Has anyone built a character hybrid? Mixing traits from other roles into a one? If so, please post your build mods and skill point arrangements and share how it changed your experience compared to just leveling one role all the way.
I've made a post in the past about how I've done a dual-spec on my healing characters: http://forums.station.sony.com/dcuo...rcery-nature-electricity.149608/#post-1694246 I would go more with a dual-spec than a hybrid, so you change roles and change your gear if you are needed to do that role. (Rather than trying to do DPS in healer role, or doing healing in a DPS role.) In my experience it's great to do it to help out a group. If they need a healer I'll heal, if they need a DPS I'll change to DPS. Make sure you have both sets of gear though. But if your aim is to be a chart topper, then dual-spec/hybrid isn't the way to go. For me as a player who doesn't get to play often, I just wanted to get through instances and have fun, and I found being dual-spec and flexible helps out a pug/queued group better.
oh yea im familiar with dual specs. But I do want to know anybody has broken the mold? beyond (role)/Dps hybrids. Like modding out a healer to give more power when they use a power restoration sc. I want to find out which combinations work.
I've seen someone talking in the Gotham forum about doing DPS as a tank in T5 to have more survivability. Is that the direction you were trying go in? You got me thinking about it within a healer capacity, but I think it's difficult as some of the heal powers only work in heal role rather than DPS, and in non-DPS mode you get damage reduction, as well as no damage multiplier. i.e. electrogenesis, ionic drain for elec, circle of protection, soul wells for sorc savage growth for nature Although I think I've had some fun in duos with nature doing briar>metabolism>harvest which speads damage tics and healing tics at the same time
If the content can be completed comfortably, go for it but any instance that is challenging for a group, a 'hybrid' will just be a liability. Sure in duos/alerts, spec your tank into damage etc but if I go into T5 and the healer is trying to do damage, I'm out. They won't do great damage or great heals so they will be a liability.
Overall I try to run a balanced toon with a back story for their powers, rather than have something purely DPS or Troll or Tank or Healer with the "Best" loadout to max stats. In the end it gives me a toon that might not be the strongest in any role but is fun to play. The "Roles" in DCUO is one of those factors in the game that I sometimes like because it forces you to play a role in the game and gives you a defined Job; but I hate it other times because it makes you feel less powerful than you could be because you are forced to pick DPS or Role. Back when I was playing Champions Online I had a toon that was Built as a Self Healing Tank that was basically unbreakable but at the same time could do wicked damage. I could run multi person type missions by myself which again was sometimes fun and other times boring depending on my mood. But in the end sometimes it is your heros (or villans) weaknesses that make them interesting rather than how strong they are. As for your question about breaking the mold I am trying to do that now with my new quantum toon. First I started with a Back story and have stuck with one Power Tree (Time), She has power given powers for group action and can do crowd control but also has the ability to do a good power hit so she can dish out some DPS, what I end up sacrificing with my choices is over all team buffs. The thing with how DCUO has defined the powers and roles is that it is kind of hard to "Break the Mold" Even though you get choices in Armor, Mods, Skill Points; they are all based on either DPS or whatever your role is. For example you can mix and match gear but what you end up with is a weaker Role specific or weaker DPS. I think the only way to do it and get some power and balance is to pick the Role you want whether it is DPS or Role Specific and Pick all your Armor for that role and then Mod to balance out. So if you go for DPS Armor you mod (including based mods) into what ever your role is and vice versa. For my new Toon which is not at Level 30 yet I plan on making her a Troll Focused Toon when it comes to Armor but then Mod out for DPS the best I can. I am also going to try a second Quantum Toon that is based in the Space Tree and do the Opposite, Armor up for DPS but the Mod out for Trolling. I think Trolls have the best advantage for being Balanced as when in "Role" they get an advantage but don't lose anything.
I messed around with a Mental Tank for laughs: all shields. Then I realized I didn't have any offensive powers and didn't have enough skillpoints to have strong enough shields. Still, it's funny. I later modified it for more offense. But it was: TK Shield, Hard Light Shield (Iconic), Bastion, Reflect Pain, Grandeur. I used Lasso because I hate runners in Open World, but I'm sure Perfect Poise could've worked also, even though that's yet another SuperCharge. In Controller mode, I just used Terror Tendrils for the POT. It certainly was annoying to some players at my CR level for PvP.
in the pve world duel spec was big untill the new inates and harder content came out. In pvp the hybrid goes to a different level. A good example is a healer with all vengence healer gear and modded it with all precision, and spec into dps and leftover sp go to dominance. Another is a Fire tank that uses all dps gear with dps mod's, use tank rings, neck, trinkit, and weapon, The skill points put into resto, crit heals, dominance.....ect You get the picture going duel spec in pve isnt done in t5 but heavy in t4 or below. In pvp the sets up's get crazy
LOL Foxe, I hear that. I was doing multiple things at the same time and just let my thoughts get away from me without considering format.