I want a challenge in new content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheDarknessWithin, Jul 19, 2015.

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  1. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Not a walk in the park.

    Note this isn't in any way insulting the players in the video:

    Look at their CR...

    Now like nearly everyone is CR125 and 126 now, and look at this new duo, it's not easy, it's VERY EASY. The bosses shouldn't even be considered bosses, they are just extra health npc's! Not happy with this duo at all so far, except for the Black visuals. People can literally do this blind folded. 2:14 look at the bosses sorry excuse for a super move.

    Why can't the Bosses actually be counter proof and give debuffs at the players, and actually hit hard? Can they actually get a High health pool too....? Why can't the mobs actually have higher health and be counter proof too?, Instead of just stunn and kill in a second. IT'S A DUO, not a raid...!

    All it is, is stand, spam and kill. No logic, technique, thrill and mechanics to it.

    I'm not one bit happy with the duo, and I'm not afraid to say it.
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  2. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It is time for the high healthpools to come back. All these GU's to Dps AM's have made us too powerful for high-end content. Stack enough FOTM-Powers in a raid and it's completed before the bosses can work their magic and oppose danger.

    Higher healthpools and actual difficulty with some more well thought off mechanics that actually means something. Pushing out the same old, same old won't do much to anyone.
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  3. Dipin Gujral Committed Player

    I feel you and agree with your post 100%.

    In fact, I have made a post about reconsidering the Monthly Episode Format in which the content while as easy as it is stays but they make a hard mode for those that seek a challenge.

    The hard mode is differentiated from elite content as it would drop the same gear/loot just with a higher difficulty level. The incentive to run hard mode will be one or two feats that can only be completed in the hard mode and not the easy one.

    If you like my idea and wish to support it, please post on the following thread and show your solidarity with those that want the game to challenge them.

  4. Couze Well-Known Player

    Lol whine much.... You guys keep saying there aren't mechanics to it but there are..... The fact is you play with other experienced and intelligent people who figure out these mechanics and then it becomes easy for you. The thing you guys don't realize is that they don't cater to us hardcore skillpoint junkies. They cater to the average gamer. Content is designed assuming players have 100 ish skillpoint not 200+. Content is also designed for you to figure out mechanics and do then correctly. What you fail to realize is that there are still inexperienced players who don't know the mechanics and have horrible teamwork and the raids become unbearable. No offense but since when has any duo been difficult? Seriously I've solod every duo this game has ever thrown at me at level. Why? Because I played intelligently and used colas and health barrels accordingly. Yet when BFE duos came out everyone said how hard they were... Shouting for cr70+ for cr43 duos.... All because they didn't know how to interrupt healing, move the boss away from other enemies, or use health barrels or hit turrets. To some players the hive and university duos were hard.... That's because they weren't fully competent on playing this game to its highest peak.

    I implore you use a different character, maybe lower SP, or even try using a non op power without league buffs, exobyte enhanced gear at the baseline cr requirement with 100 SP. I promise you you will have an entirely different experience. Maybe try using weapon mastery instead of your AM. Try any other play style and see how things go.

    Every content has a mechanic, sadly our grinds have just muted them....example....ngn, boss teleports, gizmos, article gust, add spawnings are all mechanics. We learned them we destroyed content. 2nd boss....switches are a mechanic don't hit them and you'll die.... Final boss, get hit by the moving electrodes and get knocked off the side and die.... Another mechanic.

    What your asking for is silly....hey let's have a bossfight where we have to hit 6 switches in an unpredictable sequence while dodging bombs that drop out of the sky, and have to also pay attention to electricity and flames on the floor while the healer is trapped inside a dome until we hit all switches... Don't forget the add that spawns can pull everyone to the left when we have to go right.... We all have .0003 secs to dodge and grab a box too or we will die.

    No one In there right mind wants higher health pools if anything more armor on The bosses to reduce our output. There is nothing wrong with the content we have been given. Raids are not supposed to be 2 hour hump sessions. I know it's hard for you to understand but less than 1% if the gamers have beaten the hardest raids per tier without glitching at level... That's something to note. Be appreciative that you are in the 1% crowd.
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  5. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    What mechanics are in the duo?

    Even the average/casual player will think this is stupidly easy.

    Duos have never been difficult, but with the new monthly content I was expecting something of wow factor. It is just plain old silly at how easy and boring this duo and others have become. Counter Proof, Increased Health, Increased Armor, Better Damage, Better Super Attacks or Modes, Better Mobs that don't die in 2 seconds...These are 126CR people, imagine when they are 131+...

    It's a whine, of how much I've tried to stick to this game waiting for more wow, only to cringe and be disappointed.
  6. Crimson Mayhem Loyal Player

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  7. Kid Multiverse Loyal Player

    I'm sure you'll find once the content launches that the challenge will be at a perfectly calibrated difficulty for you personally because that's what matters. Hope that helps!
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  8. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I obviously haven't explained my thread clearly, but are you saying you would prefer to just stand, spam and kill, with no effort whatsoever and then finish and logout?
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  9. inferno Loyal Player

    @Zneeak - Toons that are 124 or 126 are not TOO powerful for this instance. Remember that the Combat scaling Adjustment drastically cuts your damage out. Look at the numbers the ice toon was putting out. I don't even think he hit a high crit of 5000, all I saw was in the 3500 area. And High health? That will just make a fairly boring duo MORE longer.

    Each group of ads they encountered were made up of 3.

    You want harder duos? Have each group make up of 9 ads that are constantly doing moves that stun and encase. Let's see how powerful you guys feel when your moves keep getting interrupted and you keep getting stunned and you loose your power return mechanics. And then have groups of ads appear during boss fights.
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  10. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    I wish that they would increase the difficulty of the content, because this game has gotten too easy. The early days of this game provided a decent challenge and were fun. FoS2 is a great example of this, because people couldn't get the speed feat without being mostly vendor geared. In fact, many times people needed 2-4 hours to complete it. People haven't needed any skill since OC, that is of course with the exception of both Elite Raids and SM. DCUO is supposed to be a MMORPG, but it's starting to look like a hack n slash adventure game. We need an actual challenge from content, instead of us steamrolling it on Day 1. If people can't beat it, then they either need to wait until they improve either their character/skill or have people that can help them.
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  11. Makineko Committed Player

    I'd love challenge too but unfortunately a large part of the playerbase can't even push R1 despite being given a lot of warning. You're also talking about the same community that can make Relics t6 raid look like HH. I would love for more challenge but unfortunately a large bulk of the playerbase bulk when presented with challenge ad cry for a nerf instead of doing the "boring" thing of learning a mechanic :(.
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  12. Xanoth Dedicated Player

    I see the desire for challenge a lot, yet afaik the next 3 months worth of content will still be T7, this isn't the start of tier 8.

    This content should not be balanced around players who are 126 in a duo.

    Should there be better mechanics? sure. a challenge that isn't based 100% on CR is how content should be designed.

    Should they increase health by 500% because those over geared complete it too fast? no.

    Duos should be easy enough that they can be completed by the majority of the players that play the game, if you go in expecting a challenge when you're at the max CR available prior to their release, you're going to be disappointed, if that's the case, the game isn't what's at fault.

    All this said, the fact it requires 124 to enter seems out of whack with past progression, if I have a problem with anything, it's that. It certainly changes expectations, and it begs the question, is this now T8? T7 shortest tier to date with the least content and most reliance on replays or vendor grind to get out of it. I guess this is slightly off topic but if anything stood out to me as being off or unexpected after watching that, it's the entry requirement. **** alts if this is their game.
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  13. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    There is a feedback thread for this. Post it in there. This content is not live yet, test hasn't had an update yet since it went live, don't form conclusions on content that hasn't gone live yet.
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  14. Circe New Player

    People asking for challenging content have hurt the game IMO. Look at Survivor Mode. "Exclusives" that could've benefited the whole playerbase rather than a select few. The horrible GU47 which seriously drove people away, and made the game a completely different game than before. The seasonal instances, which have made it hard on newer players, and people under level 30. Even look at Legends PVE (before changed). LOA was unbeatable for many before they fixed it. South Gotham was tedious for many, as well as Area 51 and Bludhaven. Elite raids get broken and abused by players. And the list goes on.
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  15. BigAl Devoted Player

    I wouldn't get my panties in too tight a bunch just yet. It may be buffed before live, its likely just easy now so people can test for bugs. I didn't find it too easy....I had an ice partner that died in a sub boss fight when the boss focused entirely on him the whole fight.

    Want it more challenging....take off your gear? o_O
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  16. Circe New Player

    Do they really want to drive away their playerbase anymore? 2-4 hours is crazy.

    The fact that many players can't even beat the Brainiac ship speaks wonders.

    The game has gotten too easy for YOU, however, there are still many who find it challenging. People still have a hard time in many lower tier instances, there are lots of people even saying the seasonal events are too much.
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  17. kawe Loyal Player

    I don't think the stuff you listed actually work in your favor.
    Survival Mode only drops cosmetics, compared to elite gear in elite raids cosmetics have nothing to do with progression and that doesn't benefit any player in terms of gameplay. GU47 made content easier if anything. T4 are was broken tho as it wasn't scaling correctly afaik. The seasonal was broken aswell. PvE wasn't hard, just something new as ppl didn't know how the roleless buffs work. LoA LPvE had a "broken" serpent claw. And tedious is not hard in regards to the other maps.
    And expext SM, and elite raids, nothing of these where requested.

    Broken things hurt the game, not medium balanced content. (that gets nerfed anyway because ppl don't know the mechanics.)
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  18. Circe New Player

    I don't think you get my arguments. The cosmetics in Survival Mode could've been used in other ways to attract players and make themselves money. Cosmetics are a big part of MMO's. I don't know why people always tend to downplay that here.

    GU47 did not make things easier for most people. I guess you (and others like you) can't look at the other side of things. It might've made things easier for people 2 tiers above each tier, but other than that, no.

    The seasonal was broken. It was apparently fixed, and people are still reporting troubles. I don't know if we're playing the same game/reading the same message board, or...

    They didn't just fix the broken Serpent Claw though. They made it easier on all accounts, I think. They had to reduce the difficulty level of the whole instance.

    Well, if those arguments didn't work for you, we could bring up Origin Crisis which the devs have stated was bad for the playerbase (or something like that has been a while).
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  19. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    Understand something op... When t7 duos released were they easy? YES definitely easy with 114 np,u say 125 126 like its any different in next duo? And anyway ITS A DUO, its not designed to be difficult, t5 t6 duos were easy too, look around you.
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  20. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    And I want a million dollars. How does it feel to want?
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