I want a challenge in new content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Jul 19, 2015.

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  1. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Small group content should cater to the average majority of players. What may be challenging to some my not be to others. Elite alerts and raids are the extra challenge for the above average groups. I always thought of solo's and duo's were put into the game as a fast way to level alts and for lesser skilled players that can't do the alerts and raids.
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  2. Antwoman Dedicated Player

    Me personally I liked it better in the days before AM's and WM's where you needed really skill in my opinion so if it was harder I would welcome it. I mean I took my 7 year sister on the test server and she ran through it with not too many problems she didn't die she did decend damage. 7 years old and you are kicking butt in the bombshell testing serving meaning to me its too easy. Well in her excuse my family is awsome. also that was her 2nd time playing the game so she was pretty awsome our other sisters where amazed....kids these days right.
  3. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Amazing hand eye coordination at a young age future star.
  4. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    No offense to the OP, but the last time someone mentioned a challenge, DBG came up with Survival Mode and Elite Raids. Funny how everyone wants to glitch them in order to beat it or progress higher.

    Sighs, this game and the direction that it's headed seems to be towards the sunset...
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  5. Xibo Loyal Player

    100% true!!!
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  6. Antwoman Dedicated Player

    I thought my other younger sister who staarted playing this game at 12 now 15 was amazing she learned to DPS Tank Heal and Troll with not issues and if you was scoreboard chasing she was amongst the tops in her fields at times. But at 7 not really knowing what to do and just destroying what is in there gives me hope for us females in gaming that some guys (not saying you) will take female gamers more serious other than eye candy....lol which we do to ourselves as times I cannot say we don't.
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  7. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Hopefully the difficulty is being looked at and is being considerably made more difficult. Especially in regard to NPC health.

    Also as Black Lanterns wield Death it would be more appropriate for them to hit harder than your average folk lantern. (I don't mean one shots, just hard hits). This would also encourage players to not just 2 DPS duos, maybe have DPS and Heal, or DPS and Tank.
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  8. SGS_JonLegend Well-Known Player

    Just wanted to properly present the facts to counter a couple of inaccurate opinions posted here.

    Clown box is not a glitch, it is a power that can be utilized by the entire player base upon reaching the appropriate level. I understand you'd like to present your opinion as a fact, but some of these statements are only your opinion, and simply not the case, nor are they the reality.

    No gear was ever taken from players using the Clown box in Thrones, and the Devs have already said that it in fact wasn't a glitch -- and was allowed.

    Furthermore, there is the fact that the invisible ledge was only used that one night, in that one particular video. It was not discovered until that night, and was not used again after.
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  9. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    It was considered a glitch until they made it a supercharge thanks to the quantum tunneling box carrying crowd.

    It was also referred to as cheese and not intended.

    Gear was taken away from several people.

    And your last paragraph you presented as fact but is an opinion.
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  10. Sarcasm Committed Player

    Thank you guys for reminding me . Yes he said it was cheesy too .
  11. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I won't call it a "glitch," but using Clown Box to avoid being teleported in Throne is an exploit no matter what any developer says. It is an exploit and it is not intended.

    When they created Throne Elite, their intention was for 4 players to be teleported and in order for those players to escape the hallways, they had to kill 4 adds. Fixes were implemented because certain transformations prevented people from being teleported.

    Now, I can't be 100% certain why they came out and said that Clown Box is all of a sudden a legitimate, although cheap, strategy instead of fixing it, but I believe they were tired of making all these changes to Clown Box (removing the ability to pick it up, making it a supercharge) and they just said f*ck it. That and all the people who were only able to beat Elite using Clown Box who were spending replays that they otherwise would not have spent.

    Bottom line is it's an exploit, it's unintended, and it's just as wrong as glitching the door open in HH and trapping Lashina/Stompa/Granny behind the door, which I still can't believe they haven't fixed yet. :(
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  12. megamanexe Committed Player

    I thought the community didn't want counter proof bosses
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  13. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    iirc they had the content on test last round really easy so ppl can test without any issues really. Mainly for bugs ect.

    Then a week or a few days BEFORE going live they upped the difficulty some.
  14. Vyltran Loyal Player

    Lol, i prefer it to be more difficult. Oh wait, i just noticed there are few "N word" because they work, they they they blah blah. 1 day is 24 hours, you still have a lot of time to play with DCUO. The reason of difficulty is what makes DLC/Episodes worthy, those kinds of challenges makes better players & create some confidence for raids in your own benefit. I can't stand easy content, makes me feel kinda bored & feel like... meh, "gotta run this because i need marks".

    I want difficulty be increased for a bit, no a full copy/paste from another features/contents already used. If you don't agree, i don't give a rotten cookie what you think.. LOL.
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  15. Veritech Loyal Player

    Nailed it
  16. Makineko Committed Player

    Coming from the same person who with their league actively exploited a glitch in HH survival mode (love how one of your own league posted the damning evidence, love watching idiots at work xD )

    Stay incompetent ;)
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  17. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    Thank you!

    The condescending attitude of his small segment of the population is extremely gross and hypocritical. It's basically a bunch of cheaters with superiority complexes and no skill. Gross.
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  18. Tule New Player

    Getting hit harder or doing less damage does not equal a challenge. And even people with jobs with 8 hour shifts like me like a challenge. Having bosses with a million hp isn't a challenge and is even more time consuming.
  19. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Sadly the only good elite raid was Throne. I honestly can't remember the last alert that utilizes all roles, most if not all alerts can be done with 4 dps and sidekicks.

    Game is not challenging thanks to AM.
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  20. Tule New Player

    Unerfed dox and nexus were good. But people didn't want to pay attention and dodge so it was nerfed.
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