iconic powers revamp

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ApolloMystique, Mar 16, 2015.

  1. ApolloMystique New Player

    I think now is the perfect time for one...we all know they are long overdue, especially the innates...so hopefully the devs can work on them as a pet project between now and atomic...use this thread to give your ideas for powers and mechanics...

    1. Update innates to reflect a percentage of vit, health, power, dominance and defense

    2. Remove xray vision...add new innate that increases defense in midrange...

    3. Iconics should be able to be it's own powerset if need be. So add more powers, so that all roles csn be pure iconics, and be viable
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  2. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    I don't care what anyone says

    1.Stealth in the iconic powers
    2.Quantum tunneling
    3.if not quantum tunneling, Circe's Mirror Image move
    4. A backflip or retreat power
    5.Doctor Fate's Circle Of judgement
    6. Atrocitus's Plasma Pool
    7. Saint Walker's Temperance
    8. Donna Troy's Reprimand
    9. Some Shapeshifting abilities like nature
    10. Jackhammer
    11. Bizarro's Annihilate ability
    12. Lex Luthor's Lexcorp Surface Strike
    13. Please...please give me Two Face's Fire Barrel ability :)
    14. A spinning move similar to Harley's, Wonder Girl's and Donna Troy's spinning attacks
    15. And finally Cheetah's Rake, Feral Lunge or her Finisher Blood Sacrfice

    I also like suggestions with the OP. Again I say I don't care what anyone says about my list I want these because they are all pretty much moves from legends toons aside from quantum tunneling but Circe's does the same thing plus a clone of herself. Several legends do a version of Jackhammer too. And Nature's Shapeshifting powers seemed remmincisent of Beast Boy's powers so if he was ever a legends toon he wouldn't be without his Shapeshifting powers.

    So if there ever was a revamp and if they were to add any powers I think they should incorporate powers that the iconic's do in legends.
    You have no idea how much I want these abilities as iconic powers...
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  3. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    I sure wish they'd do something about them...

    As many times this subject has been brought up, never has a Dev responded as far as I remember in 4 years.

    This is needed and wanted by many!

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  4. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    I actually don't want the exact powers from legends PvP in the iconic powers unlock. There is a reason not to, to keep people playing Legends.

    Also because Doctor Fate can do it, no you...........there is a reason they are legends and that their powers look different then your toons
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  5. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    However the powers do need some spit and polish and the innates are pretty much useless now......especially for them being in 'iconic'

    I think they should eliminate the innates (except for super strength) and makes those two line more iconic themed powers. I don't want the exact ones from legends but we could use some more.
  6. ApolloMystique New Player

    I want there to be a orb blast power from cyborg...and PLZ have it come from the correct hand...
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  7. Cirocband New Player

    I absolutely agree, I've been wanting to make a toon based off iconic powers for a while now, but I can't cause the powers in the iconic tree aren't as good as the powers in the regular trees. Not to mention, sonic cry (a great tank move for CC), I use to use it back in the day on my fire tank, when the animation was green and not white. Also used WAY less power than it does now. :-( hopefully that can get fixed too.
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  8. Circe New Player

    I agree.

    Personally. I think Robot Sidekick should be changed to let us choose one out of different iconic summons we want, not just a boring robot. What if I want to summon a Bestiamorph? A plant person? An undead minion? Etc. Open up this power to give us an option of many different summons.

    Amazonium Deflection needs to be changed like the shields Wonder Woman and Wonder Girl have in Legends.

    I remember the days when people actually used World of Power. Before, the group shields in controller powersets had no power back function. Now that they got a power back function, World of Power is not needed for controllers. I think a new element needs to be added to this power to make it viable again. I don't know what though.

    I don't get the point of Pheromone Bloom. Maybe replace it with a different, more interesting plant power?

    I like the idea of the Circe clone move. However, I think Mental should for sure get a clone ability before the iconic tree. I've always felt that way.

    That's all I'll comment on for now. Great thread!
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  9. Ghostof91 New Player

    although were not iconics I do believe every powerset should have an escape strategy like quantum tunneling. That said iconics should have moves like a quantum tunneling or a retrieving move of some sort.
  10. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    Gadget players still use word of power, only because they don't have a shield SC. But somehow munitions has a shield SC but you'd think gadgets would of gotten one with an animation similar to the absorption adapter for the weapons.
  11. Ghostof91 New Player

    While having it to inflict terror for mental, or burning for fire depending on your powerset.
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  12. Ghostof91 New Player

    I guessing you wasnt around pre gu17, mental had illusory form which was the closest you can get for form cloning, but instead of taking it completely out it could have been improved by a mile, like have you clone a players image granting you a buff in critical attack and a purple aura surrounding you, these are just quick examples I thought of.:p
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  13. HersheyKiss New Player

    I gotta say no to a blink move in iconic tree. That is a special power tied to 1 powerset and not everyone should be able to do it.
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  14. HersheyKiss New Player

    People have been asking for this for a longggg time. Not sure why the devs dont do it. That innate that gives 25 dom? What a waste of a power point for trolls/tanks.
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  15. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    My HeMan earth tank uses Word of Power when he changes from his shield/ax Tank to his giant one handed broadsword. IT is as much for effect but it also ensures he has power to pull off his dps powers. For this I love WoP

    Now amazonian deflection is weak in my opinion and needs to be at least 'polished' and maybe made better. Certainly doesn't compare to HLS.
  16. ApolloMystique New Player

    The superman iconics need a HUGE jump in dps (as do tge other iconic powers) and it also needs to hit multiple targets

    Batarangs need to be a long range power...ot also needs to be a debuff in troll role
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  17. ApolloMystique New Player

    The iconics presently (and additional iconics) that are from a particular character (eg. Superman) need to hit incredibly hard, and have some sort of AM that plays off each other...
  18. ChuckLess New Player

    All the Iconics need a huge drop in power usage.

    I tried to make a loadout for lower Tier content, using all Iconics with WM, and still could only use a few move before being completely out of power.

    Even w/o a revamp that COULD/SHOULD have been a fun idea... nope.
  19. John Brawler Committed Player

    some ideas i had recently.

    1. make word of power an intaheal that has stun in controller, knock up in tank, and knock back as damage and healer.

    2. make heatvision, more powerful with less power usage and give it greater chance of burn effect in troller, non locked and movable for tank to pass multiple targets to collect aggro, greater burst effect for damage, and not quite sure for healer.

    3. arctic breath, similar to changes for heatvision except trolls gain high chance to freeze enemies solid.

    4. make innates work by percentage and not flat ammounts.

    5. give super strength a weapon damage buff.
  20. Lionxoft Committed Player

    Iconic AM? Would be so sick if you could make a decent build using only iconics.
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