I deleted my toon by a mistake

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by o Duncan, Mar 8, 2015.

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  1. HazeTA New Player

    70sp and you think he put any decent amount of work in?

    You have to type your characters name in to delete it, sorry, but that's 100% on him.
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  2. Abisial Committed Player

    Not that I don't have sympathy for the guy and hope he gets his toon back, but this isn't "On the Devs" this was clearly his mistake nothing on their side went wrong to cause this.
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  3. Great Spirit Devoted Player

    You unlucky S word.
  4. o Duncan Well-Known Player

    Yo what's wrong with you? did you even read what i wrote? do not say anything about the damn SP cuz i don't care about the damn SP i only care about the styles and the auras that's what i care about i payed real money to get all that from my damn wallet i consider what i did as a ''HardWork'' you can't tell me that what i did is not considered as a ''HardWork'' you just can't mate , you think that if you had a 1 year old toon and 200 SP and all that crap that's hardwork? nah mate i don't think that this is hardwork.
    The money that i've spent on this character is the hardwork to me.
    ''Sorry but that's 100% on him''
    Well after thinking again i aint paying crap for this game and oh wow i was thinking of making a new toon and giving this game money again oh wait wait what if something happened like what if after a year or something a guy hacks me or the toon gets deleted by itself for some kind of an error and i'm the ''poor guy'' what am i gonna do? come here type this **** again for you all and send a ticket? yeah yeah **** that mate.
    And also i aint making a new toon and i aint giving this game cash from my wallet
    If they give me back the toon and do something kind for someone i'll consider that as ''the company cared for someone and helped him'' but not sit on their ***** and i'm pretty sure they saw my ticket and they didn't even respond to it.
    +The money i've spent on reply badges and on coins in the marketplace and styles and power tokens and all that is what i really care and feel sorry about.
    So i guess my money aint coming back to me all i'm asking for is to get the toon back and everyone is being a dick about it and like seriously? this is how you delete a toon? just click delete , type name.
    I think that you need to do something about that i mean something like ''go to email to confirm that you want to delete your toon''
    Which makes it more safer.
    Yeah and imagine if your friend or your brother or someone was at your house and you left the game open and someone saw ur characters and wanted to delete them just in a simple way delete , type name that's it.
    then you'll come back omg wtf happened? yeah and when you type what happened here everyone is gonna say that you're a liar and you can't get your toon back.
    Yup nice company you have there.
  5. Sore Steadfast Player

    I'm not sympathetic at all now that he admitted he made up a fake story to try to make his case sound more appealing. It was a two week old toon, not a two year old toon. It's funny how the census was able to call him out on that.
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  6. o Duncan Well-Known Player

    I just don't get it dude does the story really matter to you? i mean everything is gonna point the same point here which is if someone lost his toon he 100% wants it back
    and i want mine back.
  7. Sore Steadfast Player

    It kinda does. I'm not customer service. Posting this thread has no bearing on whether you would get your toon back anyway. At best it serves to garner sympathy from the community. If you have to lie to do so, you can't get caught in it or else you've undermined the entire purpose of the thread. At this point I don't trust any of your story whether it was your oops or a friend or a brother.
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  8. o Duncan Well-Known Player

    Well i told you that i came up with a fake story because the real one is stupid and i told you the real story.
    My brother deleted my toon and that's it.
    I don't know if you're gonna believe me or not but i told you what really happened.
    Ah man i'm gonna waste days and days begging this company to give me my toon back how stupid is that if they want me to pay **** money to get it back i can do that but don't just ignore me.......:mad:
  9. Supergirly Dedicated Player

    Actually, that sounds more realistic than that dumb lie. But here is the thing, don't let your brother have your password, ever. It is your responsibility to guard it, not the devs.

    Good luck.
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  10. Superskull85 Devoted Player

    There is no "accidently deleting a character" these days as the UI forces you to literally type your characters name as confirmation before deletion. Even if the names are similar you still need to type the literal name of the character. You'd know which is which by the fact it would require you to enter the extra space.

    Regardless of a fake story or not you get no sympathy from me as there is no such thing "accidental deletion" of a character from the character select screen when you choose to do it.
  11. Sore Steadfast Player

    But that doesn't account for the fact that you told two lies. One was how the deletion occurred because you thought the real story was "stupid". The other lie was about how much time you invested in the toon. You said it was a 2 year old toon rather than a 2 week old toon. I assume you said that because it is an attempt to garner extra sympathy and you figured there was no way we can verify that. Your actions in this thread alone show you as the kind of person that'll say anything if you think it benefits you and you can get away with it.

    So as far as I'm concerned, this is your answer and I don't have any sympathy for whether you like it.
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  12. CHUD Loyal Player

    A wise man once said....."A fool and his toon are soon parted."
    If you are unable to get that toon back........well,.....I'm gonna say it.....you should have been a little bit more observant when deleting characters. You made a mistake and look for sympathy for an accident you did to yourself???? Dude,....I hope that character you accidentally deleted is never able to be restored and you now have to work twice as hard to get it up to par.
  13. o Duncan Well-Known Player

    I didn't say that i spent 2 years on the toon so please don't make up **** i only said that i've been playing the game for 2 years i never even said that i was playing in the same toon for 2 years + if that was true my toon would have been even more higher than that anyways i'll just make a new toon or i'll quit the game now please sir can you tell me how to close this ''Discussion''? i don't want to talk about it anymore. now it's begining to be annoying as hell.
  14. Prosser Dedicated Player

    Just report your own post, and state that you are done discussing the topic and want it closed.
  15. o Duncan Well-Known Player

    Ok thanks!
  16. Sore Steadfast Player

    Fair enough. I missed the post where you clarified that. Ironically, it's the same post where you insisted you weren't lying about the story and that you remembered it like it happened yesterday.

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  17. o Duncan Well-Known Player

    Yup gg you won you're so smart bro congratz!
  18. o Duncan Well-Known Player

    ''Red Words''
    Ok so i already told everyone the real story and i don't care if you believe it or not because it doesn't matter to me and i already said that i was playing the game for 2 years and not playing on the same toon for 2 years.
    And you really need to stop being a ******** bro that's annoying me.
  19. HeavyWeapon Dedicated Player

    He wasn't lying he did remember the story like it was yesterday because when he posted it the story was created the day before. lol
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  20. DG-MOD-02 New Player

    I am going to close this thread now. Please remember to keep posts constructive on these forums.
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