I think that SOE devs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Laff Riot, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Laff Riot New Player

    dropped the ball at a great chance with WOTL. Nothing horrible but something that could have been done. A leaguemate and I were talking about the CC trinket. And we both said it would have been cool to have made one for the WOTL DLC but make it a construct like that is in the game already. Just make us a red one.

    I just wonder if they even thought of doing this? I wish they would have or could do so for WOTL 3? Whats your guys take on this?
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  2. RiskVsReward New Player

    Or just not recycle old content with operations... One of the laziest raid/alert designs ever
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  3. Poo New Player

    They "dropped the ball" because they didn't make a trinket that you and a friend thought would be cool?

    There are many other reasons you should have listed :cool:
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  4. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    New trinket in WOTLF PART 2. Summon The red lantern cat Dexx Star. (is that his name, i am not a huge lantern fan so i dont know this stuff) to aid you in battle.
  5. Laff Riot New Player

    lol too many other threads about the issues of WOTL and I felt that I didnt need to address them anymore. But we can discuss them here too. I dont care.
  6. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    PS3 can't handle anything else. This is not directed at RvR, however If you are still rocking a PS3 beacuse you cannot afford it, or because you're just to cheap, understand you are the reason for this type of recycled content PERIOD. The PS3 cannot handle anything else ie weapons, movement modes etc. Maybe a few more powers, but thats it. The roadmap must be able to fit all the VOL. of the trilogies. Stop complaining about the Dev's being lazy and buy a PS4, then you're complaints would have merit. If your using old tech, that could never really handle the game from the beginning, we cannot ask for more.
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  7. Roland Deschain New Player

    lol you are a marvelous customer, you don't know what you say but still you affirm it like it's the absolute truth

    new maps add hard disk space
    the limit on the ps3 hardware is ram

    they could add 1 hundred new maps and not clutter the ps3 as much as 2 new powers
    because files from power must be on ram all the time, files from the maps you're not in are on hard disk
    ps3 has an upgradable hard disk so you don't have any problem

    animation is the problem that ps3 face, new animations needs ram memory, new power and new weapons need new animations

    new maps need almost no ram, operations in fact affect ps3 more than alerts because the map to load is way bigger, and at the same time you have to load other players doing the same operation part

    if you ask a ps3 player to run trigon, they will have no problem, if you ask them to run ST, MR, FR, BIA the map change parts, the central city/misty metropolis part with tons of unneded action going on will kill the ps3 loading times
    player in the dungeon load only the dungeon, everything in excess goes away from the ram
    if you go into nexus and load nexus, there will be no problem after the initial charge time
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  8. RiskVsReward New Player

    Lol, I have a ps4, besides what your saying is very ignorant... Also, you do realize that you're pretty much saying that we will get nothing but recycled operations for the next 2 years and no new content right?

    Also Devs said that the ps3 can't handle new powers not new instances, instance work different for ram since they are loaded individually. Wotl was a lazy doc besides including a power, the revs were busy with other things at the time, but it doesn't change the fact that it was a lazy cop out of a dlc

    The more you know
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  9. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    This is partially true but not entirely. Powers are actually easy to implement because they again , use rehashed animations. Each power has perhaps 1 or 2 specific animations that are unique to said.power. However, movement modes and weapons are the challenge. We may be able to fit one more movement mode but that's it. Weapons are done. Regarding alerts, sorry man, the PS3 is still unstable. By the time most persons have loaded into the instance, I am already halfway done. It's that bad, and not an exaggeration. Its not even about internet speed. The PS3 is old tech that was always a challenge to program for. The time to design and then program for it is way to extensive. Until the PS3 is gone, new unique content will be few and far in-between. That's not laziness on the Devs part, or just a matter of a small design team. The PS3 is archaic. The very thing that kept the game alive for so long is now holding us back.
  10. Helios The Eternal Flame Dedicated Player

    That's exactly what I'm saying. As of right now we are trapped in a paradox. More people have PS3's so they must support it, but regarding the release of new innovative content will continue to decline. You can call me ignorant all you like, but the proof will be in the content we receive. Playing on a PS4 is like playing a totally different game. Until then we have hit a wall. I hate to be apocalyptic, but I will say what the Dev's can't or won't say : we will be stuck in this stale phase until PS3's are phased out. You can say I'm wrong and we can debate all night. I prefer to sit back and watch what we get over the course of the DLC roadmap. We'll see who is right and how many more lazy Dev threads surface lol.
  11. Trexlight Devoted Player

    What helios says is true to some extent, the PS3 doesnt have the space for pretty much nothing else. Its not the reason why we are seeing "rehashed" content but understand they will continue to support the PS3 but new weapons and new powers HAVE to be able to run on the PS3 and not "break it" lol.

    Im not pointing blame when it comes to the content. "recycled" content can be very engaging if done right and so far im not bored.
  12. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Errr... Ehm... Ugh...

    The devs "dropped the ball" because they failed to implement something that 2 players decided - between themselves - would be "cool"? Am I getting this right?

    Well - since you asked - my take on this is such: it's a dumb idea and don't quit your day job - leave game design to the professionals. Goes for your leaguemate as well... :p
  13. Delta795 New Player

    Ignorance must truly be bliss