If kicking stays, the support roles will have all the power

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GalaxySniper, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. ChuckLess New Player

    I have 4 Armories. All are DPS based.

    I do have a full set of 98 off role gear just for fun. Will likely never even equip.

    I don't think that's true at all.
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  2. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    Didn't mean to offend you, it's just that it seems that you mentioning support roles being in a power position because of the no kick didn't seem to be linked to me since technically they always had been in "power" position. By your same example, before when the kick was there, if a healer in an alert with 3 dps with kick enabled decided to call it a day and leave there leaving them on their own there is nothing the others could do about it whether the kick option was there or not, same position of "power" as now.

    As for the pot thing I saw mentioned earlier, it's pretty easy to notice that early on. All it takes is 1) Ask the other not to pot, 2) If said person doesn't listen, leave and reform group with people able to communicate since it's only been 2 min inside the raid no big time lost. It's not like you're only noticing that the other troller is using pot 1h into the raid.

    At least with no kick it forces people to actually communicate and take the time to explain things to other new players, but then again considering the high number of dps who are not paid by the hour and want things to get done as fast as possible, communicating is a waste of precious time compared to a kick.
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  3. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    maybe not but like you said YOU have a full set of off role gear that you can use. Now rather you choose to use it is up to you. Some ppl rather not due to lack of knowledge of the role or w/e the case may be, but ppl should / usually have a extra set stashed by now.
  4. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Don't worry. Im not offended. Its the internet and I put myself out there so I was prepared for the headshot. I just wish i could've change the title so ppl wouldn't be confused lol.

    I do feel like support roles will have power and abuse the power if the no kicking happens due to the supply and demand of competent support role players.
    But my intentions wasn't to make it seem like all support roles is going to doit. I think that's where ppl are getting so defensive. I'm just talking about the bad apples that can make majority of us look bad.
    And we have to be aware of these type of players cause there are players that do these kind of things and that we should not ignore but beaware that these things are going or can happen to other players

    And with the 3dps and 1 healer I came up with a crazy Idea and wing it with 4 Dps so I became the 4th Dps and beat Crime Wave with sodas and supply drops lol I had fun doing it.
    Trust me I will not be offended if you disagree with me. I get along with lots of ppl that I disagree with as long as it comes from a good and honest place.

    Im all for kicking. But if no kicking do happens then I will have to adjust to the game play and enjoy it the best way I can
  5. HersheyKiss New Player

    As opposed to all the times the dumb dps only players in this game have made the mostly support players lives harder? I dont condone leaving, griefing and all that and i cant stand the kick being gone. But i could care less how dps players only feel.
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  6. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    I felt as a mainly support player (95 percent of the time) I always have this power. Now I dont abuse this, but there are instances where I have stayed through four hours due to bad luck and internet connections. This weekend I left three throne groups after 2 failed ares attempts. The one group told me there was no second heal or troll for Hades because they didnt care, they just wanted to beat Ares. Well worth the 1 minute deserter penalty. When Love N War came out, I watched a Healer die from Carol 16 times, and the healers league called me squishy....I know as a tank, I beat it ten times prior at this point and know as a tank the likely hood of finding a good group would happen where I wouldnt get exposed with sidekick and soders on cool down. When I am on my dps, Which is rare, I stick in longer because I know its hard to find a group willing to run a 109 dps in LAW or Lockdown.
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  7. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    Also, I never asked for money on my troll or tank, but I support those who do. I stay leagueless because of Gates and people guilting me to run it ten times a week. If you ask me to troll or tank Lab or Hoh and I ran it already, dont take it personal when I say no, i probably like you, but dont want to waste replays on raids. Just because I am a support role doesnt mean I need to help people 24/7.
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  8. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Here's the deal, if you queue into an alerts as both roles and you refuse to switch to your assigned role I will leave now that the deserter penalty is only 60 seconds. If you're going to queue as both roles then you should be prepared to play both. The same applies to Raids, because I don't want to solo heal the top raids, especially when I can't activate a switch when I'm in Bug Form and people don't want to give me a moment to change my loadout. It was DPS that had the power in T5 and AF1, but with kicking removed they now see what they did to Tanks and Healers.
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  9. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    What goes around comes back around b*tches! You dont like it, change how you handle the situation.

    How does it feel to be in a support role's shoes? Especially in horrid groups.

    DPS have had far too much freedom for far too long.
    Feel the scorn of the support players.

    Funny how something that is beneficial to support roles comes around, the DPS start whining and b*tching about it.
    **** for once.

    Ok. Rant done.

    Maybe this could help you all to work together or learn from each other.
    I personally havent had issues with the no kick option.
    But there are several on both sides of the scope that have.
    ride the experiment out.
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  10. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Well said, I agree 100%.
  11. Makineko Committed Player

    On my main I troll (110 cr) T6 and below if needed (75% of the time), If I'm in a group below T6 and there's already enough Trolls I'll switch to my dps side (97 cr) because it's fun to let loose once in a while, not have to worry about the support role and smash some stuff.

    I can see both sides of the argument, if both sides treat each other with respect and the supports don't try and use their role to funk up an effort then all will end well. However as a Troll and having seen the other side of it while in raids/alerts with my league mates makes me see the side where some dps deserve no sympathy at all.

    For too long elements of the dps community have:
    a) kicked a support role because they feel that they're not performing to their standards (when maybe if said dps didn't mash powers, actually tried conserving power and didn't charge in like the light brigade it'd help the cause countless times more then any power or heals support could give them)
    b) Come out with "MORE POWERRRRRR", "PULL ADDS TANK", "Squishy Tank" or "this healer is rubbish" when they're causing the problem, have never tried the support role they're criticising and have no intention to try it ever either.

    There's good and bad in both support and dps community but sometimes seeing how fast they are to point fingers some dps players can start feeling some kharma after the way they've treated support roles. I'd never charge myself for my Trolling in raids but I can see why some do and maybe this shift will force elements of the dps communitiy to think before they start mouthing off.
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  12. JReel New Player


    Oh finally, support roles are gaining some ground again. You DPS guys have been ignoring our importance for a long time now. You only use us as an escape plan or when you need us for a raid. When you feel like you don't need us, we are overlooked and overshadowed. Well guess what, we are coming for the mothermuckas. We are closer than you think. We are right behind you and you don't even know it. There is only so much we can take.
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  13. JReel New Player

    If you have 4 armories all DPS based, then you need help lol
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  14. Crimson Jonni New Player

    How so exactly? Maybe he just doesnt like to play his support role? There is nothing wrong with that. I find it a little Ironic that if a player plays only dps, they're deemed as lazy, unskilled, ect but If a person only plays a support role, they're viewed as more skilled. Its personal preference; the role you play doesnt define the type of player you are, the actions do. If a player had said they had 4 troll armories, the response would have been different

    edit:According to the forum
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  15. ChuckLess New Player

    Well I have my main everyday setup with HB

    I have my Raid with the only 100 weapon I have ever had drop (rifle, yuck). I also have a slightly different loadout for Raids

    I have my low Tier (and Vault run) "tear em up" with Duel Pistols

    And a PVP build - I may switch this one out for an off role build, but I'm not sure which I would use less. At least the PVP build is good for Legends PVE (not having to repair or take off my real gear)
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  16. JReel New Player

    It was actually a joke; but okay. I am amazed how you got all of those claims out of that one statement.
  17. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I totally understand where you are coming from on this now. I do however have to respectfully disagree that the kick/no kick option is creating this. These people exist regardless of the kick policy. Certain people will always try to take advantage of the situation no matter what. Prior to the no kick I had a solo troll in necro that told the group he would not troll for us unless he approved of the burn. The guy was a good troll but not irreplaceable. The only minor change I see from the no kick, is that good role players such as yourself become more valuable to groups and you will get a lot more ninja invites. To bad your not the type to take advantage because you could make bank on it:D .
  18. Crimson Jonni New Player

    The claims weren't really retrieved from that one statement, but rather seem to be a common mentality among the community, in particular the forums which is why I added the according to the forum bit. As for the joke, its hard to identify when the content in the thread isnt really lighthearted so my bad.
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  19. WayneEnthusiast New Player

    What I have been seeing alot of, unfortunately, is support roles who charge for their services. I get tells on a daily basis from trolls and healers saying they will do their roles only for resets after they see me shouting for a while. I play as a tank, and that's f***** up. I should never have to pay someone to play a game with our group.
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  20. Malachyte Devoted Player

    The only charge for my services is fun game play, accompied by courtesy and manners. Yet you be surprised by how many players find the price to steep lol