I'm glad some people don't like the update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FrankZappa, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Why are you being mean to her?
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  2. Wildcat Committed Player

    I think the only thing I like from the update is Captain Atom and Metamorpho in game after like 10 years?

    i dont like the idea of making heroes and villains friends living in the same place
    I dont like stats clamping
    and im not a fan of allies.

    just me, my personal opinion.
  3. Boss Dark Side Well-Known Player

    Heroes and villains together was inspired by the source material, the comics.
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  4. Rip Kurrent Well-Known Player

    Me too!! For the first time in forever, I look forward to playing. It's not just some "I have to run these toons through the same three things.." it became a chore really. This is a welcome relief.
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  5. Monkeyboy Committed Player

    You say Devs fostered the environment but players caused it by not being able to do the content. Why can't they do the content? Is it tuned too hard, no! It's skill based! I know that's an elitist attitude but it's not really. How hard is it to block on SKULL or move out of a ground effect that's eating away your HP?
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Well, maybe if the there was some kind of visual indication to prompt them into taking the correct action that will keep them from getting KO'd..., on wait..., there already are visual ques warning them to take action!

    I fully agree with you. It must be that they think the AOE doesn't apply to them or perhaps they think it is someone else's job to take care of them. There is an old axiom that goes like this: Stupid will get you killed.
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  7. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Is there a possibility of a tutor option maybe? Trying to think of some games that use it but can't of course. Someone will tho lol but yeah like those helpful hints we see on screen already but for everything. Obviously that we can turn off once we don't need. Like "fire bad, move now" or "that hurts roll away".

    Or maybe make it so when every player joins the game, they're automatically put into a mentor league. They have to stay in it till lvl30. A few old timers can choose to be in the league in exchange for something as simple as no longer needing prestige for league buffs in that 1 league. A hero and villain faction of course.

    I will say, the player base is starting to figure things out a lot quicker than I anticipated. Many more people seem to be able to role. But just pugging the last few days, I've seen a lot better randoms than last week
  8. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    So, no survey with hard numbers. It's not hard to say "the survey conducted by Daybreak on February 31st, which said 4522 players online at 5 p.m." or the equivalent, if you had such information, is it?

    If you wish to "count," please do so, with your sources given.
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  9. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    One doesn't need to pay attention to facts or data from external sources when they're naturally omniscient, didn't ya know??? :p
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  10. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    I suggested role tutorial missions in Panderus's thread regarding week 1 and typed out some examples. My idea of it is kinda pulling from the HARM room tutorial missions in Marvel's Avengers and from the Ally mission we had to do to get Oracle Bot. It wouldn't;t be overly complicated to put together with resources already in the game.
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  11. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    Agreed. I have not had to wait more than five minutes for any of the Omnibus instances to pop.