If you could give legendary members any new perk what would it be?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Derio, Feb 4, 2016.

  1. Veritasum Loyal Player

    1. I would say X time as legendary = an extra perk. Using what we have in game, a MP item or additional loyalty points. I know I wouldn't mind an additional Batman decor pack for being subbed 4 years in. I would say something like this is crucial for any MMO and DCUO has always overlooked the longevity of some players in the reward dept. I think the monthly stuff we get now is good, but a little extra for longevity is needed.

    2. On Elite reset day, running the regular does not lock you out of Elite. Just the one time. RB if you wish to spam.

    And I'm not buying the LB drop rate diff for f2p/pre and legendary. And even if it was, I don't see this as a perk for me personally since there is little in the LB that benefit me and getting even more would further devalue the product. And I don't see how more lockboxes encourages players to buy keys. At some point quick it becomes diminishing returns.
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  2. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    I'd make a cheaper dcuo only subscription instead of all access.
    I think some middle ground between the price of the episode and all-access would be good.
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  3. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    Login Rewards, anywhere from temporary sales, to resources like Exobytes, maybe throw in Promethium lock boxes.

    Special Legendary style vendor only available to Legendary members, constantly updated.

    Holiday mashup Vault, available once a week, chance at any holiday vault gear with less common drop. base items, styles, trinkets, consumables, etc.
  4. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    Account bound feats. More people would Sub knowing they don't have to do tedius things on alts. Replay badges would be consumed faster because legendary no longer has need to unlock feats. More despensable replays means more resets. The 15 dollars likely won't be felt every month after a while and players will buy replays on top of legendary. Revenue has now gone up with more people guaranteeing 15 a month on top of market place.
  5. Aren Sul Committed Player

    There are already a lot of great suggestions, so I would like suggest for one of the titles (if they did that) The Dedicated
  6. Pathosgrim Dedicated Player

    3, 4 and 5 are perfectly reasonable.
  7. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player




    Sorry. Just sick of this mistake on the forums. Probably my biggest pet peeve.
  8. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    1. Replay raid reset discounts

    2. 4th colour palette for subscribers only

    3. Teleported instances

    4. Unique Base skins and shapes, subscription only. Eg. Ras Al Ghuls bedroom lair & the penthouse skin in the lvl1-30 missions

    5. Rare Pets and Trinkets

    6. Continuos subscription rewards

    5. Sidekick customisation
  9. Coffin Rot New Player

    I would love a respec token or making feats account bound. I think both of them are great ideas and would love to see either or both.
  10. Eternal Flame Active Player

    I agree with everything BUT the titles thing, its a little dumb if you ask me, but thats just one mans opinion. I don't think the devs will EVER bow to a 30% reduction in reset cost, a 10-15% might be a more realistic number and they might just accept it at 10%.

    I also have noticed that the DLC cross faction styles are not available in lockboxes. Meaning my hero can't get the Kalibak inspired gear. Which is understandable if your a F2P/Premium player because you wouldn't have access to it (ofc if your premium the Ep. bought you would). So if your legendary I think that we should have access to ALL styles in the lockboxes, not just the F2P styles from T1-3+PvP styles.

    On a side note, I also think they need to increase the drop rate of the crass-faction styles for both heroes or villains OR at the very least, make them tradable.
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  11. Eternal Flame Active Player

    #2&5 on your list will be available to everyone, not just subscribers.
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  12. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Hence why the thread says subscribers only.

    If people want the 4th colour, they'll subscribe.

    Number 4 is new themes like an Atlantean or space themed base for subscription only. And Ras Al Ghuls Nanda Parbat Lair and the Intergang penthouse don't exist as lairs.
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  13. Minnion Devoted Player

    Corrected your post with spellcheck. :p
  14. Minnion Devoted Player

    But what happens to your costume when you drop sub if it's "Exclusive"? Do you just loose the ability to change the existing costume colors to what's in the fourth slot?
  15. Eternal Flame Active Player

    Correction 2&5. Spytle said at the SOE Live 2014 keynote that Sidekick customization will be available to anyone with the Lair system. I also believe that they said the 4th color pallete will be available to everyone also. These are very trivial things.
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  16. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    In many other games I've played, they have something similar. When your subbed, you choose all your colours. When it expires, you keep your colours but if you touch them, then your locked again. This happens in allot of games.
  17. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    My view is subscription should have allot of perks and the 4th colour palette should be one, but that's my belief. Perhaps I should explain it more, Sidekick custo was scrapped with the the new UI. If it were to come back, I think you must be subbed to to use it. Premiums do minimal to the games expenses.
  18. Minnion Devoted Player

    Question about those other games: Are they pure subscription based, or do they let you buy full access to customization and content without "Renting" it? I mean some games even use a dye system where you color your gear with consumables...
  19. Speedcat Well-Known Player

    Free access to all content. And I don't mean everything replay free , just Not locking out elite after running normal. I always thought this was ridiculous for members.

    Also, loyalty based rewards were always fun in SWG, and they've started that in SWTOR.

    That said, I'm not going to wish for the moon. Though it would be nice. A big lovely moon....
  20. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    They have a system where you don't need to subscribe, but will take you allot longer to grind. But subscribing gives extra perks, such as instead of 2 bland colours and when you sub you get like 15 more. When your sub end you keep what you painted, but if you change the colour whatsoever then you lose the sub colour.

    One has a system that if you remove a part/gear peice with a sub colour then you lose it, but we don't have that and I don't want it that extreme.

    If people really want it, then they'll have to pay to support the game and get additional rewards. Just giving new stuff to F2P and unpaying premiums is a waste of resources and encourages a small amount of people not to go further and subscribe.