I wish the stabilizer event was a solo...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RealTegan, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I'm all for an update to the kick timer.

    When I stated your league mates or friends would wait. They would invite you back silly head, and would wait for you to come back.

    The raids your referring to were great and when they came out were difficult and took time. Well, this is not the same DCUO as back then. We haven't had a raid even close to being as difficult or fun as either of those raids. We are not talking about new content. I'm talking all content. Regardless of who drops into your group for pve, it does not come close to the F'ed up pvp system. So don't even try.

    Beyond that. There needs to be a better system in place. Yes people's feelings get hurt, but it's my game just as much as theirs. Like I said, if your pugging and you have to be AFK. Be kicked and get in another group or reque. Running with your buddies, they will wait or invite you back.
  2. Saint Nutella Loyal Player


    I agree they should make it a solo. I've experienced this one too many times and they were ENDGAME players. His excuse was that I'm an earth dPS and could do it faster. Don't know how one could be so dumb... two people= faster whether or not I hit hard.
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  3. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    Only if they are disconnected.
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  4. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    And you're taking time out of your own life to complain about someone giving a complaint about players not being cooperative.

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  5. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

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  6. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    And yet another player that fails to grasp the reason behind the thread... Time is not the issue. As I mentioned earlier this week I soloed the thing while my so called team mate never left the entrance. Took me about 1 minute and 36 seconds. Now with a decent partner sure I've seen times as low as 1minute and 6 seconds which is about half a minute less time not 10-12 seconds if your counting

    The point is like so many other things in this game these days there appears to be a trend when players que into that duo and sit watching while some one else does all the work and then they walk out with however many fragments they are entitled to without ever doing a thing to earn them. Now way back when the anniversary event was going on isn't that sort of BS the same thing countless players were on here complaining about? Players just never leaving the warp in area and watching the other 7 on the raid do the work so they could get armor drops and Qwardians Crowns to buy even more armor. Now if its wrong to do it in one part of the game doesn't it seem logical that it is wrong any where else?

    Frankly like a few others here I see no reason for the thing to be a duo to begin with. Even stat clamped to CR 34 I have had no issues with several alts running the thing and doing all if not mots of the work. So if we'd get it set as a solo mission I don't need to wait on anyone to que up with me and I don't need to carry some lazy jerk that does nothing at all and I still get my 6 fragments a day. That would be the ultimate solution to the whole thing because then those slackers would have to go in and do all the work to get fragments or just pull out a credit card and buy them.
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  7. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Agreed If that other player can't even join my "team" then he either does the work himself or just stops running the mission altogether.
  8. Nodens Dedicated Player

    Um, hello?
    I'M the one who's pointing out to YOU, that we're talking about all content, and not just the new stuff.
    Plus, NO PvP match EVER lasted anywhere near as long as PvE missions when run by underexperienced or undergeared players. Even in recent days, i've joined KCT and Bottleship raids that had already been in progress for 90 minutes, or longer. Your PvP matches could never possiblty compare to THAT, so don't YOU try it.
    As for it not being the same DCUO, we can always hope for some kind of return to better management. -and while the playerbase isn't what it used to be, new players will continue to run those older missions, so those raids will always have some relevance.
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  9. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    This has only happened to me once. It started with the guy not coming into the room, I'm one who waits until all are in the room before starting so I stood there until he finally stepped in. He somewhat attacked the mobs but when the boss entered he just stood there. No matter how easy something is I wont do all the work so I got into a safe corner and waited for him to fight but he wouldn't, so I thought screw it I'm out and left.

    The sweet irony was, I waited for the abandon timer to run out, re-qued and end up with the same guy as he was just finishing the boss off and I got full credit for his work.:D

    But normally I get the tools that have to do it all themselves. Easy or not I like to participate but when I cant even get a shot off I just think, fine you want to do it yourself I'll just go stand over here until your special butt is done.

    To your idea of it being solo, as a solo minded gamer plus these issues I'm all for it.
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  10. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    i've told this story in another thread some times ago, but i'll tell it once again coz it is just so damn hilarious.

    so im in the event, and before it started, my baby is crying and my wife is in the bathroom. so i just go afk. usually if these kinds of things happen (in any instance) i at least say something in the group chat letting my team know im going afk, but considering this is just a super easy instance that u can probably finish just by tapping range, i don't feel the need to say anything. about 5 minutes later I got back and the guy had already left, the instance isn't finish, lots of curse words in the chat, and the guy died twice when i saw the scorecard. mind you this is not a <lvl 30 guy, i wavedox him out of curiosity and hes a cr 140 guy. how can a guy died in that instance is still a mystery for me, and i wish i had seen how the fight goes.

    all im saying is, while it IS a d1ck move to do nothing in that event, i can see why ppl do it. coz many ppl think anyone can solo it so it wouldn't be a problem if they went afk. and they're right, my story above is probably just 1 in a million case. i've had ppl do it to me, and i often do it to people. if ppl do it to me ill just solo it for them, if i do it and they haven't start/decide to leave when i came back, ill just run it like usual. no need get triggered, or wait for them to leave to "teach them a lesson". it'll be just a waste of my time.

    as for the idea of making it a solo, im 100% for it. but it won't matter if it stays a duo. the only advantage of making it a solo is faster queue, but it is already fast enough.
  11. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    OMG yes this is what always amazes me when players use the 'excuse" for some one being way below the recommended CR for a mission .... "Yes I can solo that duo or the three of us can defeat Ras Al Guhl on the Demon Plan but how much longer did it take?

    I am not a speed demon that has to get it done in no time but at some point when a Zamaron Duo that you can finish in 6 minutes with a good team mate takes 20 or more as some CR 113 watches you defeat all the mobs, all the boss, and then walks out with the same amount of armor drops and marks you start to wonder.. "Why am I helping these people?"
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Ironic, you want it to be a solo, but the mere presence of someone else in the instance puts you into an incensed state of rage? Ignore them pretend it's a solo, move on.
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  13. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Well, that's your and everyone in that groups problem. There are no raids currently that take more than 15min to complete. NONE! If your in BBS or KCT for 90 min. Log off of your toon, delete it, and start over. KCT was a 20min raid when it came out. No reason a year later to be in there any longer than that. It would have been faster to leave, reform, and complete both. What you choose to do with your time is on you, but that is no where near the norm.
  14. Aren Sul Committed Player

    I'm feeling mucho guilt. Last week I queued up. As soon as we got in, I DC'd, when I got back in it was over. I kept hoping the other player realized my 188 could have handled it and I had a connection issue.
  15. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    Um. No. I refuse to give a handout to a lazy player. I'd rather sit and read my book until they leave and I can properly solo it. That's not irony, that's principle.

    Why did that other person even log into the game if they don't want to play it? Can't they go find a nice Barbie game to play instead, since that's clearly more their speed? Why do I have to carry lazy players who aren't putting the slightest effort into it? If they aren't willing to play, I'm not willing to play "with" them, either. They can either join in and do some of the playing or they can leave. That's not rage, it's common sense.
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  16. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Sorry Proxy but I have to disagree with you on that. You know perfectly well we have a problem in this game where an increasing number of newer players have been carried through so much content they are showing up in end game content with no clue how to do half the stuff they need to survive and they have no clue how to actually help a team be successful.

    At some point it has to stop. Sure we are "only" talking about a simple mission designed to get a player a few fragments to build a stabilizer and there are probably more players just buying the things that working on earning them so "Who cares?" But then that same lazy pain in the butt does the same thing on raids and alerts and even duos and just expects anyone and everyone to be perfectly happy working harder so they can gran COINS, MARKS, and ARMOR without doing a dang thing. Sure I have completed duos solo when a team mate crashed. I've completed alerts with 3 players and raids with as few as 6 but that was with 3 or 5 "good" team mates but that doesn't mean I should be expected to do that every single time I run a mission... and frankly there are days where that seems like that is exactly what happens. Honestly? After a while it gets really old and I've had days where I got tired of it and just logged off and did something else.
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  17. Delsin Rowe Level 30

    I'm yet to run into this in the stabilizer event but it wouldn't bother me. I'm in there to get fragments for me, what the other guy does or doesn't do doesn't concern me. I have no issue doing all the work. I just want to get in and out.
  18. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

    It just happened again. This time I waited about two minutes before attempting to kick him (no joy, he wasn't disconnected, just being a jerk). Then he finally came to the door after another minute or two, zipped in enough to trigger the start of the fight, then LEFT THE ROOM before the door closed.

    *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

    I just stopped fighting. My toon died (after an eternity, the thing is THAT easy), I left the instance, and found a person who was actually willing to play. My toon is level 10. The lazy player was level 24.

    Seriously, you are willing to queue in, willing even to start the fight, but unwilling to complete it? What the heck is WRONG with you? Here, go find some apps that are more your speed : http://bfy.tw/AvW3
  19. Nodens Dedicated Player

    Since you're clearly not capablre of comprehending written text, I'll clarify it for you: I said I had entered raids that had ALREADY BEEN IN PROGRESS for 90 minutes or longer. Also, NO raid is ever completed in under 15 minutes when beiing run by a group of players who are undergeared and inexperienced! I really love the part where you talk about how long a raid has been out, which shows you aren't able to grasp the idea that, for the people who haven't been running it, it's brand new. I'd been trying politely to get that that to sink into your skull, but have given up on you. When you start making stupid comments about how long a raid lasts, you need to stop assuming that all the players are geared and skilled enough to just walk through it. Long raids ARE the norm for players who don't have the experience and gear to just walk through.
    Oh, and by the way, if you find the concept of sticking around and helping people to understand and work through content that's new to them, you're obviously too self-centered and impatient to be playing an mmo. -which probably explains why you like to talk about the mindless slugfest that is PvP. Go play Mortal Kombat.
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    You care too much about the motives behind why your partner is doing what they're doing.

    I didn't say what I said to insult you, I guess all I'm saying is from my "perception" I couldn't care less what my duo partner is doing because I just do the content and get out irrespective of whether they participate or not and quite frankly most of my partners in duos are trash anyway cause I just random queue duos often cause I can solo them all.

    There presence is neither here nor there to me :)