Like maybe if you were an exe program I would be Newel.exe not sure what I would do though....maybe just create threads no one likes and complain about how things are What would you be like based on your usual personality?
Display a message in your html browser that says "I know your secret".... that's it. My satisfaction would come from knowing thousands of people would lose their **** over nothing.
I'd absorb the power of all computer viruses and become the ultimate virus, capable of doing anything all computer viruses I have absorbed can do.
Erin.exe can help replicate Newal.exe to run on other platforms: Linux, mobile, BIOS, smart cars, and Internet of Things (street lights and wireless toasters).
Hack into DCUO and make it where if anyone tries to play as Flash in a Legends PVP match it will destroy their platforms hard-drive. should have played fair =/