I'm CR 212 and I don't know what I am doing.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by 123riderkick, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    There is metas sadly, but only for meta chasers, you can play the power you like and do just fine as long as you spec right, learn your power and role, learn mechanics to content.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Ok first thing's first, you need to get your Skill Points up. 72 is extremely low for someone at your CR. You gain SP from completing feats, which are located in the Deeds Menu. There are feats that you can complete by yourself ranging from simple tasks to long-term tasks and feats that will require group effort.

    Second, if you want to stick with a Weapons Expert build I suggest you watch this (FF to 24:24):

    Obsidian does many powerset guides (updates regularly) covering both damage and support roles.
    Tactical Mods can be obtained from your lair dispensary. The bonuses can be purchased from your lair's mainframe. Any Artifacts you need can be purchased from John Constantine in the Watchtower/Hall of Doom.
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  3. Magnificent Loyal Player

    You've got only 72 SP? That's going to be part of the problem that you can begin working on immediately (and it's one I haven't seen anyone address yet). There are literally a hundred or so SP that will be pretty easy for you to get if you're willing to put in the time. Start with the Exploration feats then go from there. Run all the solos and duos you can for any time-based feats, survival feats and no-soder feats.

    You will be shocked at the change in performance going from 72 SP to 172 or 272 will provide you.

    While you are doing all this content and getting gear drops, be sure to equip any Styles you don't have yet so you can be grinding those out as well. If the gear is below CR for you then Salvage it (after you've gotten the Style from it) then put those exobytes into your Origin Augments until you get them maxxed.

    Between Feats for Skill Points and buffing up those Augments you'll see your effectiveness increase steadily.

    While you're doing this you'll accrue Nth Metals, be sure to use them on your Artifacts (which have been discussed earlier in this thread).

    ***edit*** demmmit, TheLorax posted about SP while I was still typing up my post.:(
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  4. Littlejaytee16 Committed Player

    yeah... the learning curve for a new player in DCUO is steeeeeeep.

    Unfortunately it's not the type of game that you can figure out on your own, either. You really have to use the help of the community to truly understand how to best do things like... allocate skill points, choose the correct artifacts, choose the correct white mods, set up base generator mods and armories, choose the correct loadout, learn how to correctly play your support role, learn how to PVP... etc.

    Many players have been playing the game for years and have been learning about the many facets of this game as they've been implemented over the years. So they forget how overwhelming all of this can be for a player who just started playing now.
  5. Noble One Committed Player

    as perc you need certain artifacts near or at max level. melee perc (esp in raids) is a death sentence. normally for perc you go ranged. also you really never use anything other then your weapon buff and shield for perc. make sure your cores are perc (yellow) as well.

    tbh if youre new to the game i would say role might instead of perc as its easier and way more manageable.
  6. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    There are also some obtainable from the Quark vendor rather than from JC.

    Plus various of them can be earned from finishing various raids or alerts.
  7. DCUO SmackThem Well-Known Player

    You’re up there with the big boys now. Content from early on are easy because Daybreak dumbed it down but at one point. Even pre -30 missions were hard unless you knew what you were doing.

    Now with that said there are a few things you do not quite understand.

    Skill points- I personally don’t know how important skill points are anymore because it seems that arrifacts and augments are what separates the guys that do a lot of damage and don’t do a lot of damage. But I do think Skill points are still really important. Anyways you are getting outclassed simply because you have significantly less skill points than your peers. If you want to get your SP up. You have to complete feats. Assuming you’ve skipped to end game. You must have at least 150 skill points I assume so just figure that out lol.

    Artifacts/augments - Kinda the same thing as Skill points. Most end game players are better equipped than you are when it comes to these artifacts and augments If you’ve done the intro to augments mission. They’ll let you know what’s going on but if you’re still confused. Watch a YT video.

    Loadout - Now this is usually the biggest problem when it comes to being ineffective in content. Your loadout is most likely not good. Maybe you aren’t utilizing Power interactions. Maybe you’re just running whatever looks the coolest, or maybe... well idk lol. Anyways your loadout is probably not a very good one.

    You skipped to endgame yet you don’t know much about gameplay mechanics- I personally think this wasn’t a good idea to allow newcomers to skip straight to endgame especially after running through a very easy “Campaign” mode. I mean I understand why it was implemented but most new players don’t know what they’re supposed to do so they end up making things worse instead of better due to their inexperience. DC is a pretty easy game to learn but it also is a lot to take in. I had some guy actually teach me the basics of the game and how missions, Getting SP and all of that. Maybe find a mentor or again. Go to Youtube and find some really good players.

    There’s a lot more that I missed, but at the end of the day. End game players tend to be the more experienced players. Guys with higher SP, better artifacts/augment ranks, a pretty good loadout and the best gear. You’re just a newcomer who skipped to endgame. So you don’t exactly have any of those at all lol.

    I hope I didn’t come off as rude because I tend to but if you want to get better. Your best bet is to first learn about the game like actually learn about the game. Figure out a loadout that works for you, get feats and level up your augments/artifacts. You can ask someone to help you learn but you can’t expect to go out there and dominate simply because you skipped to the end game lol.
  8. 123riderkick New Player

    Thank you for that I don't think you are being rude it was helpful. I am going to work on getting my sp points up I already have a lv 80 Cognof Meggaddon. I have augments equipped but I don't know how to level them up. My loadout isn't for damage but for protection and buffing my melee attacks. I am more suited as a tank I think. But none of my stats are reflecting that ... I know my mistakes thanks for helping.
  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    When you have gear that you don't need or have out-leveled, break it down at an R&D station to receive Exobytes. Use those Exobytes to feed into your Augments to rank them up.
  10. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Real simple answer, stop what you are doing... look at what tiers are unlocked for you personally in your on duty tab. Run everything at your current tier and below. Chase the feats in the feats lot that coincide with those tiers and always know the the condition of your current gear and repair when necessary. Get acquainted with your chat tabs and visit the watchtower frequently and utilize the shout tab for questions and answers because you will find people generally are helpful and you may end up finding a very good and helpful league to join. Google or YouTube guide videos for the power you're using and weapons you like or are using to show you how to dps. And remember that all powers have 2 roles a damage role and a support role. Earth is tank for support so unless you know how to tank I suggest staying in dps stance until you feel ready to be the punching bag. I hope this helps and good luck.