i feel like i'm going bat(poop) insane!!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by JustSome_Chick, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. JustSome_Chick New Player

    Chat doesn't work apparently. That's the only explanation I can come up with for several groups in a row ignoring Everything I've tried to say about how to finish the Larfleeze instance. It has to be that they can't see what I am saying -

    Otherwise the game is populated with stark raving IDIOTS. People so dumb, Darwin would write volumes of case examples about how they should be dead already, and please don't breed.

    It has to be the chat system. And if so.. WHY IS THIS STILL AN ISSUE???? We waited HOW LONG for htis update, and people can't see what the heck I am saying to them???

    My mic got stepped on by my kid and I can't spend the $$ for a new one til after Christmas pay. Come on now.. I don't even want to TOUCH this stinking game if I am going to be faced with 10 wipes on an EASY mission!! (Yes, Larfleeze is EASY if ANYONE in the group can get the others to listen!!!)

    I'm so mad I could spit, and even though yes I am mad at the groups I've had for not being able to COOPERATE (come on now, even without chat or voice you should know SOMETHING about working together!) it's this - feeling of being gagged and tied and tossed in with the morons that makes me want to give up.

    Yes, I've done this with other toons today, but tonight it's just not working for the last alt I want to get feats for.


    /rant off
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  2. JustSome_Chick New Player


    I finally got a group that managed to not only work together, but speed feat it. Sheesh.

    This is why I can only do these events with 3 characters max. Because one of them is bound to get stuck looping deathgroups over and over. Groundhogs day for DCUO.