Only reason im still here is because people will destroy the celestial guide and because of my friends. Other than that id've been left at GU47
For starters, has nothing to do with creating drama. Nor is it about the new raid (seeing is how I'm so far behind to even do that one). Also, it's not an official "I Quit" sort of thread. Did anything what was originally posted said anything about me quitting??? No. I said I was in debate about it / "don't know if I intend to quit". So do not jump to conclusions as of yet. I will, however for sake of argument, say this much...... DCUO, in honest opinion, started out as being a really good game. I've been involved with it since day one launch and even during beta testing. It does have that sense of "originality" when it comes to character creation where with Marvel Heroes just gives you an established character and you build from there. City of Heroes or anything else similar to that also provided the same original character design,.....except the graphics were a bit crappier in my opinion. When a player reaches a state within the game where they find themselves asking "Why am I even logging in when it is the same grind and b.s. I experience??", you begin to rethink your place within the game. Many of us have taken the time, patience, energy and loads of money, dumped it into the game and for what??? Just to experience the same thing every time. Even doing the new raid constantly becomes a grind until people get bored with it because it's been nerfed (if it gets to that point) or people are going in over-powered. The fun just isn't there any more until the next available episode. Unfortunately, it becomes a never-ending cycle. So am I officially quitting??? Don't know. I am planning on taking a bit of a time out from the game, that much is true. As to the forums, I dunno. That's also a maybe. I haven't been posting much because I just don't feel the sense of motivation or incentive. So everything now toward's this game is "neutral",.....and logging in to do the same thing over and over again fills me with gaming apathy.
I can certainly see where you're coming from and I quit originally for the same reasons. I've since started over on a new platform and it's given me a new perspective on the game. You're not gear chasing from your statement about being behind and that's a good thing IMO. I have never even beaten the first boss in that new raid and don't not care if I ever do so while it's relevant content. It seems the ones who most vehemently rant and rave on these forums are the ones spamming replays for some rare drop from the flavor of the month update. Is there any aspect of the game you still find enjoyable? If so, try rethinking your current approach and center around that. I like alts and styles for example so I run a LOT of old content on my main for style feats and I level alts so I can replay all the story lines. I also give all my alts backstories so I can get more immersion from it and to me, as an old school table top role player, that makes the game more fun. Is there anything like that you can find that you can refocus on to see if what you originally found enjoyable is still there and you can find it enjoyable once again? The reality is you may not find that again and the game may have lost its appeal for your and if that's the case, then it is what it is and only you can say if that's the case for you or not. They say changes are coming. It appears they've been saying that for a LONG time now and they never come or if they do, they're not what was promised. Is there any major change that would make the game more enjoyable? I know you said you don't sub so content is limited. If you play villain side and ever need someone to fill a group any content any size, I'll be happy to play assuming I don't have a screaming kid or wife obligations at the time. I'd be happy to try to help you find fun in the game again if it's possible.
Its something i go through on the daily basis with this game. I always think "why am i even logging on. ill just be doing the same dam thing for an hour or so then get tired". It just goes on and on and on. An unending cycle of uninspired leveling. Its like im playing this game out of necessity and not because of fun. its quite weird. Honestly i just wait for something new like a power to come, get that little bit of new quality in the game. Then around 70cr i just lose it. I hate the mentality of how to do instances. I hate grinding for feats that have nothing to do with skill to gain skill points. I hate the lack of information given in the game.I hate the way powers are in the game. I hate the crazy elitism in the game. I hate the league system in the game. i hate the lack of items in the market. But ill still play it. i know i will. cus im a masochist.