I’m liking the new setup

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by EP Ice, Nov 21, 2017.

  1. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I just want to say that I like the addition of the “event” versions of the new content. I’ve always been hesitant entering new content because I don’t know the mechanics and don’t want to mess things up for the group. This is why I have never ran DWF, KCT, or BBS. Of course, this is speaking from a pugging perspective.

    Having the “event” content allows me to enter the instances and learn the mechanics without the pressure from the group and I’ll feel more comfortable entering the actual content when the time comes.

    So, thumbs up Devs for this and thank you!!
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  2. stärnbock Devoted Player

    i hope they bring the antimonitor event back as a DLC, just with the same setup so the instances can be played normal or as event.
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  3. Mazahs Loyal Player

    Silly...ask us in league. We'll get ya through any and all content!
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  4. Midnyt2 New Player

    I agree with OP, I like the new setup, as a returning player, it allows me the freedom to try new content which is why I did come back. Having not played in a while, the more relaxed atmosphere allowed me to not feel to much pressure when I forgot a move or made an error. It also allowed me to start a new character and power level them up to cr 100 just over this last weekend(No repay badges ).

    Keep this event idea going, definitely on the right track.
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  5. Gulrick TheWanderer Committed Player

    I think the event versions should humiliate the player a little bit. Like replace all the punching sounds with balloon and squeaky toy sound effects. And every time you defeat an add they turn into a rainbow. And if you wipe the bosses start talking trash. And will send you mails, saying you suck.
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  6. calvin_0 Dedicated Player

    yup, I really like this new set up as well, this allow me to enjoy the story without waiting until i'm strong enough to solo it later..
  7. light FX Steadfast Player

    Im indifferent about it. But if others enjoy it great. I will say many of the mechanics in this game are reused. Plus people put up videos and guides. On the 2nd day of ep30 going live there was a guide video on youtube for panopticon. If ya really wanna learn or gain knowledge on mechanics there has always been options to do so.
  8. stärnbock Devoted Player

    event raids: q random and have fun beating it without trouble at any CR
    normal raids: you might want to form a group, so you get your roles and have fun without getting punished for failing mechanics
    elite raids: use LFG to make sure your team is well prepaired, because the mechanics will kill you, if failed.

    i guess that this is indeed a perfect setup. the only problem i have with it is the restriction of "continues"... i see the elite more as an alternative to the normal raids where you blast through without care while in the elite versions you actually have to be on your toes for one shots. but i think that resurections shouldn't be limited...

    maybe a bonus reward for players that didn't die even once during a fight, would be better. like the bonus reward for members you can only get if you are a member, this could be a nice additional reward for staying alive, without punishing to much for failing sometimes... well, other than that: way to go devs, keep on it ^^
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  9. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I’ve tried looking at videos before going into content and it has helped in some cases but not in all. It’s hard to remember every mechanic in every area of an instance (Labirinth is a good example with all the different rooms and mechanics to each room).
  10. KratTheDefiler Well-Known Player

    It also puts a halt on the score board chasing. I'm actually able to pay attention to what the story is in the instances as opposed to some internal contest of who can rush through the fastest.
  11. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I like the event/dlc set up as well. Like you say Ice it allows you to "learn" the mechanics prior to going into things at full strength. And let's be honest .. with some of the boss battles they engineered for this DLC knowing what to expect can be a big help... Heck the OWLMAN battle in the alert alone can get interesting between the random citizens with bombs strapped to their backs, the mob members that are summoned and just Owlman himself suddenly deciding to "perch" a while and force you to find him and shoot him off that perch. I enjoy that mission quite a bit by the way :D

    Also it adds another way for lower tier to advance and do some thing different. Now a brand new player that has never done the "old" stuff is fine but if you have been around a while and have a few alts the ability to pick up armor doing the event is a nice break from running the same stuff over and over again. Also even for those new players finding a team to run the DLC 30 events missions is a lot easier than finding a team for an older raid or alert that is NOT giving out artifact catalysts.