I'm looking for a league to stay in. I am a 144 Dps 146 Healer Sorcery with 138 skill points. Im on USPS. My character name is KnightMode. I am a hero. I get on daily and during the day. I'm looking for a league that is good but can have some fun while playing. If you have any website or something like that leave it in a comment to this post. I will be on this weekend if you wanna talk to me. From KnightMode
If u are a hero nocturnal nights is a nice fit. We are rebuilding and a fun first league who pvps and values skill points. There is a post below titled nocturnal nights you should check it out. I will be sure to welcome a fellow sorcery player if we peak your intrest
Silent Core is recruiting on USPS. We are a hero league. We primarily play in the evenings. Please let me know if you are interested.