I cant stand this new mark system

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Morcra, May 23, 2015.

  1. Morcra Committed Player

    I mean wth. ik its a bit late to be complaining but i just cant simply get used to it. rising in tiers doesn't feel controlled anymore, it feels forced. I like to buy all the iconic gear i need before i advance to the next tier. But now i just, cant, actually, there's just no point.

    why are t1 gears the same cost as before. i can barely get enough marks in a day to even get one piece of gear. its ridiculous. I don't even want to do more then 5 instances a day cause some of them are just kinda, just seriously exhausting to beat. Like try to get past the doorway on the hive moon instance on your first try, its not pleasant.

    There's not even really any point in getting iconic gear anymore because gear from doing instances help you in the long run and are just more easy coming. But i really don't like that. I mean whats the point of the new marks....if your not gonna use it most of the time.

    -sigh- Anyway may i ask you guys how you get around it. Cus im just completely bummed atm
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  2. LightOfQuantum Committed Player

    With every GU this game becomes worse.
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  3. Reformed New Player

    All of the lower tiers' mark reward cr band was increased so that you couldn't be forced out of buying iconic gear from that tier. Meaning, that if a full set of tier 1 gear (vendor or bought, whichever is higher) put you at cr48 (for example), you would not be locked from MoV in tier 1 instances until you reach cr49. As a result, you end earning MoV from both tier 1 and tier 2 instances between cr43 and cr48.

    Additionally, if you decided to skip buying all of the vendor styles during the leveling from t1 to t6, you can purchase the styles off of Vendor 00 in the Hall of Heroes for 10 MoV each.

    MMOs in general are a grind, that is a major way of keeping players in the game. However, DCUO has a very relaxed grind system, and running 5 instances a day equates to ~1 hour of playtime. You might find the first section of HIVE Moon Base challenging (especially Captain Bombus), but you most likely only played it with overgeared teammates. The days of being Super OP are basically gone, so you will not be able to pew pew your way through these instances any longer. Don't ignore your teammate when he gets trapped in the honeycomb, because he will take an unavoidable one-shot attack unless you break him out.

    In summary, your complaints are unjustified.
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  4. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    "I can barely get enough marks in a day to even get one piece of gear"

    Okay I have to be the old lady here, but you just have no idea how easy it is compared to when the game launched lol
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  5. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    ACW37162 wonders why he reads the forums anymore
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  6. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Basically your mindset about this is terrible. You shouldn't be getting a piece of gear or more per day progressing naturally. Try to think of it that way instead of wanting to power level.

    In terms of the marks being worth it or not, they're mostly for feats now or getting a few missing pieces to boost your combat rating in order to progress.
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  7. Morcra Committed Player


    Did u really just say running 5 instances a day equates to 1 hour. No offense, But nooo way.

    Maybe if there were some people above that tier, But with people of the same tier as it requires, in this new system, 5 instances a day definitley does not equal 1 hour of game time, not to mention all the little things you have to do between that like bathroom and whatnot, plus the waiting time. Any MMO should definitley have a grind, But this is just, kinda overboard. Ive played hive moon multiple times with over 20 different characters. Some overgeared players came and it was a breeze, some didnt, It wasnt a breeze, but it still wasnt relatively hard. Ik how it works, i did it just ealier this morning with a well balanced team and good dps, they didnt ignore the bombus bee hive things that traps you. Yet it took an incredibly long time to beat it. I tried it again with a friend cus he was doing it llike an hour ago. Same as before, we were creamed at the front door, yet this time the other 2 members left. Dungeons/instances/whatever should rise in difficulty as you gear up,lvl up, etc. they shoudnt be hard from the get go cus that certainly wont attract MOST new players.

    My main complaint is not about not being able to rise up in the tiers, but being forced 2. I like to play leisurely. I want to be able to experience all the instances at the rit tier, so it can make a me a better player in the long run. I like to buy the iconic gear at the time of need, for styles and because i find it as a better plan then staking my chances on instance gear. Whats the point of this mark system if you cant even use it half the time?
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  8. Morcra Committed Player

    U kinda have to measure in the time i spend irl and the waiting time for instances, Plus i am using my low tier chas atm. soo yeah?

    and what. Yeah i have no idea, But i do know it was very easy before GU47.
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  9. Reformed New Player

    Here's a tip, there are TWO exits to the spawn area of HIVE Moon Base.

    I already explained that you are no longer forced out of the lower tiers. Full T1 vendor gear will NOT place you outside the MoV band for T1 instances, Full T2 vendor gear will NOT place you outside the MoV band for T2 instances, etc etc.
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  10. Morcra Committed Player


    im not trying to power lvl. I just want to take my time, get my ton geared up properly with rit mods, and everything needed before advancing in the next tier. I tried to do that with this new system and i was sprung past t1 already. I just really dont like that.
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  11. BaddWulf Well-Known Player

    The forcing of players into a tier they are not ready for or don't deserve- is bad. It's just sad how bad the devs control how we want to play
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  12. Reformed New Player

    Before GU47, I could solo Kahndaq with both hands behind my back and induced in a coma. Wake up, those days are gone so comparing pre- and post-GU47 is irrelevant. The mark changes were made to specifically slow down progression, which it didn't even accomplish well.

    Anyone else find it hypocritical that the OP complains that he's being forced into higher tiers (which he isn't), then in the next sentence complains that MoV are too hard to get and that gear costs too much?
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  13. Reformed New Player

    This is false information.

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  14. Trexlight Devoted Player

    The game isnt forcing you into anything. They introduced a Mark Relevancy Overlap meaning that you can stay in T1 Content, running that stuff, getting your marks and not move on to Tier 2 UNTIL you play a T2 instance and gain a piece of gear from there increasing your CR above the overlap and you are in T2.

    Gear that drops in Raids (sometimes other content) are always and will be always better than the Vendor gear and it will increase your CR. Gaining Vendor gear is the best way to increase it though since gear in T1-T4 (iirc) dont have Unattuned Gear.

    It only feels forced because its new and you havent gotten use to it yet. Been here since launch and it takes time with change. Nothing has been game breaking, it takes time. Also helps with my years of playing MMOs that ive grown patience. MMOs are always about patience, just gotta find your rhythm.
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  15. Morcra Committed Player

    1: Thats a internal problem for me. I dont like to leave just like that. I like to stick it out as long as theres a chance.

    2: once again my problem is getting them in a timely manner.
  16. Reformed New Player

    I wasn't suggesting to leave the alert. Since you're not as intuitive as I suspected, I will have to spell it out for you.

    There is a second floor of the spawn area. This is where you deliver the turret parts you salvaged. It is through this area, that you can exit the spawn area w/o being attacked by the mob below. If your group sticks together, you can take on the mob as a team, or you can solo the stray adds away from the spawn zone. Once you complete all the objectives, the mob of adds will eventually despawn.
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  17. Reformed New Player

    That is completely subjective.

    I would love to level my alts from 0 to cr126 in 17mins and 32 seconds. Anything longer than that is not a timely manner.
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  18. Morcra Committed Player


    ok listen. I already understand that i can play in different tiers and it will still be relevant. But my problem is the cost of low tier gear and the amount of marks you get from that respective tier, which isnt really enough, making it more sensible to rely on gear you get from instances. Thats the only reason why i feel forced. I just dont want to depend on rng soley. It makes me feel as if iconic gear just arent that relevant anymore. Specifically in low tiers
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  19. Morcra Committed Player

    I... can honestly tell u that i completely forgot about that. LOL.

    Also, can you please kinda tone down the hostility, i really dont feel like arguing so early
  20. Morcra Committed Player

    Kinda my point, this is just my way of looking at it. I had a system before this, now that system is wrecked and im lost. Im trying to find a new way, But it doesnt seem sensible to do that anymore.