I can't believe the PS5 version...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by C0mbaticus, May 26, 2024.

  1. C0mbaticus New Player

    So horrendous to play. I can't even finish a stabilizer run! I Q up, everything cool, I open the gate/door, first few enemies spawn while the rest were making there way to me, once I see 6+ enemies, "poof" crashes, and crashes hard. Before this dlc the crashes were very few here and there. But once this one dropped? I swear I can't even do anything besides just standing there. Even then after 30min I ended up crashing anyways

    I had to resort in downloading the ps4 version

    Is there any fix coming? Did the dev mention anything or at least acknowledge it? I know there isn't any major upgrades or recalls but it did feel way better on ps5 when it was working.

    Edit: title was suppose to be I cant* not want lmao
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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    Sadly... the only real option right now is to keep on using the PS4 version.... until they fix the PS5 client. :(

    I tried to use the PS5 version since the new DLC..... it worked well......
    Untill yesterday when the game kept on Freezing in Raids.

    The game would Freeze every 2 Raids sadly.

    So it is back to using the PS4 client. :(
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  3. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Yeah I say keep using the PS4 client it's unfortunate they even rushed to release the PS5 version and have us beta test this thing. I rather have waited longer because this just shows either the higher Ups didn't care and is a release now fix later mentality many companies have.
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  4. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    ps4 client still horrible tho , same laggs and animation delay on ps5
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  5. Multiverse Creator League

    Yeah we have been having Lag and Animation delays on PS4 client.... but did not have the game freeze.... yet.
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  6. C0mbaticus New Player

    Yea, I know ps4 has its issues as well. But at least I can get through missions and instances. I can't even do any open world stuff on ps5. Honestly they shouldn't have released it like this. It's just embarrassing. I knew from the get go it won't be perfect at least not at launch, but didn't expect it to be this bad.

    I just hope there will be a fix coming soon, I been with dc since day one. It saddens me to see an IP sink this low.
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  7. C0mbaticus New Player

    Yes, of course. But at least I'm able to walk/run from where I pick up a mission to the area where I need to defeat the enemies. On ps5 I can't even get to 1 add before it hard crashes. I'm telling you, I once logged in, went to make a sandwich, came back it was crashed already
  8. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    I jinxed it :/
    Game just froze on ps4 client lol