If kicking stays, the support roles will have all the power

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GalaxySniper, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    IF NO KICKING STAYS this will give suportive roles power

    For the past few days I've seen support roles leaving faster than ever in raids and 4 player. They know how important and rare they are.
    They will leave raids on purpose to make Dps lives miserable.
    I have been in raids and 4 players where a healer ninja leaves for no reason. The mission can go well and they just leave, leaving everybody flabbergasted and we would have to disband the raid all together.

    You have Tanks that will either Dps on purpose knowing they cant be kicked or leave if ppl wipe just one time.
    Supportive roles know how stubborn how Dps can be There can be 3 dps in 4 player and they will not switch to the other role. They will just run around in circles waiting for one of the Dps to leave.
    I swear there would be 3 dps that are rage, nature, and sorcery all playing in the same instance and they will not change to there supportive role what so ever lol.
    Since supportive roles know that dps can be stubborn they will use this against them and start charging ppl to play the game.

    I can literally see supportive roles abusing there power to be paid to play in the raid. I have been in a raid where there was 7 dps and me as a troll cause other supportive roles just up and left while Dps is asking other dps to leave hoping for a tank or healer to show up.
    It may get as bad as supportive role not doing there job but players are dealing with it just to get by

    As a troll I never been ninja invited so many times for the same raid. I did Necro and LD 5x's each in 2 days.
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  2. ChuckLess New Player

    Not everyone plays both roles. Actually, most people only play one role. So asking them to switch may not be a good idea. I never have my off role set up for use.
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  3. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Yea i know i tried to edit the title but it wouldn't let me or I just don't know how
  4. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Not asking them to switch. Just saying support roles can take advantage knowing that most Dps doesn't play both roles which to me is petty
  5. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    I think I didn't get it. Why kicking would matter if the player is leaving the instance himself?
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  6. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    I meant it as if no kicking stays this would get supportive roles power. Ugh i really wish i knew how to edit
  7. That_Guy New Player

    Support roles have power? Since when? I used to play support and the only power I had was to magically be responsible for everyone not blocking/listening/moving.

    ooooooh wait i see, it would take power away from the dps.....who normally have all the cards
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  8. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    Still I didn't get it... if the player wants to leave, he will leave. The things you said on OP it's more a player problem than no-kicking system.
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  9. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Try now. Sorry my Dyslexia is getting in the way of me making since
  10. MrBeefCakes New Player

    As a troll I left an HOH last cause the group was that bad. Don't waste people time and they won't leave.
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  11. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    How do you know this? Numbers please.
  12. Will Power Loyal Player

    Me personally if I que in and get a 3 dps group I as a Tank walk out the teleporter cause I want 1111 groups in Alerts.
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  13. ChuckLess New Player

    Oh gimme a break. "numbers please". lol
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  14. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    How dare those support roles realize their worth and not be willing to waste their time in groups that only want one of each role...and then expect them, as in those in the support role, to do the work of two.
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  15. SenseIess Well-Known Player

    Yeah but you being able to kick or not it won't change anything lol...
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  16. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    No numbers, just personal experience with in the last 2 days thats all. I've witness supportive players leaving due to not liking how other player plays even tho we are getting threw the mission just fine.

    It doesn't bother me if you disagree. That's why its on the forum so ppl can talk about it
  17. Mothmother Level 30

    If there is any truth in any of these threads either 1) the game must be riddled with 8 year olds ord 2) this game has the most immature adult audience in any game ever.
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  18. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    U have a point. Its like choosing what poison you want to drink. But would you agree or disagree that the no kicking will cause a bigger issue than kicking?
  19. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    In other words you can't substantiate your statement. Thanks for clearing that up.
  20. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    I neither agree nor disagree. I'm just saying that the idea that more people either do or do not play both roles is a matter of perception and personal bias...which we all have.