I finally support best gear in vendor tired of greenies

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by tinoman, Oct 12, 2015.

  1. tinoman Dedicated Player

    As title states I fully support best gear or eqivelent cr in vendor
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  2. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Best gear in vendor, progressive gear with a unique style in content :)

    I don't want those lazy players, who run 1 instance, getting 3 opportunities at gear on par with gear that takes 40-70 Marks worth of content to obtain, in a run that lasts between 15 and 30 minutes.
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  3. YinChakra Dedicated Player

    No need for a new thread.
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  4. tinoman Dedicated Player

    Yes there is too much green gear for all your hard work in unholy.
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  5. Backseid Devoted Player

    Welcome to the right way of thinking ;)
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  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Replay or get left behind.

    lol but seriously #BestGearVendorGear
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  7. ChillCat Loyal Player

    I support the notion of best gear being earned through hard work, not random luck.
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  8. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    I have to support this too now...kind of peeved with this luck system...i keep checking my credit card report to see if the luck system works in there too and the monthly fee doesn't drop there...so far it's dropped every time :(
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  9. tinoman Dedicated Player

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  10. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    That would suck for my Alts :( I don't really have time to grind on them like I do my main.
  11. Kal~el Committed Player

    IMO, there should not be ANY green gear in the unholy raid.
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  12. tinoman Dedicated Player

    it's already hard trying to get drops on alts i retired 2 of mine.
  13. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Honestly just can't you get drops shouldn't be a reason to give up on them. Vendor gear is realibe to keep up with
  14. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    How does this idea not promote just as many if not more replays? To get geared you would have to run more content lots more this idea does not discourage but actually would increase the number of replays you would need to spend. Mind you im not against this idea but dont say that this way is any less reliant on replays.
  15. lukelucky Devoted Player

    U said u finally support vendor gear so u were initially against it? I only aske because ur a player who is a perfect example of why this is an unsustainable system long term and why we need to shift focus. Assuming is dangerous but 1 id bet u liked loot drops and replayed. Id then assume ur at a point where ur frustrated hence the thread and one of two futures await you. 1 spending will be reduced going forward or u will get mad enough u quit. Am I close?

    Anyway u cut it sharing POLITELY how u went from supporter to soured is helpful information. Thanks and sorry for ur frustrations
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  16. Backseid Devoted Player

    That's the downside. The Devs would make gear sooo expensive in order to push Replays. It's a shame they have absolutely no other way to make money. I wonder what other games do...
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  17. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    Well this idea does cut both ways because those "lazy" people can get your same progressive gear by running ONLY the previous tier content. What should be vauled more skill to complete hard content or time to run content that is easy?
  18. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    Well if you have 12 pieces of relevant content, many of which resets daily, other threads have posts where players show you could get a 4 pieces of monthly gear at costs of over 100 marks a piece without having to replay even once.

    The bet that many #bestgearinvendor supporters want the devs to make is that hardcores will want top gear day one and will replay like crazy, not wanting to wait for resets. Although I support best gear in vendor, I'm not convinced that is a safe bet at all or that it will mean equal or increased revenue for devs.

    Why replay when you can get top gear in time and without spending a dime? It still doesn't make sense to me, but as others have said, that shouldn't be our problem. We want a fun and rewarding system, which most agree this is not, it's up to devs to come up with something that will make them money and make us happy.

    This doesn't have to be a zero-sum game, we can all win :)
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  19. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    It's way easier than hundreds of Marks though.

    Mepps has already stated that if Vendor gear was made the top gear, the price would increase drastically.

    I think the system is fine the way it is, especially for alts. Be careful what you wish for or you'll be singin'

  20. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    All relevant content will have a reason or purpose to be ran (marks) which adds a purpose to each run. Each run will hold value since you walk out with marks to use to progress (and complete a style and not for a style alone). Vendor gear right now is more of a stepping stone. Some don't even bother with it which devalues MoV. They go straight for the newest episode content chasing the top gear. So yes, people will spend replays but will feel rewarded even if they don't get the rare gear drop since they can walk out with their marks which can be used to purchase a piece of gear that helps them progress (kinda how it was with MoT). However spending replays and coming up empty handed 85% of the time only leads to displeasure and discontent. That will only last for so long for those spending quite a bit to progress. People are getting caught up in the chase because at end game, your goal is to get to the top. Yet when there is just one piece of content that is the only instance that matters and that content drops garbage, the system begins to fail at the lost of interest from the players. It will continue to get frustrating as each episode is released. Why wait until the water boils over the pot? To each their own. I personally believe (and this is my opinion) that vendor gear being at least of equal CR (with the exception of stat) would be something good for the game and players. We've always seen threads of complaints in loot in the past but it is clearly worse now with a luck based system based on one or two pieces of content that are the only thing available to help progress.

    I am a perfect example of someone who would likely spend a nice chunk of money on RB if best gear or equal CR gear was available at the vendor. Before MoV, before content relevancy, I would spend a nice chunk of change on a weekly basis on RB. I knew I could run anything even below my tier and come out with something to help me progress. Obviously the lower the content, the lower the reward amount however I felt I came out with something useful in order to progress, regardless of how small the reward. Right now, I have nothing but the new raid to run if I wish to progress since I have completed my vendor gear. By resetting the content, chances are (and very big chances at that), I will come out with nothing to help me progress. If I had to pay 100 MoVs for a piece of gear that increases my CR and progression I would be more engaged in the game and spending $ on RB.
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