill points worked in this same manner? Should only skill points earned in PVP be allowed to be used in PVP? Sounds Pretty ridiculous right? See even you, are using items from PVE in PVP...
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  19. The Enquirer Steadfast Player

    It actually is. PvE and PvP are separate game modes that need to be kept separate to hopefully better balance things out.

    That actually doesn't really sound too ridiculous to be honest with you.
  20. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Entitlement is a player who think they deserve the same as a player who has worked hard for everything even tho they haven't, not the other way around. You are making the entitlement argument, not the players who are against the new setup