I want a challenge in new content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Jul 19, 2015.

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  1. Black Arrowette Well-Known Player

    I don't mean to be rude but have you even played the game? Binding coil, second coil, second coil savage, final coil, and I'd say even extreme mode primals are all content that not everyone can beat. Yeah maybe now they can if they unsync it but before they most certainly could not. Now we have Alexander Savage and many people can't get past the first floor of that due to a mini boss. Perhaps you'd be able to clear all of that but not everyone can.
  2. Solar Well-Known Player

    Well if this is too easy hopefully the testers will point this out and.....a big hope that the devs adjust.
  3. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Maybe but throwing extra hit points on the bosses isn't going the solve the underlying problem. The mechanics need to evolve well beyond the Tank (if you can find one) and spank version.
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  4. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    I agree. But how do we do this when 90% or pugs won't or more likely can't find the block button or are too lazy to lunge or won't stop rotations to do a mechanic or even a pickup?
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  5. Tule New Player

    You must have misread. I do play it. A lot. And I can't beat the endgame. Which is my point. Games CAN have content that not everyone can beat and still be successful. And it also proves I'm not the godly elitist people always claim I am.
  6. Black Arrowette Well-Known Player

    Oof! Apoligies, I read that with a sleep addled mind. That was my bad. Yeah, games can have endgame like that but this game sure as hell won't. People on these forums cry and complain if something is just slightly challenging on here until its nerfed into oblivion. People just want everything handed to them in this game. Bad way to run a game but if it makes them money they really don't care.
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