I want a challenge in new content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Jul 19, 2015.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

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  2. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    Perhaps, you and others in the same bracket could start playing the game more often and learn how to improve yourself instead of promoting mediocrity on the forums and faffing.
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  3. smoove76 Committed Player

    If you want a challenge in the new upcoming content.Why don't you let your toon wear only half their gear, Then take a run at the new Duo? I bet that'll be all the challenge you ever need. :mad: I wish you people would stop trying to ruin content for the rest us before it even goes live :mad: Not all of us want to run content, & become more aggravated finishing the content than when we 1st started it. SOME PPL DO PLAY VIDEO GAMES TO RELAX,AFTER WORKING 8-10 Hr SHIFTS YOU KNOW.:mad:
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  4. Couze Well-Known Player

    Or you guys can go play a solo game that has no teamwork in it and get roflstomped into oblivion. You guys say you want a challenge but you won't pay games that challenge you and only you to be better. Listen I don't want to play in a Duo that is impossibly hard and get paired with incompetent help... Let's bring up BFE again..?.Gotham hospital.... People complained day one that it was too hard....no it wasn't. Sure it was painful that the turrets hit so hard and the boss could heal himself if you didn't interrupt, but if you did interrupt and used the health barrels... It was a cake walk even at cr43 unless you didn't know how to actually deal damage, then you got caught in this loop of not having enough health. This is why I left my first league.... They said things were too hard because they didn't want to learn the mechanics. I took a select few listeners with me and made my own league. Then eventually I landed up in my current league in mid 2012 shortly after my group couldn't pass prime battleground. I started laughing and ran into an old friend from my street fighter days...we recognized one another from voices. I joined that league and rarely had an issue completing content. I went so far as to solo troll and heal every content even under geared. Then we got to nexus n DoX.....people had to learn safety.... And 95% of the community complained.... We still beat the raids casually, but we still acknowledged the fact that the raids were brutal. We add a pug tank controller or healer and these raids became unbearable. Trolls n healers dying because they aren't dodging attacks...or healers spamming power bars when everyone has full health.

    How many new mechanics do you think the developers can possibly come up with while keeping things fresh and inviting to get money from new customers?? Not trying to sound offensive, but people were complaining about the BL solo being too easy with 131 adds...but truth be told they weren't... You just weren't at the !minimum requirements which was 116 with cr scaling 116-126 is a huge difference in mitigation...add the facts that some AMs have stuns and knockdowns and others don't.... Then you'll see a difference when you're swarned by 7 enemies and can't cc them because they have too much health. I had leaguemates who couldn't beat the hunt and bizarro missions but were topping charts same thing hairnet with Circe and WW solos. Now they are easy as sin. If you go Into a solo challenge as a beast pvp player everything is going to be easy to you same thing with duos.

    Have you ever tried doing resource recovery with 2 111 DPS and no super charges ,colas, orbitals, or supply drops? You know the "hard way"?

    Don't make the game challenge you , challenge yourself!
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  5. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    I want a challenge....

    Response: FOS1 buff

    Result: glitchy/broken/at times impossible 1 st boss with 500 supermen

    I want a challenge......

    Response: Paradox Wave and Nexus

    Result: clown box glitch low point in players login

    I want a challenge......

    Response: Survival Mode

    Result: complaints to long/to repetive/not enough reward

    I want a challenge......

    Response: Elite Throne

    Result: clown box glitch/player base outrage/gear taken away

    I want a challenge.....

    Response: Elite HH w/gear affinity set bonuses

    Result: Invisible ledge/door glitching/locking bosses in glitch complaints about set bonuses on gear

    Yeah, forgive me if I really don't care.
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  6. Circe New Player

    I am playing the game. Nobody takes into account queuing into instances, nor playing at tier anymore. Everyone runs at highest CR possible, and then tries to say content too easy. People were running lower tier content with CRs of 120's and saying the content was too easy. That is pure crap right there.

    Of course, there's more examples where these people wanting challenging content aren't taking into account other players. It seems selfish as heck, honestly.
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  7. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

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  8. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    My favorite is when the elite players say that those who ask for adjustments are entitled. Much hypocrisy there. Isn't it just as entitled to believe the game should be designed only for the elite players and everyone else should up their game?

    The best way to obtain longevity in this game would be to always have easy, normal, and elite type raids. That would allow players of varying skill sets, which this game has a very high standard deviation in skill, to play content and enjoy the game. I believe the last few episodes have at least attempted to implement that strategy.
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  9. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    Max CR does not account for raid mechanics, even now t7 people who skipped Paradox fail in completing that raid and the same can be said about other raids that require players to use knowledge of the raid and not simply tank and spank.

    I for one can only speak for myself and while there may be players that find even trivial content challenging, such may not be the case with everyone. Similarly, I would like to see them speak for themselves or only represent their league or community of players.

    I don't find it selfish to demand something for me alongside catering to rest of the community.
  10. BumblingB I got better.

    Door glitch. Flight resulted in permanent grounding. Standing on pillars.
    Oh and Nexus had the fan wiggle glitch that created a FotM AND there was that walk on rafters thing.

    Stealing this:
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  11. Antwoman Dedicated Player

    I agree with you on all points you made but in turn we aren't sure if those gliches were cause by making it challenging either. Gliches could have been cause by poor testing and l or not looking at the test data hard enough. Some of these were gliches before people out cries of make it harder. I will say this people need to be careful of what they ask for because it seems they ask for something and it turns out to not be what they had in mind. But yeah none of what you said really attribute towards challenging on not since you can pretty much find a glich in almost every DLC in this game if you look hard enough in any game really...So I don't see a link to what you said and asking for a challenge.
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  12. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    There is a small percentage of really good players, who should from time to time get content that caters to their skill level. Hands down no argument, there.

    But, always a but, what most people mean when they say "I want a challenge" can be translated to; I want to be able to do something the rest of you can't do and if I can't do it within the rules, I'll break the game for a piece of gear you can't get."

    I also have huge issues with full sets of gear being rewards for elite content but I've long since accepted no one cares.
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  13. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    no he is saying that everyone in the game isnt at a high skill lvl and they make games for the masses not for elitist. if you want a super hard game there are game that are designed for that but MMO's arent them
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  14. Sarcasm Committed Player

    IDC about no of these you typed except Throne , because the only glitch in there was the quantum teleporting . Thats it . The clown box is not a glitch nor exploit . Loche already said it himself that's one way you can beat throne .
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  15. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    He also said it was a cheesy way to beat it. Just making sure you keep his response in context.
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  16. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    we would have a game like that if it werent for criers that complain about not being able to beat content that isnt suposed to be beat until several tiers later unless the player is truly skilled and on top of them are the glitchers who break hard content to get the gear that makes it then too easy.. the community is what ruins the dificulty lvl in this game
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    He also said that it's a cheesy way. It's a legitimate strategy, but not a morally good one.
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  18. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Yeah, after players used clown box to try to break Paradox.

    Then used it to exploit Throne. They changed it to a supercahrge because they didn't want to take a power away from people who might actually enjoy it organically in gameplay.

    And he also said it was compete cheese and not the designed use.....

    But yeah quantum teleporting to I forgot about that one.
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  19. Antwoman Dedicated Player


    I just wanted to post this too
  20. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I agree with you. That said, the community also is what keeps the game alive by paying for it. If the developers create too much content that excludes the community from enjoying it, the community stops paying, and the game does not survive. There is a balancing act to be maintained if you want this game to continue its existence.
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