If kicking stays, the support roles will have all the power

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GalaxySniper, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    All roles are important. But these type of support roles are the bad apples that make other support roles look bad. Even tho most of the players that I've played with that ninja quit are healers. It would be unfair for me to see as all healer as childish as they are. Now mind you soon as they left which was a boss fight each time and we haven't even wiped yet. We beat it with out them with ease.

    It feel like these ninja quits give them false since of power, like we cant beat it with out them if they quit for no apparent reason.
  2. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I can live with that. Thanks 4 ur opinion. I will respect every one opinion even if they agree or disagree
  3. X-zero Loyal Player

    Actually this is because of two of the changes partly the inability to kick people, but mainly the very low deserter. People were told if they didn't want to play with a group then just leave. And now that is what is happening.
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  4. Cirocband New Player

    This is true though. I'm a 115 Nature heal and I've been getting ninja invited or just invited to various groups because the healers left. Some groups were actually bad, so I stuck it out and helped coach some of them through it, and other groups the previous healer just left for no reason. However, I understand leaving if it's a failed group though. But some people are misusing the privilege of not being able to kick. And this does put the ball in the support roles' court. One time I was in a group in Lab and the tank had a disagreement about the colors of the plates before final boss and he didn't leave, forcing the group to disband, kick him, get another tank, and rerun the raid. Would've been easier just to kick him. #imjustsayin

    At the same time, I ran on my alt tank in Lab and we go to the last boss and dps kept burning the boss and letting the ads pile up so I kept getting overwhelmed and died cause I was fire smh. So I ended up switching to ice for better durability, and the same thing kept happening and we figured out the problem and was able to fix it and finish the raid. However, I already know that if kick was enabled I would've gotten kicked and blamed eventhough it was the dps' fault for not burning the ads and burning the boss too fast. So I guess there are pro's and cons.
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  5. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I am not sure I understand the connection between the no kick and deserting of groups by support roles. From my experience people would desert an instance constantly even before the no kick policy or the lowering of the deserter penalty. Some people just don't have it in them to stick it out and figure a way to complete the content with each different group. Usually happens after the first wipe or after they are knocked out for the first time and no one can pick them up. Were the roles that deserted good at their role? Most of the times I have seen people leave is because they were not good in their role and didn't want to be called out on it. If the kick option was still available would they have stayed and kicked the other people?
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  6. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I was trying to run an alert got a ninja inv to throne they wanted me to solo troll so I was like ok then after the 3rd fail I walked out I don't mind helping but I'm not going to waste my time .
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  7. Freeman Active Player

    I left FOS 2 yesterday because the 2nd troll kept overwriting my PoT. It was a difference of 127 - 270 and he was unresponsive any communications. It was a tad frustrating.
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  8. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player


    This looks like some kind of Chewbacca Defense, as Senseless mentioned there is no correlation between a player leaving on his/her own and the fact that the kick feature is on or not.

    As far as the no kicking causing a bigger issue as the kicking, I am not sure. It seems the only problems people are experiencing with the no kicking is only in the latest raid, while the kicking issues happen accross all content (not to mention the disband instance issue as well with the inability to reopen the instance if you chose to stay).

    Grievers gonna grieve. No kicking: They won't do a thing just to be jerks. Kicking: They can either either group before with just the right amount of friends to have the kicking majority and eject before final boss or spam the Kick option hoping people would just quickly click yes just like for disband IN THE MIDDLE of a fight making it pass as "loot".

    Just like those grieving out of spite that the Kick has been removed, I'm pretty sure if it were to come back those against the Kick feature would also grieve players abusing it just for the sake of it to prove a point. It's like a never ending struggle.
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  9. Cirocband New Player

    Are you a villain? I think I got invited to heal as apart of the clean up committee and the trolls were awful and not throwing pot or recharge, I had to coach them through it.
  10. Freeman Active Player

    "... there is no correlation between a player leaving on his/her own and the fact that the kick feature is on or not."

    As stated above, I left FOS2 because the other troller was overwriting my PoT and there was no hope of rearranging the lineup. So I left. As far as I can see.... that is a direct correlation.
  11. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Basically since there more ppl that play Dps than support roles, and ever since the no kicking happened. Me personally have witness supportive players threatening Dps player that they will leave if they don't play the way they want to play or just leave without warning.
    Now mind you. If ppl where wiping or they was in the raids for a very long time then i get it.
    But this isn't whats happening all the time.
    This is a power trip that's been going on. I kid you not your progressing smoothly without dying and the healer is gone, not DCed but gone.
    I have seen tanks not tanking and causing wipes on purpose and take full advantage of this due to the fact he cant be kicked and that raids are in need of tanks.

    To be honest What you are saying is VERY true, so I'm not going to deny what you are saying. I myself have left a group due to not working out.
    But I've seen the other side as well. And i hope i am wrong on this. But I feel that ppl that are in supportive roles are going to abuse the power of no kicking to make other players get use to the way the power trip players play right or wrong.
    I already heard healers saying good luck finding another healer and left cause the healer didn't want to stop spamming power and felt by him leaving it would be hard for us to find another and we would just disband cause of it. Good thing for the group we found another healer and beat it.

    Half of these players that power trip arn't good players themselves and once they leave the raids are actually easier to beat.
    Me personally don't want this to become a trend

    Hope i was more clear for you
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  12. Requake Dedicated Player

    Hmm, like last week I joined a group for Labyrinth. I had already done last boss because I helped a group out. Usually I would have stayed till the end but we were in Labyrinth for a loooong time (Can't recall the exact times) but basically instead of doing objectives the dpses kept smashing the adds which you have to turn into stone for example, so I just left after second boss and my last loot.
    And tbf, I'm sure people would pay to have someone tank for them, especially the solo tanks in elite on the adds nowadays. ;)
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  13. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    o ok. I'm not offended. I have tough skin. So thank u 4 telling me I don't make since. Basicly What I meant is Pick your poison meaning when someone's supposed to choose between two horrible options. its an old saying http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pick your poison click on the link it will help u understand :)
  14. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    interesting subject...

    I may have to get on my CR114 troll today :rolleyes:

    make me some $_$
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  15. Shad0wReap3r Committed Player

    But that doesn't make sense either. What people are telling you is that the support roles leaving has absolutely no connection to the lack of a kick option. Now, if your post was about the 1 min deserter penalty causing support roles to abandon groups more often, then yes, that could make sense.

    Even if kicking was an option right now though, it would not make more or less support roles abandon groups. Now, that said, I am wondering if you mean that since the support role themselves cannot kick the problems, they choose to leave instead. That could possibly be an issue in this circumstance, but with your statements about smooth runs and still leaving, it doesn't lead to this conclusion.
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  16. Malachyte Devoted Player


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  17. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    true, but thats what armories are for, hell the new solo is easy enough you can have full 98 for your off role in no time lol

    so to not have a full set of gear now is pretty lazy on the players part IMO, even me I have do both roles on all my characters other then my Ice character which I havent played on it since hitting CR106 so I've not really had time to get any gear for my DPS side, not to mention my troll and DPS are the only 2 who have armories atm so getting extra gear for my healer or tank would be a waste.

    Point is anyone who plays DCUO alot or has played DCUO for awhile and takes pride in their character (s) will do both roles.
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  18. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Aw dang don't do that lol. I've been enjoying reading your post on other threads by the way. I've enjoyed other ppl post on here also even if they want to insult me to get some likes.
  19. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    naw Im not that type of person Id rather sell bit stacks at 135k :p

    not to mention I needa gear my main to CR114 :( he's still 113 fresh 113 too so I have a ways to go before I get 114 :D
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  20. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Well ppl have problem with kicking and other ppl have problem with not kicking which is why I say pick your poison.

    Also what you and other ppl are saying and what I am witnessing are two different things. So since you haven't experience what I've experience of course it's not going to make since to you :).

    You can try to correct what I'm saying but you can't correct what I've witnessed. Does that make since to you? And by all means say whats on you guys mind.

    But I will admit the pay to play is an assumption. but I'm just thinking whats the worst that can happen. Since players charge replays for raids why not pay for supply in demand in supportive roles? Once again it's an assumption for the worst on this part