I have a terrible idea!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by neidler, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. neidler New Player

    So I keep on hearing stuff bout stats being clamped. On one hand I understand. If im going through just thunder ####### everything it robs the other people of the experience in many ways.
    On the other hand Ive done it im just here for that sweet sweet loot.

    So here is my proably dumb idea which im sure I will be told in a bunch of ways why its stupid or wouldnt work.

    Anyway, here it is. Add an option that if your cr is X amount higher than suggested you can just go into the vault instead. While in the vault instead of the standard stuff it has the same loot table as whatever content your trying to do. It would have a box that specifically held the boss drops the rest would be drops from the trash mobs.

    I picture it being similar to when you choose a legend you decid if you want to enter the instance stat clamped or go into the vault version.

    This would be good for the fact that if you enjoy an instance you can enjoy the experience the way it was meant to be played. While at the same time if you just want the loot you dont have to wait for other players and you dont negate their experience.
    It would also eliminate the need for walk in portals for everything, though I assume the people who want the walk ins want them more for a challenge.

    Thats my dumb idea for the day. Thanks for reading.
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  2. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    My take on it is this (and I have been chided for it), but clamp the additional mechanics depending on the cr level of the mission (or make it a walk in for those that wish to solo it). I got chided because some players 'claim' they have earned their stats and should not be penalized for it to suit other players that are lower in cr. But that was never my point and I would not ask for that.

    I oppose stat clamping. WM and AM were made for advanced and much more difficult missions. WM and AM were not mede for T1-14 (imo). If it was, then let's hear it for all those people that oppose nerfing, but applaud rediculous and unecessary buffing.

    If I bring in a noobish toon and I get paired or grouped with T6's, I am down for the run and will appreciate the group. But if its Area 51, you really need that quantum am, guy? Was it that important? Cuz what I am saying is you could digitally sneeze without any combos and the map would clear itself.

    So, making the point here, as I have on my own threads about it, please no stat-clamping. But yes to making am's and wm's relevent in content where they were justified and very useful. I would never turn down someone higher than me in cr helping me, nor ask they be stat-clamped. But there is such a thing as overkill. There is no way you can argue against nerfing, but then cry if you aren't allowed to use annihilation mechanics that literally just came into the game to make life easier. No one earned that. They literally made that up long after the combat format was established, years later. In any case, it will be what it will be, but I would like to see some balancers introduced. Just no clamping, because I do agree with people that they earned their stats and gear, and it should not be taken from them.
  3. ChuckLess New Player

    So either play an instance or go into the Vault and just get all the loot for free?!

    If that is what you meant, yeah it is a really dumb idea :rolleyes:
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  4. Juxes Committed Player

    Terrible idea.
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  5. neidler New Player

    Since its hard to convey tone online Ill just say im not trying to be sarcastic or a jerk but im curious as to what wrong with that idea.

    Im only suggesting this as a alternative if the introduced stat clamping mind you.
    If im cr 32345432345 and want to try and get a cc hood I could just run the strykers vault instead of the mission for the 6000th time.
    But if I enjoy the level I can que into the stat clamped version.

    I would like to understand why you think that a bad idea though.
  6. neidler New Player

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  7. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I'm against stat clamping because then gear really means squat ... You'll. Never feel like you're getting stronger.... I'd much rather they add walk I s for all instances do those that are only going in for a style will do it that way.. Some will join a group to show off but mist who just want gear are going to solo it...

    When we do feat runs for newer leaguemates they are all appreciative that we finish it as fast as we can.. Cause our goal is building their sp and gearing them up to get into end game content... Some do want to take their time and if that's the case we are cool with that too...but the majority want quic feats to build their sp as fast as possible ... There are of course the grindy ones they have to work on ...

    So no to stat clamping

    As far as this idea is concerned about the vault...I say no mist the styles you're looking for can be purchased with top tier marks... I think at this point only a few of the t2-t3 raid styles are missing ... They'll be added soon enough
  8. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Well, at least the thread title is accurate :p

    But honestly, I'd rather stomp through an instance alone that go into the vault more than once a day. Hell, I only go there for the MoF now.

    Give me my damn instance mod for my teleporter!
  9. NaumNML New Player

    Stat clamping as it is currently implemented ( forced during seasonals) will never happen for live content. I can say that with 100% confidence.

    Optional Stat Clamping with some form of incentives like higher prestige, unique base items etc....... there might be something to that. I've wanted something to make old content relevant without being game breaking for awhile now. I feel bad for new players queing into stuff that don't get to experience it as they should. Queing into FOS2 with 100 CR guys who power you through it doesn't allow you to feel what we felt when that launched or learn the teamwork needed to get it done. But because of style feats etc, your gonna have that happen. Old player powering through old stuff while highly geared so they get whatever missing feat they have. It's part of why I think we have so many bad players right now. They didn't have to learn how to play to get to end game.

    And I know the popular option is walk ins. But walkin to Kahndaq alone and let me know how you hit all 3 consoles and advance the map all by yourself lol. Having two ques to me is the easy option. Clamped for unique stuff and extra prestige. Non clamped so you can get your rent marks and farm whatever feats/styles you need to get it done. Best of both worlds.
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  10. ChuckLess New Player

    If you're serious, and since I've seen your name around here for quite some time I'm not sure you are, you do not deserve an explanation.

    You said yourself it's a dumb idea, so you already know why anyway.
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  11. neidler New Player

    I like your idea and hope your right about them not making stat clamps mandatory.

    My idea was basically saying if stat clamps were gonna be a thing give me the option to just go into the vault with whatever instances loot table instead of forcing me to farm missions ive done countless times as if id never progressed.
  12. Davis New Player

    You were right its a terrible idea.
  13. neidler New Player

    The gif in your sig makes me happy, so if your cr 114 and are forcefully stat clamped to run fos 3 you wouldnt rather run the vault with the fos loot table then get back to doing at level content.
  14. sillhouette Well-Known Player

    Why stop halfway? How about a set of buttons in your lair "Kill All in [FOS1/FOS2/FOS3]". Then you can just sit on your couch, eat cheetos, and press a few "win game, get loot" buttons for your weekly jollies. Why bother actually playing the game, how old-fashioned...
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  15. neidler New Player

    Thats the thing, I know its kind of a dumb idea just not sure why.
    I know it wont happen, its just kind of a protest to the idea of mandatory stat clamps as in I already use older content as a sort of glorified vault run and I would rather just go into the vault if its that or get my character nerfed to get my loot.

    I get the idea of trying to preserve the integrity of the game by stopping uber powerful characters from blitzing through everything and keeping new or at level players from experiencing the right way.
    At the same time one of my favorite things about getting stronger is to go back and just wreck all the stuff I used to struggle with.
    On the other hand sometimes im just farming for stuff to sell, its a cold emotionless exercise designed merely to achieve a goal,which is also strangely therapeutic.

    The thing is, there needs to be a balance struck between these things and im not sure how it would best be achieved.
    Fascinating topic but a dilemma without an easy solution.
  16. Sifo Drogas New Player

    There should be absolutely NOTHING done to stats. If kids cant win its cuz they suck. Plain and simple. Kill them until they quit. Thats what I do.
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  17. neidler New Player

    That literally made me bust out laughing and the sick thing is I could see myself doing it.
    In between dlcs, fire up dcuo and I would obviously be standing next to the button, hit the button, log off.
    I smiled the entire time I wrote this this response. Goodness.
  18. neidler New Player

    I dont want my stats nerfed either, sometimes after a hard day at work it can be therapeutic to just veg out and slaughter stuff with super power.
  19. ChuckLess New Player

    Well they did say that if they introduce "stat clamping" there would be alternatives for those that do NOT wish to be clamped.
  20. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Only if the boxes have as much health as the watchtower sparring targets.
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