Idea benefit to subscribers

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sollace, Aug 23, 2024.

  1. Sollace Committed Player

    Boosted rank artefact

    The idea here would be to have the artefact ranks boosted to a certain rank when the player is a subscriber, for example the artefacts could be at rank 120, that's the first rank that comes to mind, it seems a good rank for this type of idea

    More than tokens of destiny

    In addition, where we only receive destiny tokens, here we could have both subscriber and free, could have research and development components for one and exobytes (augment) for the other.
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  2. RhaygharOdinson Level 30

  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I’m all for any ideas that will benefit subscribers as I don’t really feel valued as a scribing customer.

    I remember when rank 100 was the max when artifacts were first introduced now, they’re 200 and cost more.
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  4. BlackGuns Level 30

    If Daybreak wanted to see an increase in Membership sales, it's easy, do what they're already doing for one of their other games, Planet Side 2:

    - Monthly 2x xp weekends for subscribers

    2x art xp locked to memberships allows for more membership sales & give people the opportunity to get 2x consistently so they're not just saving forever hoping 2x art week comes back someday.
  5. CGEMINI Committed Player

    I don’t like how they removed stabilizers benefits from the daily rewards but didn’t add any useful incentive to compensate for that. Running that duo every day was not a good change. Especially when members only get 9 fragments. You as a member should get a stabilizer every day not fragments. Free and Premium should get 10 fragments not 5.
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  6. Sollace Committed Player

    I agree with your point of view, I hate what they've done to be able to get the stabiliser fragments, once again we've lost out, because from memory subscribers could get one a day, which isn't the case now, but the zone is boring, hitting adds and a boss just for that, it's unpleasant.

    I'd much rather see the Vault come back, so I can collect my stabiliser fragments (yes, I miss hearing the Joker's incredible voice) in addition to what I used to be able to get!
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    While I agree sub needs new/better benefits to make it worth having, how do you see this working once someone de-subs? So if they take the 120 they now have and add some Nth and maybe a 140 breakthrough, then drop sub, does the arti revert to a lower state? Does this benefit only work on equiped Artis, or does my pile of 20+ artis in the bank all go to 120? Can my 120s be fed to another artifact for the 1/2 XP return? What about people who sub and their artis are already at 120+? No benefit to them?

    Good on you for trying to come up with something....just maybe not this as it would likely be too rough to manage/design. Probably needs to be something more direct, like a bit more XP every month, additional stabilizers, etc.

    Honestly I think the ability to claim 21 days even if you miss a few, should be a big one. It's already bad enough you miss out on stabilizers any days you don't get on, if you actually only got on 20 days one month (very doable in something like Feb), you'd lose benefits you'd paid for as a sub. I think subs should get the day 21 rewards on the last day of the month, regardless of if you logged in or not. Or at least the 'value' items like destiny token and style 'bonus' item. Log in for 21 days, you get things earlier. Don't and they just come in on the last day. Or have it like a 4 or 5 day 'grace' period, where as long as you hit 15 or 16 days, you get them auto granted on the last day.

    I'm still not subbing, but yeah....SOMETHING of value that isn't just a accelerator or discount when you boil it down.
  8. Sollace Committed Player

    Well, it's simple, once you've subscribed, the artefact you've bought is at rank 120 and will remain so once you've subscribed or unsubscribed, because frankly, buying an XP artefact in the shop and using it without a x2 bonus isn't really worthwhile, at least this type of advantage makes subscribing much more worthwhile.

    For my part, I've currently bought 2 75k artefacts and 2 12k artefacts, but given the frankly unattractive gain excluding the x2 bonus, I clearly won't be using them until there's a x2 bonus.

    After that, my position on artefacts has been quite clear: to revitalise the game, they clearly need to be naturally linked to the account and make NTH farming more attractive!
  9. Ryan_Ragenolds Active Player

    Thats where youre wrong, bro. It would actually be really worthy to buy the Arts and feed them to use the Xp, even tho theres no double bonus.

    1 art at 120 is around 167k xp, without the bonus it would be 83.5k when feeding it to another art.
    1 art at 200 is around 1.679.000 xp, using the arts you would be able to buy at the vendor, youll need to buy 20-21 arts. At 10 source marks each, thats 200-210 marks.
    200 marks for a full xp 200 art is nothing.
  10. Aiden_Warren Committed Player


    I'm kidding.
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  11. Sollace Committed Player

    Are you aware that we've now arrived at a double artefact billing system? Both to go from 0 to 200, especially from 160 to be honest, a level that makes going through the shop an incentive and now they've had the cunning idea of taking wolf pack tokens as a bad idea, it would be a lesser evil for subscribing players in all honesty and, as they don't seem to want to link this naturally to the account (which should have been done naturally from the start) there needs to be a fairer outcome for players and a better interest given to subscribing!
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  12. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    YES, meow. :D
  13. Ryan_Ragenolds Active Player

    Yes yes...i understand that leveling artifacts its getting harder and more expensive (if playing multiple toons), but bro...come on. A full xp 200 artifact just for 200 sm...if you cant see how ridiculous that is, then you have serious problems.
    Since you dont seem to realize it...lets put it on time wise numbers:
    Need 210 sm:
    Running Universal Soldier raid takes 5min(it could take less) and grants 10sm
    Youll need 21 runs, at 5min get the 210sm in less than 2 hours.
    A full max xp 200art in less than 2 hours.

    Youre crazy.

    Not to mention other flaws in your proposition, like Reinheld pointed out.
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  14. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You keep bringing up Planetside and Daybreak sold the IP to Bay Tree Tower Limited earlier this year.
  15. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Old idea I had dusted off...

    Subscribers can go to a new vendor which sell a new set of Mainframe C & D slot items.

    These items specifically give each artifact a slight boost mattering on ranking. They're a percentage increase based on your stats. There are two different boosts. One for pre-200 then another when they're maxed out.

    This way dedicated players who grind for the elite gear won't be shut out of if they also can't grind to max out artifacts at the same time.
  16. Deus Ex Machina Committed Player

    They have slowly and surely been stripping away not only rewards we are used to, but member rewards in the daily login bonus.

    As much as I would love more member rewards, with what they have been doing recently, doesn't lead me to believe any new member rewards are ever going to happen.
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, except the 0-120 Nth isn't that much really....yes, better if 2x applied, but if they were going to make THAT kind of change to add value to the membership, why not make 180 to 200 an insta-breakthrough or something. You get 1 token a month that expires X days after you claim it so hoarding isn't a thing? It's also permanent. I'd be much more willing to grind a 0-120 than a 160 or 180 to 200 without the 2x.

    Either way, I doubt they would do either. More Nth in the grant, or more 'per drop' Nth would be the best you could hope for more than likely.
  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You could generate 200 SM in about an hour of a good bounty run...easy.
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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    It takes an hour? :(
  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    If you are in a good group, yes.'ll spend 10 min AFTER opening boxes and destroying the junk that comes from them, but yeah, at about 24 marks per zone, it's very easy to hit 8-9 zones in an hour (that's about 6 min per zone....Thanagar would mess that up as there is a 5 min delay between bosses).

    The big issue with most groups is people go out with no inventory space so need to keep cleaning mid run...or they need the 'daily' missions to open the weeklies, and some people just don't know how to zip from zone to zone quickly so you end up waiting on people, or having to re-do bosses they missed if arriving late.

    If your comment is that an hour is too long....I'm not sure there is any way to speed that up outside of a credit card and the MP.:p
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