If you could be any hero or villain for a day

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by JayJay2515, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. JayJay2515 New Player

    Who and why?

    Just curious and waiting for Army of Two to download.

    I'd definitely be Superman and do nothing but fly around in space because I love astronomy, I'd also be Gambit because he's Gambit
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  2. Abandon New Player

    I'd be me because, well, it's me.
  3. Itazuki New Player

    Joker, and hook up with Harley.
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  4. TrueMarvel New Player

    the chameleon.
    and hook up with all of marvels hottest babes disguised as their close ones.

    Giggity- Giggity
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  5. TrueMarvel New Player

    Or any great shape-shifter for that matter
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  6. Lwee New Player

    Power Girl, get a mirror and some alone time :p

    Giggity-Giggity indeed :p
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  7. MercPony Devoted Player

    Tough one! I would wanna be anyone that can fly though. Superman is a great choice... Supergirl and Power Girl as well. Strangely enough, I would wanna be a male character xD Yay gender bending.
  8. Brit Loyal Player

    Hmm.. Any hero for a day?

    I'd be Brice Allen. And I'd rearrange all his skill points into Dominance, remod all his gear with Power IVs, and then wait to see how long it takes him to notice.
  9. eel_nigiri New Player

    While Batman and many of the characters from his rogues gallery are some of my favorites, I would definitely want to be someone with real powers if I had to be any DC hero for a day. I also like Power Girl a lot, but if I was going to pick anyone, it would have to be someone who was confirmed to be able to time travel. Both Superman and Flash have been able to willingly go back in time using their speed. There are things in my past I'd like to try to change, even though it's against traditional time travel rules to meddle with your past self.

    I'd also have the benefit of being able to pull a BTTF and give my old self a sports almanac or I could basically cheat at the lottery so when I was back to my original self and powerless, I would be filthy rich. Any other hero would be fun, but I'd gain no long term benefits once I lost my powers...and if I make myself rich using time travel, I can just go on to become like Bruce Wayne or Lex Luthor once I have loads of money with which to make risk free business ventures with, so as long as I was filthy rich and willing to do a lot of training, I could basically use my one day of powers to also end up becoming a Batman type of person.
  10. Azreaus Committed Player

    Any Hero? Easy - Reed Richards so I could work out a way to give myself superpowers permanently :D
  11. Delta795 New Player

    Cpt. Marvel..
    I mean seriously they gave Black Adam the power & haven't been able to take it away for over 5,000 years! Well that and he's basically Superman without the responsibility or weakness to stupid green rocks.
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  12. The Kitsune New Player

    I would want to be the Hero or Villain that has the most fun. Flash comes to mind.
  13. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Naturally, I'd want to be one that I designed... He's...

    Oh.. one you recognize?

    Probably either Spidey - web-swinging looks like a blast or Superboy (Clone-El) - there's so many things he could do IF he were to actually try... One storyline had an alternate dimension Superboy trained by Batman... There's the ultimate teen hero!
  14. Madphinger New Player

    I'd probably be Longshot and spend all day in Vegas.
  15. Grid Ion Committed Player

    Saint Walker or Hal Jordan ftw !
  16. Markedben New Player

    Black Adam. Most powerful.
  17. TheLoneLantern New Player

    I'd like to be Nightcrawler because his teleporting is pretty cool, but I'd hate to look like him (sorry, he's not attractive). Superman is the obvious choice because he can fly. Batman only because I would love to drive the Batmobile/vehicles. The Flash because his superspeed sounds like so much fun. Finally, Colossus because he's my favorite X-men member.

    Even though my favorite superhero is Green Lantern, I wouldn't want to be one for a day because I just don't know what I would do with the power...
  18. Deathmark New Player

    None. You mean id get to have whatever really cool power for ONLY one day in my life? No thanks. I'd rather not ever experiecne it. I couldnt ever enjoy life again after. youd' be like, "hey remember that day i could fly and punch holes in the moon and shoot lasers from my eyes?..........Man that was quite a day........ Please god kill me."
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  19. Forsberg New Player

    Villian. Deathstroke. To do the world some justice!.. wait a minute... :mad:
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  20. Jordan153 New Player

    Booster Gold, free soder colas.
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