I'm done with High CRs not doing anything.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IconicRiley, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. EP Ice Loyal Player

    You don't have to VALIDATE your reasons with me. ;)
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    ...i just wanted to say hello and chit chat about whatever..
  3. IconicRiley New Player

    Solo u know me trust me. Just look up my hero league and just look at who the leader is then u will kno who i am
  4. Gulrick TheWanderer Committed Player

    You only need one other vote, so the guy who is helping. Kick one out. Close instance. Kick the other problem solved.
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  5. Kohina Well-Known Player

    The reminds me to something that I quite experience yesterday, I was in a T2 duo with my Cr 51 Toon and I saw this cr 110 not attacking or doing anything. Funny thing was that he thought I was going to wait for him so he can help me or complain but no I went straight killing those adds without any problem and he end up quitting, after that I cr 53 troll came and I beat the duo with no problem. :p
  6. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    In an instance of 4, only 3 could vote. Person getting kicked can't vote. So 2/3 is majority.

    And... Obviously, self excuse is not applicable to this situation.

    In a 2 v 2 vote situation, better hope other lower cr person vote with you, if time out, the two league person could initiate their own kick right after.

    That aside these high CR ppl in this situation are jerks, prbly farming for sector fears or lantern backs.
  7. KawaiiRyan New Player

    "Hi, I'm to judge an entire group of players (Heros), just because a few were jerks to me :'("
  8. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    I'm just here to say that you have jerks on both sides, even on PS. You just have to find the right people to play with, which isn't going to be easy but it is worth it when you do + this is what happens when you ready up for things. I'm not saying it's your fault or anything, but when you ready up, sometimes you're lucky, sometimes you're not. So don't always go in with high expectations, and it's not only the high CRs sometimes low CRs like to take advantage of high tier players as well. So I wish you better luck next time. Sometimes it's better to not make a big fuss, just leave and try it again and try to have fun. Don't let others kill your vibe. :)
  9. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I just ask them, "Hey guys you want me to take it at a normal speed or just murderize everything?". The answer is usually murder.
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  10. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    I did BFE duo with a pug CR 50-something player and he commented how I was killing everything so fast. I have a non-WM build so used that without my AM. He was able to play more and I still got him the speed feat without rushing through it.
  11. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    They may have had bad lagging.
  12. The Aerovenger Dedicated Player

    I'm sick and tired of people like you not exercising your in-game right to kick people like that^.
    You had the majority....kick them.
    No need to post it here. Big Fail.

    (As a side note, players would probably complain as well if the high tier guys burned through the instance in 3 minutes!)
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  13. M1 Garand Well-Known Player

    When I run low tier content like Oan - I just block and kill by that. Because if I start using my weapon in a healer stance everything dies single shot.
  14. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I like that word you used there.....Murderize!! Nice and totally going to use it in the future!! :D
  15. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Lol yea i got it off of my fiance. She might as well have her own language.
  16. HazeTA New Player

    Low CRs are just as, if not more guilty of doing this. I'v said it a million times and here it is again, random que is random... You don't like it set your own group up. It makes no sense to blame a whole group of people for a minorities actions.
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  17. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    Your fault for not kicking.
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  18. ThatGuyLee Committed Player

    wait now ppl want high cr's to help in lower content? make up your minds ppl :p
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  19. Multiverse Creator League


    Another example why the kick option is needed.
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  20. Multiverse Creator League

    So.... this was a Pro-stat-Clamp thread in disguise??

    As was mentioned before... you had the option to kick them.

    The tools were right there for you to use.

    Stat clamp would NOT have prevented then to stay on the side and let you do all the work. They could have done the very same thing even if theirs stats had been clamped at CR 30.

    In the end you only made a thread showing why the kick option is needed.
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