I want a challenge in new content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Jul 19, 2015.

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  1. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    I cant remember the last RAID that utilized all roles.
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  2. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Preach brother, preach.
    Can I get an Amen
  3. smoove76 Committed Player

    Oh really, looks like your are making excuses for not creating your own challenges. Because outside of my suggestion for you is for the devs To make the duo bosses one shot if you don't kill em with in the 1st 10 second of the fight All the while the bosses STILL sporting well over 10 million HP. If that's your Idea of a challenge YOU CAN KEEP THE CRAP.
  4. smoove76 Committed Player

    No all dpses need to thank the roleless buff if it wasn't for that, dpses would be seeing 20 min que times trying to get into alerts.
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  5. Ariyana2015 Committed Player

    It seems a lot of the issues are because we can just stack dps in raids and therefore skip the mechanics of the fights. If you think about it when you get the max cr of each episode it becomes so much easier. It isn't because the support roles are able to heal better, trolls give power easier, (the tanking it does help a bit more) but the biggest change is the fact that the dps can just ignore everything and trash and bosses just fall over dead as soon as players enter. Also according to the testers you do not even need to kill the trash, but instead just bypass it and make it even quicker.

    An easy fix at least for the raids would just apply a debuff to everyone's damage if there are more than 3 dps. This would make it more challenging, because players would have to know the mechanics. I am against one shots....but I would love to see dps needing to do something other than damaging the boss. The developers tried this with the whole block or die scheme.... But it would be nice if there was something different. It would also be nice if random trash could actually drop GOOD gear (in any type of group content) so there was a reason to want to kill every single mob in an instance. It also adds some excitement back to the game. Wow kind of ruined MMO's where nothing really matters but the boss that was in the same place every time you enter a raid, and all loot tables were more focused on that boss.

    In terms of the duos it would be nice if they were at least slightly challenging and would be nice if they would require at least one support role instead of just tank and spank everything. They make duos easy so everyone can level up. I consider solos, and duos sort of like other games where you do a quest line or kill a zillions mobs to level up before players going to raids. This community wants to go straight to raids and then has very little to do.

    People want raids to last around 20 minutes and then they wonder why they are bored so quickly. I would be all for content to be extremely difficult at first so it took people weeks to complete the content for the first time instead of replaying it a zillion times and then moving on to other games. They could then of course nerf it so people could complete it after a couple of weeks of not being able to maybe kill that last boss or whatever. The benefit and the curse of players doing the testing on the test server is they already know all the exploits, yes exploits (thrones, happiness) so they can complete the raids as soon as they come out. Instead of having the opportunity to struggle on live and maybe take a while to learn the mechanics.

    If you read the different forums for various games there is one theme that is on every single game....people are ALWAYS upset because there is not enough content for them to run. In this game in particular there just isn't enough to do. The reason there isn't enough to do is because the developers are catering to the 20 minute raid 5/10 minute duo requirement. I would much rather have more difficult/ time consuming content (meaning one instance of whatever takes considerable time) to complete and do less of it (as long as we are awarded for our time) than running out of content so quickly. For people that have less time there will always be the solos and duos, and raids when they have more time. What is the point in being able to run everything in one day and then just moving on to another game?
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  6. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Surely people aren't that bad and dumb to take on counter immune, high buff bosses in duos...?
    A huge majority of players that are bad, are kids, and I don't remember this game being for kids when it came out. My friend came back to the game at CR112 and did the t7 duos with no problem and he has 110sp... Now that's showing that the content is very easy, not easy.
  7. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    That's a very good point, but I'm aiming this at challenges and duos.
  8. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    lol this the dude posted a duo video like wtf.
  9. Saami Loyal Player

    I like it easy.
  10. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I'm not elite, and I certainly don't play all the time except weekends. But I don't like the fact that I run through duos and challenges with zero effort when they freshly hit live, I would like them to be abit annoying and rough at first and become gradually very easy when your geared up with the stuff from that content.
  11. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    I have not even ran Throne or Happiness Raid. I have only recently beaten Hades. So not everyone is calling the game easy. Some of us play in other ways. I enjoy the duos and alerts. FE though is painful. I have been in PuGs with CR 122+ and they could not get the first room. I was tanking and I could not believe that no one out of all those CR could knock down the shields.

    You all call the game easy mode, but that is not true for a lot of people. I am CR 122 on my tank now and I still have not done all content. Not everyone is elite.
  12. SGS_JonLegend Well-Known Player

    My last paragraph can be spoken from firsthand experience. It is in fact as fact.

    Clown box portaling had to do with Lab, and was not used to obtain gear.

    In that case, it was a glitch, but it had nothing to do with Clown boxing in Thrones, which is why they made it a supercharge, when the Devs realized the potential of it.

    You lack of investigation negates the validity of your case once again, and proves them to once again be opinions :D
  13. SGS_JonLegend Well-Known Player

    I've already covered this Topic. If you reviewed the evidence, you'll see I wasn't present that evening, however I was for all other attempts. Like others, you've failed to do your research on the topic, so you're speaking without any authority to your opinion.

    While all opinions are valued, they are not all valid. I'll be sure to stay Competen(t), you be sure to do the same ;)
  14. SGS_JonLegend Well-Known Player

    I'm willing to bet you're right that they did settle on an "F It" approach to the clown box method. It did in fact bring in a lot of replays. And while I understand your perspective, it is only your opinion. There is a Logic to the use of Clown box. Those unable to see that, have their typical knee-jerk reaction to jump onto the “you exploited bandwagon.”

    I fully understand this, but when you are not bound by limitations set on by the self and not ones environment, you can see past the default attitude that is to not think outside of the box. Is it fair? Indeed, because all can use it. Is it Cheap? That is up to the observer to decide. Is it an exploit? It is in fact not. An exploit would be something unnatural or inhuman to do. It would be an action that only a few, not the many could pull off.

    In this case, we have a trick that can be utilized in order reduce the time and effort spent within Thrones. It is not an admission stating I'm/we're incapable of defeating the challenge without it, it is a recognition of available tools that can be used to overcome said obstacle, and the proper utilization of those tools.

    As per blocking Stompa from entering.... Well that's just clever. Intended? Prolly not. And exploit? Negative. Once again this is something everyone can use. Have I tried it personally? Nope. Haven't even seen it. But I've thought about it just to see how it works.

    The misunderstanding here is that the individuals who you say "exploit" HAVE to exploit in order to overcome content. In reality, these tricks are utilized at the last possible moment, or when they're use is for more logical then the perceived "intended" method.

    "Intended" is subjective, and up for only the Devs to propagate. It is not open up for opinion by the Mobs that swarm these posts with their go to "Exploit" name tag they pin on whatever they don't understand.

    But know this, I respect and Value your feedback/opinions... But I recognize them as just and only that.
  15. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Yep, nailed it. When we are asking for challenging content, this what we mean: a raid design that promotes and utilizes teamplay, like Fos 2, Dox, Throne etc. The fact that some hard raids can be glitched isn't the player's fault who are asking for a challenge, that's only because the raid mechanics aren't thought out well.
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  16. Tule New Player

    1. They make the game. Not me. I shouldn't be forced to make my own conte

    2. That's not a challenge. Challenge requires reflexes and paying attention. I never said I wanted 10 million hp, in fact I said the opposite..
  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Fos2 at its launch
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  18. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Blocking a boss's finisher seems inconsistent. If a Healer has issues blocking normal add attacks let alone boss attacks why should they believe that they can block a bosses super-move.

    I do not fault players for not having the instinct to block moves if they are not a tank. They are trained (supposedly) to do what their roles specialize. Healers heal through damage, not to block it. DPS take the "sucker" out before they are through raw and speedy damage. Controllers try to paralyze or cancel damage before they are KO'd. Now, Tanks block to prevent harm, so blocking should nearly instinctual for them.

    Bottom Line: It is not fair to expect players to know when to block when it normally is not the best course of action for them.

    Except for Mental users, they should always know (this is a joke).
  19. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Not being rude, but could you please do more paragraphs next time?

    Anyway, I get what your saying, and I loved the duos back in the day, BFE, was what I was meant to add in my thread, It's what I want for a challenge in a duo, not too easy, not too hard.

    It occurred to me, what if like with the raids, they make a hard duo type and a normal duo type for the struggling players?

    Like Normal types will be like the t7 and t6 type of duos of run and kill, whilst the hard type duos require guarding, setting up buttons, blocking boss attacks, bosses immune to countering ect.

    This can apply to Challenges too, The Circe solo was easy but, as you said the Huntress and Bizarro ones were hard in some instances, even the WoLpt2 solo was a hard one at first.
  20. redwolfyogi Well-Known Player

    I remember when patrol catastrophe dropped I was 111 dps with about 135sp… mind im fire and this was before the AM fix. That was one of the hardest solo/daily missions ever to me. However did I complete it? Yes... But all my other friends said it was so easy as they were powers woth much better AM so there was no issue. Now the average player would have given up, not considered what powers juggle, knocked down, or would have just skipped the whole thing nonetheless at cr 106. Challenges for you might be impossible for others, but something so simple for you could feel like Hell to some. And lets not even talk about the WOTL2 solo but I did it too with a lot of patience.
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