I have a question concerning the bundles(Episode 1 pack and 2)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Morcra, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. Morcra Committed Player

    So i haven't played for a while due technical difficulties but getting back into it and i noticed how i rly cant do anything without legendary.So i was-gonna do something i should have done before.Buy some episodes.

    so yeah i was gonna buy them both for 30.then i noticed the power bundle.

    The question is do i get the powers(obviously not munitions) from buying episode 1 and 2 or do i need to buy the power bundles also cus if so......Thats....kind of ridiculous
  2. X3antonio3X Active Player

    TBH you should wait untill you get to cr80 and then buy legendary for a month so youll have enough time for 130cr+ and then buy the episode 16+17 instead of wasting money on episode's that are useless
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  3. Morcra Committed Player

    i have alts over 80 but that is not whats really concerning me. its more for when i make new characters and when i do run out of time on legendary i can still do most of the dungeons and access most things in the game.

    If the powers are indeed separate ill just use legendary instead until and money have the time to buy it.
  4. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    yes everything is separate now the episode pack are strictly content only even if they use to have a power associated with them. The prices were adjusted and lowered from the orginal price to compensate for the fact that it is separate now. If you want everything it might be cheaper to go Legendary, but for premium player that only want content without powers or powers without content it is about a 40% discount.
  5. Backseid Devoted Player

    Buying content was a bad idea from the get go. Now? Not even close to worth it. Either play as Legendary, or don't bother playing at all. Imho.
  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You do not get any powers if you buy the Episode packs. All the powers have been separated from the DLCs they originally came with, and those older DLCs (now Episodes) such as Fight for the Light, which included Light, and Lightning Strikes, which had Electricity, have had their prices reduced from $10 to $5.

    If you get a month of Legendary you could always just make one character for each purchasable power and leave them in the Brainiac ship. That way even when your sub runs out you will still have characters with those powers, you just won't be able to make a new character with a purchasable power.
  7. Morcra Committed Player


    Im considering buying the episode 1 and 2 packs cus then ill at least have more then half of the instances and areas in this game. Soi wont be left out doing nothing .

    Yoou know, just saying, i do use legendary most of the time,not recently but...yeah.
    anyway ty for the info. Ill buy the bundles and just use legendary to account for the rest.
  8. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    The contents of the bundles are explained in their descriptions.

    You should consider buying the Ultimate Edition. Lots of episodes and the power bundle and more.