If kicking stays, the support roles will have all the power

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GalaxySniper, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Krypton Dedicated Player

    Well I play hero...I dont consider myself a jackhole, and I have always played for my team...

    I love the wide grouping... :)
  2. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I know right since I'm a mental troll and not a Dps :p
  3. Avian Dedicated Player

    Support role should have the power. DPS are too spoiled and have been in the spotlight which is amazing when considering that a fraction of the entire DPS community actually play well. I have just been in a Laby run where the DPS basically did everything in their power to not help the group at all with their mindless burning. If you are cr 113+ I expect you to know that hitting the Punisher = death if everyone doesn't make it out of its range. DPS hugging each other for those stats boosts and then getting 1 shot by the Bow Master. DPS who use the their AMs but don't actually use their power return mechanic and then scream for power. DPS who don't know the range at which their abilities can do max damage and still be safe from getting KO'd. Not understanding that most of the rooms have mechanics that allows you to get to the next one faster if you stop killing things and focus on the mechanic instead but they refuse to listen and keep on scoreboard chasing.

    Worst of all the massive ego which litteraly kills groups. Bad DPS are toxic to each and every group and there are too damn many of them. If someone is giving you advice on how to complete the instance and it actually makes sense, concentrate on trying to understand it instead of questioning who the person giving the advice is and puff up your chest and explain why you are such a beast. I have to admit that there are support roles who act the same way but it's mainly DPS.

    Not being able to kick them from groups does suck but I prefer being able to leave myself than being kicked by some "beast" DPS who doesn't know his role or the mechanics of the instance.
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  4. Forsaken Mentalist Well-Known Player

    i have The POWEERRR!!!!

    Seriously though, I haven't experienced the OP's point first hand. But, hey. I'm also in favour of a kick option just because regardless of role, I can only help a bad player to a point. My go to is not kick. But I like having it when I or my teammates have exhausted our ability to assist and guide.
  5. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    personally i'm loving the apparent lack of deserter status. i don't care if the kick function comes back or not...just give me a 15 second deserter penalty and i'm good.

    i think i can count the number of times ive initiated to kick someone on both my hands in four years of playing the game. most of those times it was due to someone behaving offensively towards leaguemates or friends, a few times it was because that player was just so bad they were seriously hindering the groups progress.

    on the other hand in just the past week (keeping in mind ive been playing "casually" lately as in only on my days off) i have been in several 114/5 cr groups that cannot handle carol ferris, that cannot handle the first boss in Lab let alone the last boss, that cannot handle cerberus, that cannot handle the forge master, that waste lotsa of time in rooms competing for damage when the objective is to seal gas leaks and step on colored pads, that cant stick together and get lost in an easy maze or separated while trying to dodge a three headed dog.

    i dont have time to waste.

    its actually not such a bad thing to prevent poorer minded players from raid jacking...
  6. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    LOL we could. But...and I kinda hate to admit this...I have had to PUG a lot lately due to playing at times my league isn't usually on and thus have had to solo heal a lot of the new content, and it is freaking fun. I miss having a healer buddy, but since my buddies are either not online or have left the league being solo has its benefits. Maybe when cross play occurs we can play together, that would be fun. ^.^

    By the way, love the new signature. Very insightful. They usually are. :D
  7. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I really hope the players i played with today read this post so ppl know I'm not making this up. I'm playing HOH and 2-3 players is already talking smack telling each player one by one who is good and who suck at the game.
    Using the Nword and using perverted words that have to do with sucking over and over again. And then tell his friend to leave this raid and play GTA 5 cause ppl suck at this. One was a healer, other was a Tank and I think the other was Dps that was in on it also.

    This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about! We didnt die we killed all the adds efficiently and they either felt like trolling the raid for no apparent reason or just didn't like how ppl was killing the adds ( I really don't know). But this was so uncalled for and the for players that stayed in the raid was offended. 3 out of the 4 players that stayed had kids around them including me.
    My niece had to hear that vulgar piece of crap that came out of there mouths.

    I'm all for kicking but you don't do that type of crap to make a statement, stuff like that will weaken your case about bringing kicking back and strengthen ppl case who want's to disable kicking.

    I have you guys name and league written down. And I will report u guys
  8. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    You should try it. I tank and ran AoD with 3 DPS and me. It was a blast. Most fun alert I have ever done. Playing "safe" is not always the most fun.
  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    lol thats almost every run of LAB I go into, they burn the shades that need to be turned into statues, or burn adds instead of finding their colors, all while Im always the 1st to locate my color rather Im DPSing or trolling.

    kinda sad honestly people try so hard in a game.
  10. Will Power Loyal Player

    I like fighting as a Tank. I don't like 100% blocking and healing my own damage in. That kind of run would need my resto high that means less precision or might and less my Damage out.
  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    That would be enough to get me to play on a semi active basis
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  12. HoodWarbler New Player

    well for one I'm one of them I only play the role intended if I troll than I'ma a troller. I don't switch to dps I only have one role.
  13. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    Healers and trolls are easy to find. Mainly tanks will have the power.
  14. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I am a support player.. CR 111 Troll, CR 110 Tank and CR 110 Healer along with a number of other toons that vary in roles including DPS. I have lived with the 5-1-1-1 mentality that turns my controller into the Ever Ready Bunny for as long as I have played this game. And the BEST(?) part is I have finished raids where I pretty much did nothing but hit POT and Power Push while firing my weapon non stop to try and keep my own power level up and managed to come in third in damage making me question just exactly what some of those other DPS were doing the entire raid. I have been on teams that started out with 2 controllers and everyone was at full power all the time and burning through mobs and then (and this is the amazingly STUPID part) the HEALER decided we didn't take the boss down fast enough and had the other Troll switch to DPS.... (did I mention stupid? yeah he had the Troller with the higher CR switch to DPS. NOW.. doesn't it stand to reason that that means you not only cut your power input in half BUT you also left the Troll with less VIT as your only source of power). We struggled , check that I STRUGGLED, but did okay till the final boss battle and then who do I see screaming for more power in group chat? THE HEALER

    In short DPS , and even other support toons, have been dumping on the support roles for ages. Then you see some gut in LFG screaming for a TANK or HEALER for like 10 minutes in all caps and using curse words and it never dawns on anyone that MAYBE the reason there are so few support toons out there is because everyone wanted everything done so fast that 2-2-2-2 died long ago and all we see is 5-1-1-1 or even 6-1-1 (ahh who needs a TANK anyway). So let me just say if there is anything and I mean ANYTHING that forces the button mashers out there to acknowledge I have value to a team then I support it.

    Now that the rant is over,............. and the NO Kick test is as well I hope we never see a time where the norm is NO KICK. Way too many jerks out there that will get their jollies holding an entire team hostage or sitting back and laughing while a team struggles to complete a raid or alert 1 man short while they do nothing and still get rewards at the end. I have seen the bad side of kicking as well where a player did nothing wrong but wound up kicked because a leaders BUDDY logged on and needed the marks from the final battle of an alert or raid BUT that doesn't happen enough to do away with a teams right to get rid of people that can't or wont do their job.
  15. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I've read every word and I feel your pain.
  16. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    If a healer is begging for power, they're doing it very wrong