I'd like a cooldown on blocking

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by CajunKhan, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. kav Committed Player

    I don't think you understand, as well as the OP, that it is totally up how much you block, as a tank. The problem with OP's proposal is that he wants without a doubt easier-to-play content, which is already easy as it is. Has nothing to do with visuals nor do I believe that this is the real intention here.

    You can already block as few as you'd like to. You just need to know how. It is already a player's choice and yes, it's quite possible to block only a few times to get things done.
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  2. CajunKhan Well-Known Player

    Actually, it's purely about the visuals. If I could block without seeing my toon cringe, this thread would not exist.
  3. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Press T....problem solved

    Look, if blocking had a cooldown, fire tanks would need some serious help!
  4. yssandra Active Player

    the "/s" usually implies sarcasm ;)
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  5. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    I assumed it was an error in spelling considering the idiocy put before it. :p Sorry
  6. The Valeyard New Player

    You don't HAVE to block. It just makes things easier. Your job is to take attention away from mainly the Support roles, but also DPS. Blocking makes it easier to stay alive, but if all your mates manage to play their roles smartly, then you won't need to. That being said, if you don't want to block during raids, don't tank. Play DPS. Your complaint about not liking the visuals is far too trivial to take seriously.
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  7. Remander Steadfast Player

    This may be the most hilarious thread I've ever read.
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  8. WonderValkyrie New Player

    heck no NO NO NO
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  9. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    obviously he is trolling us .. because one could not be so stupid
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  10. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    Screw my Last Post ... Devs LOCK this mutha UP right now !!!!
  11. Anima Committed Player

    I must be a bad tank, then. I don't spend most of my time blocking. Does nobody here use the counter mechanics in PvE?
  12. JSnaples Committed Player

    That's a cool picture
  13. Chuccles New Player

    Dude you should pvp if for not for anything but the feats. their kind of sorta semi important in this game,somewhat. Plus this game is supposed to be real time combat. so blocking quickly is also important. Im pretty sure you remember that blocking wasnt always as slow as it is right now. So making it slower will make ppl loathe dc. Like if a boss attacks but you get one shotted because you blocked 20 seconds ago. You dont think thatll piss a couple ppl off?
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  14. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    I posted this yesterday but you might like some sort of parrying mechanic.
  15. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player


    Don't play as a tank. Your problem is solved. You're very welcome. It's lovely to help.

    Alternatively - stop staring at your toon's backside and focus on what's going on around you. You'll do everyone a favor.
  16. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    Best gif I've seen in a long time lol!
  17. 1ndab0x176 New Player

    just because the design team gave ur toon teeth, and u like to block all attacks w them, doesnt mean other ppl play ur way. changing the block means changing pvp, and changing how a tank works overall. not all tanks are rage or ice.
  18. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    You mean Dodge? It is most commonly invoked by a roll and it negates ranged weapon damage. You can get a non-interruptible Dodge from Forward Flip and Back Flip Attack.

    You generally can't block ranged weapons attacks so you should not block and thus should use a Dodge mechanic. Current tier NPCs use melee and ranged weapon attacks. And of course so do PvP players. Just be careful not use a Dodge more than once (which is usually the same for a lot of parry mechanics).

    A parry mechanic already exists in this game.
  19. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    No, parrying that has the same or similar effect when done with a shield. Dark Souls and Skyrim seem to be good examples of parrying. Tap R1 at just the right moment and the opposition gets set off balance. When off balance they would become vulnerable for the player to do what they will. This allows a Tank to stay stationary without holding the block button for "too long".

    The timing and awareness is key to pull off a parry.
  20. Radium Devoted Player

    We have that, its counter mechanics.

    Boss Lunges>Block>Boss on hes ***
    Boss Block Breaks>Lunge>Boss on hes ***
    Boss Blocks>Block Break>Boss on hes ***

    Bosses are always doing moves that allow for counters, its just nobody pays attention to it so they end up blocking and eventually on their own *****.
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