I just wanted to post what I like about this game so far. 1. Synthetic Mods - these things are a god send, especially when I think about the first time KI had all the sunstone armor only to find out i had to have a @#$% load of exobytes to buy OR find. 2.PD teleporters take you to all teleporters now - seriously this saves so much time instead of going all the way to the watchtower and running across or going to the wrong police station you can get there much faster 3. home turf - i honestly believe that is one of the best dlc's a must have for pvp, dont care too much for orbital strikes, but the mods! oh the mods!!! 4. combat system - the rock/paper/scissors aspect of it is fantastic, it's way faster than standard mmo's 5. weapon mastery - it's not even out yet but i know im going to like it 6. faster tier grind/feat unlocking - the grind sucks but now i can update any toon to top level making the grind way more bearable Just so sick of hearing complaint on complaint on complaint "Nerf this, don't nerf that, revamp!" but i do have one minor hitch. I notice how some powers overwrite another of the same power. could there be some type of warning label or disclaimer? 'effects do not stack' 'will overwrite'? thats it
There have been complaints about walk-ins? Why not give an extra reward for chart numbers in PVE? and not just damage output; but for healing out, power out, and damage taken. 1. gives more players incentive to play their freakin role, 2. incentive for higher geared players to play lower tiered raids. By doing walk ins with people below your cr you're guaranteed these rewards, as well as toughing out a raid and having high numbers. These rewards could be plans, solo missions, extra marks, another gear drop. But, wait. What will this mean for lower players who won't have a chance of getting these rewards? They get through the raid or alert and get their marks. lol I bet my pug group will kick me! Why would they? Your the reason their alive. Are they really going to kick their best? ok smart@$$ what if they went through a raid that respawned alot of enemies and kept getting kills and got high up the scoreboards? it's more loot, not stronger loot. They're doing too much So I'm going to spend my replays just for a chance to beat the score? hell no. It won't be part of loot lock it's rewarded at the end wait so I can keep replaying it get high scores at no cost? well no. there will be a lock but it wont be a part of the monthly bonus. It's more like a mvp bonus
You're officially my new favorite person here for using that picture. I like the idea of possibly giving some small reward for scoreboards, but I can see it causing problems with just more scoreboard chasing, which isn't something this game needs. Plus many times now people just run with 1 tank and healer. So they'd get rewards automatically. Then whichever troll is doing PoT will practically always get the reward. Yea, sometimes there will be a second healer, but as of the moment it will just come down to the dps sadly. Which will, as I said, promote scoreboard chasing and stupidity on many dps's part.
1. Great addition. Synth Mod IIIs are the best powerleveling tool (for alts of course ) so far. PvP ones are really cheap too if you're at the highest tier, which is great for those scion pieces you don't want to fully mod 2. A leaguemate always brags about using them for CC bounties... 3. TBH, it's a must-have for pve too. A lot of the content is designed around having that extra burst. Plus 8 supply drops available in a raid is a troller's dream. 4. Probably the main thing that is keeping players from quitting DCUO entirely. They may take a couple month breaks, but the combat system brings them back. 5. Toss Up. Knee Launch->Loft Shot looks super sexy though! 6. As someone with quite a few alts and too lazy to grind them, both of these features are great for me. Trying to solo heal AnB with 2180 resto @ cr92, however, was very stressful for someone who's played a troller powerset since I joined 2.5 years ago.
healing out should not be competitive, if you are lucky enough to have two healers in an instance they should be supportive of each other, not competing. Do you even pug? The random kick for utterly stupid reasons is the pug signature move.
Rock paper scissors? Since When? Yes, Tanks are rock Healers are Paper Trollers are Scissors Then DPS come along, claiming to be both Lizard and Spock, so they beat all others. Sorry, I grew up with Rock/Paper/Scissors, not Rock/Paper/Scissors/Lizard/Spock... Broke from day one. You can't build a triangle with four points.
I think they mean the whole "block, block break, lunge" mechanics. Though I don't see how its really all that similar to "rock, paper, scissors". I can agree though the action-based combat is what has appeal, even if it has some flaws.
Well yea the game as a whole is a lot more complex, but just the combat mechanics by themselves, it's pretty rock, paper, scissor-y (?)
Funky, there's already a Fire power overwrite table in one of the Oracle forums. Not sure if someone made one for other powers.