i can say between heroes and villain...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by willi3bx, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. willi3bx Committed Player

    controllers worlds are completely different. i've trolled hero side on a scrub toon the last three weeks, currently cr96 1668 vit. now trolling hero side is soooo much more relaxing. villain side as a troll u either spam or ur trash. Now for those of you THAT have played both sides, share what roles and which side for which role is easier and harder for you, yes for you personnaly not what ur baby daddy said, Lo_OL
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i find villains more relaxing and alot more tolerable then heroes
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  3. Dark Horus Dedicated Player

    Meh about the same I never really have problems on either side. You are more likely to run into rude people on the hero side because it's population is larger
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  4. iSmashly New Player

    Depends on who you're running with. It doesn't matter which faction you're on.
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  5. TheHeartbreakkid New Player

    So far, I find hero side to have better players overall. I also find them to be more helpful as well, and less inclined to abide by the 'magic numbers' as much as the villains. You would think with the disparity between the population that the villains would be more inclined to help or give others a try.

    Trolling is tough no matter what side you're on depending on who you're grouped with. So far in my few days back on my villain toon I have to say that the hero side is definitely ahead. I may think differently in a few days but it looks doubtful.
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  6. Twilight Man New Player

    They're equally annoying in varying ways.
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  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Controller abuse is on both sides, regardless of hero, villian, your vit will be judged
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  8. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    All roles get abused on both sides but, on heroes side there is to much crying. Like a bunch of drama queens thrown in a room with 1 normal person.
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  9. NyteSkye New Player

    Heroes are bunch of whiny crybabies, one wipe everyone wants to quit instead getting up and trying again. What happened to trial and error? Or teaching the inexperienced tank how to tank?

    Villains, are similar but just overgrown babies lol.
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  10. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    its the same on both sides. there seems to be a slightly healthier controller population on the villain side. theres less "middle of the road" on the villain side. groups are either super desperate for a troll and will take anything with a tic or theres a level of snobby elitism that goes above and beyond anything ive seen on the hero side.
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  11. Larfleeze New Player

    It's the same on both factions, however you deal with it substantially more on Heroes side because, well, there are substantially more Heroes to deal with.
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  12. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    Hero's stink!!;)
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  13. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I played on a hero toon for a week, and almost every group was bad.
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  14. Little Sister New Player

    I love how people always separate them. I'd say the population that plays both sides is a lot higher now, since Feat buying.
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  15. BigAl Devoted Player

    I don't pug much, so I couldn't tell ya what each faction is like as far as that goes. I have friends on both sides, but I'm usually on my hero main. Not alot of drama or immaturity when I run with my league mates and/or friends, so its more relaxing and fun without all the "min/max" number chasers and l33t players to bring me down. I imagine its all in who you surround yourself with....
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  16. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    Sounds about right. Most Heroes are too busy looking in the mirror.
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  17. willi3bx Committed Player

    although the same people play both probably more than 50% the cultures are different still. hero side really has low expectations when they pug, but the villain side tend to be brutal when you lack knowledge or skill while pug-gin. random queues is almost non existent on villain side but heroes will do any raid just queuing and reopening.
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  18. Zeikial Committed Player

    You do realize that the majority of the villian population main hero toons, very few true villians who have been here from the start. Just food for thought when you decide to post about villians
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  19. ZombiePuncher New Player

    Back when I first started both sides use to be very helpful but that was mainly because the community was much smaller back before f2p (not that f2p is bad or brings bad players) it just seems that after the population boom there started to be more lines in the sand so to speech. There still are a lot of worth wild players on both sides but they are quite compared to the obnoxious majority that chat on trades (and know how to play every character ever). It has left the game a little lonesome to be honest I haven't added anyone to my friends list since I started back up. Been playing with friends and family tho so that's a plus. Got off topic a bit but yeah a lot of abuse on both sides but don't give up.
  20. Crimson Jonni New Player

    Guilty as far as looking in the mirror is concerned lmao. When i read that part i was like, "yep thats me" styles are what i live for i guess >.> but i dont think im a bad player <.<
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