If kicking stays, the support roles will have all the power

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GalaxySniper, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. Biester New Player

    How to encourage players to play more as support roles = hijack instances as a support role and force the dps universe to pay us for our support services. Eventually, dps' become broke or simply get angry and either quit the game or they become a support role themselves.

    It could happen. I'm 99.9999% sure that it won't but, hey, you never know.
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  2. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Um i would like too see walk ins back in the game
    you could enter whatever tier level any instance Duos four man raids included

    also too make a white mod you could you use for you''re Base Teleporter that will take you there
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  3. Biester New Player

    Don't knock it before you've tried it, bro. I've made millions selling my tanking services and never had a complaint from a customer. There are some rich players (dcuo money) who are more than happy to pay for peace of mind and that's what I give them.

    I got invited to a Themyscira Divided farming group from a controller and two dps'. He was glad to pay me $300K per run to run without a healer and keep his two burners in the group. Take it when you can get it, it's an easy way to make money since most players love to play in dps role. It's not my fault the playerbase is the way it is, I just like to capitalize on it from time to time.

    Speaking of which, players are paying good money for a good rage tank in Throne. Maybe I'll go make some money while I wait for the next dlc.
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  4. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Been getting paid millions ever since devs removed kick from group option. If I knew good healers were in good demand this much. I would have encouraged devs to remove kick from group ages ago.
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  5. JReel New Player

    LOL I made about 800k just to run AOD and RTN.
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  6. LightSp33d Well-Known Player

    Meh, as a support role it's nice to have the power for once. However, most support roles don't leave for "no reason" whatsoever. The only time I leave a group is if the people don't listen and keep dying. To be honest I'd rather heal a competent group that listens than one that keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over again. So sometimes when a support role leaves it's probably not him or her, most likely he or she leaves because of the group.
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    ^^^Thank you.^^^

    I take pride in my main character too...and I have 16 Armories across 4 lairs...all 15 dedicated to different styles for my DPSing. The last one is strictly for PvP (DPS as well). Doesn't matter what power I am, always and always will be a DPS with Khalon. I have Alts for everything else.:)
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  8. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Very true. but A holes is a A holes no matter what role they play. And I can understand of having no sympathy for dps due to years and years of abuse. I haven't played as long as you guys since a lot of you played since the beginning, so it would be wrong 4 me to tell you how you guys should feel.
    But I am all for fair and balance and making the community better. Me personally there ppl playing other roles that's acting like Dps as well. And this is a shock to me
  9. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Very true. And I respect your comment. Once I found out I wasn't making since to you guys, that's when I notice i need to go to bed lol. I appreciate all you guys view points
  10. Kal~el Committed Player

    I find this humorous. For years support roles have been the DPS whipping boy. Now you are bothered by the support roles standing up for themselves.

    Not saying it is right but it is....

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  11. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

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  12. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Controllers be like "You will never defeat me. I control the technology. I have the power... to control your mind!"

    That Superman hair though! :p

    Justice League: Task Force (Starts at 0:23)
  13. Revoemag Committed Player

    Maybe if DPs hadn't treated support roles as second class citizens in the past we wouldn't be having this problem now..

    I choose to play support role, but I do so and perform the best when I respect those I'm playing with.
    If the DPs want to be jerks, well the power (I troll) would stop.. I would risk getting kicked if I did but accepted it...
    now no kick, so you want to be a jerk, well no power for you and no kick for me..
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  15. DcPlayer313 Committed Player

    I'm at 98 cr now Electric Healer and I will say I have left during raids and Alerts but not because I was looking to sabotage the group. The only time I leave is when people refuse to work together. You're in an instance that is meant for people to work together yet you get these players who either try and do their own thing which results in everyone dying or that dps guy that just likes to sit back and do nothing. Oh and lets not leave out those players who have reached max cr and purposely sabotage an instance. Why should I force myself to stay in a group that refuses to work together which ends up with everyone dying time and time again ?
  16. Krypton Dedicated Player

    I have only played control since beta....I have no interest in ever playing another role...You don't want me fine I will move on :)

    I also never switch powers. I was Mental in beta and launch...and only switched to quantum cause it fit my char better. I stuck with it when no one thought it was cool anymore... Now I see we are the flavor of the month now. :) It is what it is...
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  17. Buckley Loyal Player

    that about sums it up 1 and 2
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  18. Krypton Dedicated Player

    It is what it is...life is filled with these types of people....are you shocked?
  19. Buckley Loyal Player

    Not at all, I have a very populated ignore list of them. The best you can do in this game is find some like minded players or league and pug the minimum.
  20. Ajoda New Player

    What side do y'all play on? Heros are usually jackholes which is ironic. Also if a dps song or can't switch it's their fault for whatever problems they run into because of that. This game requires support roles and if you don't adapt you get left behind.