Idea for running older content...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AerovengerReturns, Jun 14, 2019.

  1. AerovengerReturns Level 30

    The issue of running older content is always being posted here.
    The problem is straightforward - A lack of players queuing to run that stuff; nowadays people even pay to skip content.
    Some ideas have included AI teammates and the ability to teleport into an instance regardless of how many is in your group.

    We want real players playing this content.
    Maybe this idea has come up before, I'm not long back to the game after a long break and I need feats and briefings in the old content - the queue time and lfg searching is horrendous. My league helps but obviously they can't run that stuff all the time for me. There are also old instances that I'm completely finished with, never to run again - that doesn't help anyone else needing stuff from those instances.

    I think one easy way to improve queuing is to add more general feats to the game re that content.
    Some of the feats I have in mind are an extension of feats that have already been in the game since day one; with all the content we now have, they could easily be extended.

    1) More briefing, investigation and collection feats
    There are currently completion feats for the classic game and some completion feats in episodic content, but add general completion feats to encourage players to run the old content to complete these briefings, investigations and collections. (Granted, some of us will already have most of them done)

    2) More solo, duo and alert completion feats
    These feats currently stop at 500.
    While they are slightly tedious, there is so much content in the game that you will make steady progress.

    3) Add raid completion feats
    I don't think these currently exist in the form of a general feat - complete 50 raids etc

    4) Add tiered content completion feats
    I think this is the main one to encourage the running of old content.
    For example;
    Complete 10 T3 raids
    Complete 50 T6 alerts
    Complete 10 T4 ops
    Complete 100 T7 solos
    Complete 100 T8 duos
    Compete 1000 JLD Raids :)
    Complete 50 Elite raids
    Complete 25 Elite Alerts
    Maybe something else like - Complete 10 T5 alerts in a week; Complete 20 T7 raids in a month.

    While some may think extending the old completion feats is tedious, there are others who may willingly go back over old content just to get those extra feat points.
    it is something straightforward and easy that could be added to the game to help this problem.

    At this point, is it not worth a try?
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  2. mdharlem Active Player

    I noticed that you said "we" in your post and I wonder who you meant by that, as I personally would prefer to complete feats on my own.

    I noticed that the AI idea seems very impractical to me and that your ideas seem like additional grinding.

    I wonder if the ability to access and complete older instances for feats could be reworked for smaller or solo groups.
  3. Knarlydude Loyal Player



    That would not only be a no but a heck no from me.

    We all know what needs to be done and it's not more mind numbing grindy feats added onto the already almost impossible list if existing feats that already exists. IMO, DCUO's feat system was and is horribly implemented. All this feat nonsense should have never been. People have real lives ( jobs, school and chores ) and do not have 24/7 to camp out on a video game.
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  4. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    I honestly believe 90%+ of all the instances will work with solo or smaller group queue'ing options. Dox was the only raid that crashed on me solo, and that was maybe 1 in 5 times. And it would only crash at the very end after beating the tyrant. I think they should just turn it on and see what happens. If there are any server loading issues they could rotate, like all T4 instances, then all T5, all T6, etc. On a weekly basis like LPVE.
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  5. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    While no one would or should object to a few new options to gain feats and increase their Sp a few things I would point out about your idea's details...

    I'll start with the increase to feats for completing solo challenges. Early on in any character's life this is fairly simple. Between tiers 1,2 and 3 you had/have 13 daily solo challenges. And many players do them not just to gain the feats for completing solos but to get the 125 points or reknown awarded for each to get the that up to "trusted" and to get the additional feats associated with reknown. The problem is after T3 the amount of slol challenges drops off drastically and numerous DLCs don't even have a solo. LOOK at Justice League Dark... Three OUTDOOR daily challenges but only a duo, alert and the 2 raids. Now go backwards.. ATLANTIS has a solo but TTTAN ISLAND has none and it kind of does like that Deluge has a solo, Earth 3 has none. Riddles with Crime .. no solo but had three outdoor solos and a daily bounty. Age of Justice.. had 6 daily outdoor challenges and a daily bounty. Now I enjoy solos as much as anyone but I am not wasting half a day doing missions that only hand me an alternate reward box just to get 10 feat points.

    NOW I do like your idea for feats for completing raids but I HOPE that is a typo where you list 1000 JLD raids. SHORT of using a ton of replays there are TWO raids and without relays you can do two a week. It would take 500 weeks to complete 1000 raids.
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  6. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    There are plenty who need feats from the older content, yet as part of your idea you want them to add feats so people will run it?

    Why not just spam LFG for a group to help with getting the feats?
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  7. AlyceNefarios Well-Known Player

    yes, that's a possible solution.
  8. docfraiser Active Player

    I am also an old player, who needs many feats from old content. And as OP said it is almost impossible to find groups to get them done. I also cannot ask my league mates every day to help me. So I would be happy if some of the raids, ops, duos could be possible to run alone or in a smaller group. Since most of us have a cr over 250 these days it would be so easy to run them alone and get those missing feats. Why also not implent teleporters in the watchtower to access those realms? We have it with certain raids aka fortress of solitude etc.. Why not with the rest? You could even implent a certain CR to be able to access them. That would help really much..
  9. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I have a idea, hurry and give us open episodes so i can get a group together to finish gorgon slayer
  10. DCUO Addict Committed Player

    Here’s a few ideas:

    1) Have a small number of featured content each week that gives Marks regardless of relevancy.
    2) On existing rare items add to the description where they drop to encourage people to farm them.
    3) Add new rare items to older content.
    4) Put more styles on the rare style vendor. (Obviously, this would help with feats, not with getting more players in older content.)
    5) Add a very rare chance to get a seal as an alternate reward.
    6) Allow for cross-faction LFG and group formation.

    Players can also help by joining a group when they see someone trying to put a run together. When I have time, I try, and whenever someone is just looking for an extra to help queue in, I do it. That’s never taken more than a few minutes of my time. If you’re forming a group, ask people to que up as they join the group in case there are players already waiting in the queue. That way you may be able to get in without building the whole group yourself.

    I really don’t want new feats added that just make the grind worse, and I think it would backfire if you’re feat hunting because many players queuing up to just grind won’t want to slow down to help with whatever feat you’re going for.
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  11. Exileant Well-Known Player

    ;) I would submit a suggestion of once you get to a certain C.R. over the raid or alert, that we be able to bypass needing to Queue for the old content, as most of us are so powerful we can easily solo the content. :eek: I would say a clamp should be put in place to give a a touch of a challenge in that solo mode, but give it to us so we can actually enjoy playing what we paid for. o_O In fact I think I will add that to my Solo Survival mode content post as well.
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  12. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    this would be the ideal solution, I think, only I would make the clamp optional.
  13. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    People still will not run the content because of Marks Relevancy. It will continue to be that way until Marks Relevancy is removed or the game goes belly up.

    DCUO is it's own worst enemy.
    So I expect that they think Marks Relevancy is a good thing and will continue to struggle for a solution other than admitting that they were wrong in the first place.

    Like I said.
    DCUO is a prime example of dumb luck is all the is needed in internet sales if you are ok with being mediocre. If they stopped sailing down the river of Denial and hired people that really understand customers & what truth in advertising is. DCUO could be a top 3 MMORPG. Superhero anything has been extremely popular for over a decade and DCUO has somehow found a way to make it to the bottom of the MMORPG game lists year after year.
  14. docfraiser Active Player

    I would go with that fact we already have this in the game...we can access Kandaq and Fortress of Solitude....and we could finally get the last feats than that we are missing. I thought that it would be better since we have Switch player now...but still is hell to run older content with more than 2 people. If you want a 4-player or 8-player raid you have to wait for days for it...unfortunately..
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    2 big problems with this, 1) 1000 of more when it's a raid that takes 15-20 min. People would either just not do it or it would need to be a lot of SP. 2) People would just blast through. Let's say they added the 50 T6 alert one (for example), I'd get a group of 3 people together, and we'd pick the fastest T6 alert then blast through it 10 or 20 times at a sitting a few times....heck maybe all 50...then never return. If you did the 'in a week' or 'in a month' ones, same story. Might as well make them 'in a DAY' count as that's when they will be done.

    Any of these things just means that people will try to find the fastest way to blow through them to completion. That won't help any new players get through the first time, or give anyone a way to work on any feats other than speed feats which will pop anyway.

    If you want people to run old content, either adding random drops of valuable items (like ultraman cape or Man-Bat trinket....or certain collections) might do it, but again, people will want to blast through, not run the content how it is meant to be run. The only way to do that is to have a force relevancy option....stat clamping(many or most are against those 2)...or building a group of people who want to run it from LFG/Friends/League (which is an option today).

    Nope...I don't know how to fix it either. Not saying I do....I am just sure that adding a few "do X times" feats won't help. Don't believe me? Go down to Chaos Gotham when it's NOT Thursday just after's already hard to find people doing the Shadow Golem and that was a 50x feat that came out like 3 weeks ago. Many or most people knocked that out in a few days...same would be true of the proposed 'count' feats and it would be seen as a further drudgery for those who are still working on 250 bottle duos...5000 reapers....500 CC bounties...etc... That poor slob who starts in 2020 will never get 1000 JLD raids done, because not many will be doing those after Metal or the next DLC comes out.

    I did actually have one idea that might help....well get the groups together at least. Remember the 'daily heroism' mission you started being able to get at level 30? Maybe have something like that, where you are given a daily/weekly random mission where the mission is an alert or raid. Pay 2 or 3 source marks or have a loot box that might have a decent random drop. Add a 50 or 100 count feat for this one and you can only do them daily/weekly, not in one sitting. You'd still have the issue of mixed groups but if they were random you probably couldn't just get a group of friends and would need to hit LFG or queue which may give people who need those missions a way in. The big issue with this idea is Premiums without all DLCs would not be able to participate, or you'd need a way to bail on a mission that is not applicable...maybe it could pop up on the screen and you could 'accept' or 'reject' and try again the next day for a different one. Just an idea.

  16. Neph Dedicated Player

    I agree with most who say the solution is to not add more feats for running the older content, Eventually you will end up in the same situation, it’s like a dog chasing his tail. What should be fine to the old content is to revisit and revamp it from the devs. Much like the character creation/Brainiac mission that was recently revamped. I liked the change. On the heroes side, the player had Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman lead them through the ship, also the addition of the Flash and Green Lantern to the instance was good. It was refreshing to see. There are so many new mechanics and game board strategies that have been added to the game via all the episodes. It would be a no brained to go through an old raid and revamp it with the new dev team. Fresh eyes on old content/concepts.