I Now Have Every Feat Currently In The Game!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Anima, Jun 8, 2014.

  1. Anima Committed Player

    Hi. :)


    Wanna see the ones I'm missing?

    Here you go.


    I now have nothing else to do... but I can never be complete until I have those four feats.

    Please tell me why we are waiting so long, devs.
    • Like x 19
  2. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Yep same here haha.. they just don't give a s*** mate, 2 months since they gave an official reply 14 months since the map is MIA

    whats worse is that its not even bugged, at least not in scrims..

    Probaby will launch it with new pvp update but thats the cheapest move ever
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  3. KiLL ORDER New Player

    but yet you DO NOT have every feat. #FAIL
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  4. Gottcha Well-Known Player

    Every feat CURRENTLY available. Don't you get the point of this that those 4 feats haven't been available to get?
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  5. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    I only have 135 sp's op!

    Wanna help a brother out? :p

    I kid I kid but congrats!
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  6. SenateZ Active Player

    Grats, my friend. Yeah, Bring back Safehouse Rescue, and a dog form trinket, also Raven/Starfire loading screens for research and educational purposes.
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  7. Twilight Man New Player

    Even completing every feat doesn't qualify as "nothing else to do in the game", but anyway major congratulations on getting so many cuz I know that was no easy Feat *wink*wink* ;) ....pun intended ha.
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  8. Anima Committed Player

    Sorry. All I saw was your signature.
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  9. Twilight Man New Player

    My kinda vision. *thumbs up*
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  10. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Now work your magic feat grinding determination my way so i can get stuff done >.>
  11. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Definitely stretching the limits of the guidelines for sigs... ;)
  12. Anima Committed Player

    Psh. You think that's bad... just look at the female characters in DCUO! Mine for example... xD

    But on hero side? It's everywhere.
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  13. Echephyle New Player

    Female Mario cosplay. Droolzzzz
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  14. Dephyre Committed Player

    Congrats, now let's storm the dev's homebase and demand they put those **** safehouses back in.
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  15. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    been on that for the past 3 months solid.. they stopped caring mate unfortunately
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  16. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Fixed it for you. No need to call names. That gets the same point across. ;-}
  17. PenguinWA Level 30

    Where the hell did you see black lighting in PVP.

    I've ran the 8v8 HQ watchtower and hall of doom at least a 100 times each and never saw him.

    I even ran the safe houses 100 times. Still haven't seen him.

    Guess I'm just unlucky ;(
  18. Octantis New Player

    Now go play outside ;)
  19. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Black Lightning only appears in the Hall of Doom 8v8, and sporadically at that.

    You have to Rally him in the first half of the match if you want the Feat.
  20. Anima Committed Player

    Does not compute.
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