I want a challenge in new content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Jul 19, 2015.

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  1. Antwoman Dedicated Player

    Ok if my sister of 7 years old can go through the new Bombshells duo on her second time ever playing the game with little input, died once then beat it and said its too easy yeah...then it has gotten easy which is fine by me I can get all my toons up in CR in no time :p.
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  2. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I didn't say defeating 4 adds made someone good. I'm just saying that part of the challenge of the last boss fight in Throne Elite (which was designed to be a challenging raid) is 4 players being teleported and having to kill 4 adds while the other 4 players in the main room have to survive Hades and any adds that are present until their teammates return. This is one of the main mechanics of that boss fight and one that many groups struggled with. In my opinion, using CB to completely get rid of that mechanic is wrong and to me, personally, feels like cheating.
  3. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I am sorry this was not the only glitch it wasn't even the first glitch that was used on throne.

    First was the wait for the whole group to get banished downstairs and fight the boss through the doors. (teleporters installed)
    then a multitude of other things cropped up.
    Quantum tunneling
    Gorilla form to move objects in front of doors to block the adds
    Standing on the pillars to avoid damage
    Clown boxing group members picking up and pushing teammates through the walls.
  4. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I think it's funny how your trying to be all superior and use nonconstructive, rude language and insults to people. This is a thread discussion on an important topic, either be constructive in your argument, provide ideas, or don't talk. ;)

    1) Be respectful and courteous
    - The purpose of these Forums and other official, Daybreak Games-maintained communication channels is to create a positive and constructive atmosphere for discussion about Daybreak Games Games and topics meaningful to our communities. While we may at times disagree with one another, it is important to maintain an atmosphere of civility and respect so that all voices may be heard. Disagreements with others are acceptable, but must be expressed in a reasonable and polite manner.
    2) Communicate constructively
    - It is important for any communication, whether between players or directly with Daybreak Games employees, to be constructive. Posts without constructive commentary distract from or otherwise reduce the visibility of valuable communication and discourages others from participating in the conversation.
  5. QoQ New Player

    I Would Like to see some T7 Solo's Please !!!
  6. Black Arrowette Well-Known Player

    Think of this from a developers standpoint. Which type of content would make you more money?

    - Difficult content that only a small percentage of your player base can clear.


    - Easy content that the entire player base can clear.

    I'm betting on the second. I know it's frustrating that content in this game has become so easy a brain dead monkey can clear it but that's just how some people like it.
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  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    With easy content taking over they should begin to phase out support roles due to no mechanics being made for them.
  8. Tazpocalpse Well-Known Player

    They make challenging content and some of the people that clamour for it glitch it. They should make non glitch-able elite content that locks the player in the instance until completed since elite raids and survival mode is not enough for some. These non glitcable elite raids can be the playground for the Devs to go wild with their ideas. BTW since time and resources would be put into these new instances for the special people all glitchers and cheaters would be PERMABANDED if caught.
  9. Tule New Player

    I am. That's not a solution. I'm not elite. I am far from elite. Calling me elite us like calling a middle school QB a professional NFL player. Yet this entire community would see someone like me as elite. Which is sad. We can't discuss how we want the game to be better? So if they made it harder you would just play a different game? You wouldn't voice your dissatisfaction? Then I guess you don't care. I do. I used to love this game.
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  10. Tule New Player

    True, but the game in your signature is surviving on a sub based model. One of the few that could. Dcuo couldn't. And that game does have the harder content only a few can pass. That few not including me.
  11. Skidmarc Committed Player

    Enough complaing about challenges and difficulties. Let the devs design the game. They will make try hard to make it the best they can. Half want it this way and the other half want it that way. Move on, play the game by adding a chalenge of your own if you wish. Do it in lower tier gear or with certain power options to add challenge. That is the true middle ground. Let those who want to play their way do so. Let the devs concentrate on bring life to other areas of the game.
  12. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Balance would be very nice. I have no argument with your point. Too bad there is NO balance in this area. The game has been so dumbed down (1-2-3-4 cha-cha-cha) that we have all but eliminated support roles. Modding no longer matters. Skill points beyond less than HALF of what is out there to be had doesn't matter. It is a remedial edition of the game that I have a problem with.

    Forgetting challenging content for the moment. There is no character crafting beyond STYLES. It has become an MMO minus any RPG elements. A 100% casual experience.
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  13. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    1. Run in support role.
    2. When you do the raid or operation don't use am or wm.
    3. Run this also in support role. Enjoy the challenge...
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  14. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    It WAS an mmorpg.
    it is NOW a hack and slash.
    Sad, isn't it?
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  15. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Hack and slash actually would be an improvement. Too bad weapons are generally useless :)
  16. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Lol. I miss support roles being needed, and wish replay badges and scoreboard were removed. All this gu focus on Dps and Dps stacking spring from those two mistakes. IMHO.
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  17. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    DCUO has absolutely become a DPS only club. The marginalization of support roles and the general abuse they take from much of the community has made this so. Just sad. I have been a troller since launch but now I only run in that role in league runs. I absolutely refuse to do it in a pug run which is too bad because I much prefer trolling to DPS.

    I'll tell you something though though. with the power regeneration mechanic changing, and not being so instant, I suspect that people are going to want to start being a lot nicer to controllers in general.
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  18. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    ^ This. I have fought this fight for over 3 years and I refuse to do it anymore. However, the problem with this game is it's horrible, selfish, and disgusting community. Every other mmo is able to find the median for hardcore gaming versus casual. Every other successful mmo is able to find the balance between the high skilled players and the not-so-skilled. This is the only one that allows a player that hates 8 Man content, and can't finish high-end game content, to basically tell the Dev's : "......If I can't get the same rewards as those that can,.....I'm leaving." Disgusting.

    Furthermore, anyone that likes challenging content is called an elitist or is accused of not having a life. We are even asked to take off pieces of gear to make certain content challenging, which is without-a-doubt, the dumbest thing EVER. I am not saying that there shouldn't be content for everyone, but there must be balance. If other mmo's can do it so can we.
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  19. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    Well said. A lot of players place sole blame for the state of "DCUO The Remedial Edition" on the devs. But they have ONLY listened to the voice of the customer. Sadly the majority of the customers on this game want rewards without effort ( a reflection of society in the digital era). I can't blame the devs for listening to them. I can and do blame the often toxic community that has an overblown sense of entitlement.

    You are also SPOT on with your observation that so many players want and GET to the top level without putting in any time or effort.

    This is a 100% casual game and that's ok if a player wants that but pretending it is otherwise is delusion on their part. I'd just like to see the game balanced, players rewarded for effort and time put in and a proper character crafting system. Bring the RPG elements back to this MMO.

    But I don't believe it will happen.
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  20. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    Been a controller with BipolarDiva for 4 yrs. Will not troll outside my league.
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