Late last week, I completed the Feat: Happy, Hippolyta. But It did not register. I tried contacting varies entities concerning the matter. To no real solid conculsion this is my last attempt. I am positive I conpleted the feat because later I was lucky enough to have the same que for the feat to que and I then completed it again and still there was no feat granted for my efforts. So my question is, is this the correct place to have my complaint noticed? And secondly, in the future can the "submit ticket' feature, which was useable at launch, be reinstalled in the settings menu? The comfort of knowing, just knowing, that your ticket has been submitted to the "game, from the game" just feels better to myself, and Im sure alot other players. Thanks for any response I may recieve
The Feat has to be completed in your first go at it. If you die and try again, it won't work; you have to reset and replay the instance again. If you are completing it on your first go, then yes, Arkham Asylum is the right place to get it noticed because others might be having the same issue.
Ok thanks guys, yes I died and did not replay it before I tried again. I thought you could just simply replay the instance because some of the feats do not require that to get the feat
They don't mean replay like 'use replay badges', they mean it as in 'redo the instance' like you thought at first. Not positive if that's what you were thinking so if you weren't thinking that I apologize in advance.
Just want to be clear here: I meant that you have to leave the instance and wait for it to reset before you can try again. I did not mean that you have to reset the instance with Replay Badges. You don't. And yes, I do wish that all of the Feat descriptions would include the 'must be done on the first try' descriptor if it's a necessary component for completion. Edit: Shift beat me to it.