Well then, you might like a new change that hit test today. https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dc...-january-15-2016-valentines-day-event.266665/ PvP Combat Update Weapon Mastery and Advanced Mechanics • Damage reductions should now function everywhere in the game where you are participating in PvP.- The previous Arena-only reductions are no longer limited to Arenas. This means that Duels and Open-World PvP now have the same damage reductions and power back mechanics removed.
So does that mean shields, damage based heals, certain supercharges, and support roles will be nerfed too like they are in arenas?
Even if this isn't going to fix open world PvP on all of its issues, this is a big step in the right direction!
WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ...wait a sec... I don't do Open World PVP. Oh well...carry on you Open Worlder's you.
Basically the way it works is, once you have a player on your hate list (you are involved in PvP), the PvP reductions apply to your abilities and whatnot.
I'm curious if you are in PvP phase and facing NPCs (ie doing a quest) and a PvP player comes and hits you and flies away, are our abilities still "clamped" now so well have more trouble with said quest ?
It varies a little bit ability to ability. When they hit you, you are considered in PvP and stuff happens, but that will wear off once they have been gone a bit and are no longer on your hate list. Some abilities are specifically reduced when hitting other players, and not when hitting npcs.
This is specifically about the ability reductions on test right now. Gear effectiveness/stat buffing is by region, and will not take effect in open world PvP.
This is the disappointing part. At least for the moment. Currently, you can sneak up on someone while wearing PvE gear and EMP them killing them instantly or use nature AM. This also raises another question. Will these changes with the active game rule switch affect these one shots or will gadgets EMP one shots from stealth still be a thing? This is asked because I'd imagine the first damaging ability will trigger the arena ruleset however is it on the first ability or after the first amount of damage is dealt?
Oh, I'm all for complete separation of gear by phase... But while it's NOT happening, I'm also all about 'pragmatism' and the realization that I'm nowhere near the only person doing it that way, so...